A post where you can share your opinion no one asked for+my opinion no one asked for.

  • As the title says, this is a post where you can share your opinion, popular or unpopular, in whatever format you want! It doesn’t even matter if you have any experience in the topic, I’m just looking for your honest opinion. Feel free to comment on others opinions too.
    Now here is my full review on weapons no one asked for (as this is the point of this post):
    Sword and flintlock:I don’t care what anyone says, THIS is the best combo. It’s a classic and it makes you look COOL. The feel of both the flintlock and cutlass is perfect and it shows that you don’t rely on exploits or powerful weapons to fight. 10/10

    Sword and blunderbuss:A true close range build. Shows you like to get up close for the kill. Blunderbuss feels clunky, but it’s effective and it’s the pirate times, so I’ll cut it some slack. 9/10

    Sword and eye of reach:What are you going for here? You’re going for the most ranged weapon AND the most close ranged weapon? PICK A SIDE! Do you want to get close up or do you want to snipe? Either the cutlass is unused and you’re just sniping…or you don’t know the purpose of the eye of reach. 2/10

    Flintlock and blunderbuss:Ok now we’re getting into the “two guns” or whatever. I’m going to deduct points for not using a cutlass, as using TWO GUNS feels clunky and not as good as a gun and a sword. Plus, some people use “double gun” or whatever, which isn’t as cool as fighting normally. But…flintlock and blunderbuss is still good as it’s close-mid range so….6/10

    Eye of reach and flintlock:High-mid range is also pretty good but…I see less situations this would be useful compared to blunderbuss and flintlock 5/10

    Eye of reach and blunderbuss:PICK A SIDE ALREADY! I don’t CARE how effective this combo is, it makes you look STUPID! All this tells people is “I need two guns and probably an exploit, to kill you. Also I don’t know how weapons work!” 1/10 because it’s stupid

    consumables/findable weapons

    Trident of dark tides:magic charge up shotgun 10/10

    Fire bomb:arson 9/10

    Blunderbomb:used more to troll my friends than anything actually useful 4/10

    Ashen winds skull:a flamethrower 10/10

    Gunpowder barrel:boom 8/10

    Phantom gunpowder barrel:boom but spoooooky and time limited :( 8/10

    Stronghold gunpowder barrel:BIGGER BOOM 10/10

    Keg of ancient black powder:BIGGER BOOM but from Athena voyage 9/10

    Snake in cage:sneke 10/10

    Cannonball:the regular default cannon ball. Good for making holes in ships! 7/10

    Chainshot: The best way to stop cowards…and make everyone hate you. 4/10

    Grogball:doesn’t work, because I’m usually always drunk anyway! 2/10

    Limp ball:shouldn’t being hit by a normal cannonball injure me enough? Why do you want to break MORE bones? 3/10

    Jigball:Dancing! Fun! 8/10

    Wearyball:Sleep paralysis…not fun… 3/10

    Venom ball:too generic. Don’t know what to say about it so just take this generic 5/10

    Anchor ball:great way to be a coward AND stop a coward! 7/10

    Peaceball:peace and tranquillity…gives you a few seconds to relax…unless you’ve been boarded. 6/10

    Helmball:ROTATE!!!! 270/360

    Ballastball:great for dealing with galleons! Just requires timing… 9/10

    Rigging ball:a little less effective anchorball…but may leave a ship being able to ROTATe! 180/360

    barrelball:oh come on man I was hungry!!!!!! 2/10 cruel joke to my stomach

    Phantom cannonball:cannonball but spOOooOoOky and not time limited! 8/10

    Flame phantom cannonballs:spooky arson. 10/10

    Wraith cannonballs: explosive cannonballs and also spooky. 11/10

  • 14
  • as an appreciator of obscure references and a wandering carrier of endless curiosity I have become joy dependent on glassing random boat names during my session.

    it really doesn't matter what it is, it fascinates me and tickles my imagination.

    the randomness is a real delight

  • @realwebber69

    Emissary score and a leaderboard was one of the worst ideas ever.

    After stools.

  • i want a Emissary Reaper Chest!
    A chest that is visible to everyone that you must level up to increase its value.
    either thru miles sailed or by transporting to a variety of NPCs..
    The chest goes from level 1-5.. being worth 10k-100k

    i think it would be great for PvP..
    if u saw a Emissary Reaper chest being transported around the map..
    leveling up and increasing in value up to 100k..
    Im going after it.

    thats my opinion nobody asked for

  • @wolfmanbush
    i started a thread for people ship names..
    i love the randomness and creativity that ive seen in ship names.. im curious what names the community have come up with.
    Share some of what youve seen here.
    if you like :)

  • Too much development time and resources are being spent on temporary content (adventures).

    Adventures arent changing/evolving the SoT map like they were originally supposed to.

    We need more hull variations of the 3 ship types and we need a duel system.

    Need more stuff to do on islands.

  • I still whole-heartedly disagree with Rare on their direction with the word filter for in-game names, and I believe it is a treacherous path they are going down if their solution to dealing with anything inappropriate, is to just add things to a filter.

  • The more content Rare adds to SoT, the more marginalized pvpers have become.

    In the beginning, the simple pve content was there primarily to provide context for pvp, which was the major drawcard to SoT. One could only do so many fetch quests for the initial three factions, before longing for the sight of a sail on the horizon to add spice to the game.
    Now there is so much glorious pve content, filled with variety and lore, that pvp becomes less and less integral to the SoT experience with every update.

  • I honestly wish we had far more wildlife to deal with and hunt, be it wild boars, hammerhead sharks, stingrays in the shallow waters, pufferfish and octopi, jaguars or panthers, or even goats.

    I feel like skeletons should be expanded on with types and appearances. This would include Spanish skeletons donning armor and helmets that would make them stronger opponents with health between a regular skeleton and golden skeleton, new grenadier skeletons who'd make use of blunderbombs and firebombs, skeletons with throwable weapons like daggers/knives or spears, skeletons dressed in the GMU garb given how many of their ships sank while on the way into the Sea of Thieves, skeletons who'd climb up onto your ship or dock a rowboat to attack while you are at sea, or even mystic skeletons who'd summon others to fight for them, like the cut Screamer from Left4Dead who'd summon hordes until they are defeated.

    While the shipwreck atheistic of the outposts is fine, i'd happily sell out to the GMU if they built up the outposts into stone and mortar ports with more buildings or to Flameheart if I could have the Athena Veil fortress officially added on some sandbar island because I just really love the look of it.

  • Something I always enjoy and find interesting and appreciate in games are signs of existence long before the present

    With bones there are clues to fill in the missing pieces but with drawings there is always the mystery of what were they thinking, what was their day like, trying to make sense of history through a modern lens, even though it's often just speculation derived from imagination.

    Especially Devil's Ridge and Plunder Valley

    Whenever I go to either I always like to imagine there is some large creature, a protector of sorts that roams around undetected. The only life that existed then and now.
    As a solo sometimes I just go to one or the other at night and sit under the beautiful sky. Listen to the melodies of the water and wind.

    I don't follow the lore on what existed before because I just enjoy not knowing too much to give it up.

  • I love the gloomy, derelict vibe of the skelly ships. I think they’re the best-designed (from a style POV) element of the world.

  • @realwebber69 said in A post where you can share your opinion no one asked for+my opinion no one asked for.:

    Sword and eye of reach:What are you going for here? You’re going for the most ranged weapon AND the most close ranged weapon? PICK A SIDE! Do you want to get close up or do you want to snipe? Either the cutlass is unused and you’re just sniping…or you don’t know the purpose of the eye of reach. 2/10

    I want to shoot things far away, but I also want to sword-lunge to my ship, over chasms, at large groups of skellies, etc!

    Plus, when I miss all my EoR shots I then have swingy-button-spam to fall back on!

  • I like the open sea at the bottom of the map

    over time growth has lead the environment to feeling crowded and within that smaller, less free.

    but one can still head down south to feel the freedom and openness of the sea, nothing but the occasional shipwreck to run into.

    I like that.

  • Combat and progression are secondary aspects. The main gameplay feature (and what makes SoT so special) is sailing.

    Something about simply sailing my ship across the waters is very enjoyable to me. I think I'd still play SoT and love it just as much if you stripped out the voyages and combat and it was literally just sailing between islands and exploring them for treasure.

11 out of 14