Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright

  • I recently became a captain and I am very annoyed that I have to pay to fix any repairs on my ship. This is just a cash sink for me. That is all.

  • 51
  • Dont sail on a captained ship if you cant afford it

  • I totally agree. Paying to repair damage mid-session? Sure! But there should be an option to start each session with a fresh, undamaged ship.

  • @gallifreyli said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    Dont sail on a captained ship if you cant afford it
    So are you saying that I shouldn't use a feature that I grinded community day for? I mean I can afford it but I'd rather not spend 1k every session. Not using Captaincy isn't a solution

  • Players begged to be able to spend gold for cosmetic repairs.

    Remember this the next time you request something...

  • @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    I recently became a captain and I am very annoyed that I have to pay to fix any repairs on my ship. This is just a cash sink for me. That is all.

    Literally you just described the entire point of being able to repair cosmetic damage to your ship: a gold sink for players who otherwise have nothing to spend it on.

  • Most captans have more money than they need and the cost is minor. Also I like my battle scars.

  • @blam320 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    I recently became a captain and I am very annoyed that I have to pay to fix any repairs on my ship. This is just a cash sink for me. That is all.

    Literally you just described the entire point of being able to repair cosmetic damage to your ship: a gold sink for players who otherwise have nothing to spend it on.

    Seems like Rare has a bigger issue if players have nothing to spend gold on. (a lack of cosmetics for a cosmetic only progression game)

  • It's not like it's all that expensive or anything... 😅🙄

  • I am very annoyed that I have to pay to fix any repairs on my ship. This is just a cash sink for me. That is all.

    It is a Gold sink, which a lot of players been asking for.
    Now, You are no encouraged or entitled to repair yourship if you deem yourself, Poor or just dont wanna spend gold. Your free to choose.

    Couple things

    1. Don't take damage. :p Sounds difficult but it possible
    2. The max amount of gold on a Sloop anyways, is 5k. Which is easy to gather in couple hours or session
    3. Don't have to do it.
  • @burnbacon said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    1. The max amount of gold on a Sloop anyways, is 5k. Which is easy to gather in couple hours or session

    100% false. I've had mine close to 10,000 gold multiple times. Over 9,000 gold to repair.

  • @miserenz Then there should be an option to keep them, not a punishment to players.

  • @maximusarael020 the scars aren’t a punishment, they don’t make the ship any weaker, it’s just a show of wear and tear.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @maximusarael020 the scars aren’t a punishment, they don’t make the ship any weaker, it’s just a show of wear and tear.

    I dunno - I've been through a lot... 😅

  • @klutchxking518
    They are a punishment because they make my ship look not as pretty as a fresh-spawn, and when it's a non-captained ship it always looks pretty on a fresh spawn. So I'm paying for something that a non-captained ship gets for free.

    Yes theoretically I can save my cosmetics (THEORETICALLY) however I ALSO have to pay for that. So.....

  • @maximusarael020 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    They are a punishment because they make my ship look not as pretty as a fresh-spawn, and when it's a non-captained ship it always looks pretty on a fresh spawn. So I'm paying for something that a non-captained ship gets for free.

    Yes theoretically I can save my cosmetics (THEORETICALLY) however I ALSO have to pay for that. So.....

    Captained ships have a history, thus retain battle damage. Non-captained ships have no history.

    If you don't want to pay for it, don't. I haven't repaired my ship once.

  • @burnbacon

    5105 repair cost after 2 Veil Voyages and my usual S.W.I. damages...

    Still, 1 piece of Athena G3 loot and I've already cleared that.

    This is kind of a high score for me too lol.

    A demast, wheel damage and holes enough to match a scuttle.

    Maybe bringing in abt 225 repair cost from a nice G5 reaper ambush, but I think I restored after that 🤔

  • @d3adst1ck said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @maximusarael020 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    They are a punishment because they make my ship look not as pretty as a fresh-spawn, and when it's a non-captained ship it always looks pretty on a fresh spawn. So I'm paying for something that a non-captained ship gets for free.

    Yes theoretically I can save my cosmetics (THEORETICALLY) however I ALSO have to pay for that. So.....

    Captained ships have a history, thus retain battle damage. Non-captained ships have no history.

    If you don't want to pay for it, don't. I haven't repaired my ship once.

    Out of curiosity, how's it looking? Has the paint refreshed on its own yet? I once had a ship that was wrecked so bad, that it eventually reset (this was before captaincy though).

  • @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @blam320 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    I recently became a captain and I am very annoyed that I have to pay to fix any repairs on my ship. This is just a cash sink for me. That is all.

    Literally you just described the entire point of being able to repair cosmetic damage to your ship: a gold sink for players who otherwise have nothing to spend it on.

    Seems like Rare has a bigger issue if players have nothing to spend gold on. (a lack of cosmetics for a cosmetic only progression game)

    And what do you suggest, flat upgrades to your pirate or ship, like armored plates or bigger cannons? That's a huge no-go.

    From your other threads it just sounds like you have problems with the game itself and how it's designed. Kindly find another title to play which caters to your interests better, instead of complaining about this one.

  • @blam320
    It's a valid criticism, and unfair to be so dismissive. I LOVE this game and this is honestly my biggest gripe with it. If people are so desperate with a "gold-sink" because they have so much gold and nothing to spend it on, that's an issue with Rare not coming out with enough desirable or expensive cosmetics. They never asked for ship upgrades, just that in a game where the only "progression" is purchasable cosmetics, there should be more updates in cosmetics to buy in that game.

    They have a point. You can find a number of threads here, on Reddit, and posts on Twitter decrying the lack of new fun or interesting cosmetics to purchase in game with gold. Many people suggest the Emporium is getting regular and interesting updates while in-game updates have been lacking. And if one of the main reasons people give to keep the "pay for repairs" is that "we have too much gold and nothing to spend it on!" then they have a point.

    Point is, there's an option to make everyone happy. Make there be an option for damaged cosmetics to transfer between sessions, but you can toggle it off to start with a fresh-looking ship. You can still pay the shipwright to repair your ship mid-session. This way people who want/need that gold sink can have it, people who don't want to start every session with a battered ship can have that, and people who want the damage to "tell their ship's story" can have that. It's a win-win-win with no downsides! So why not advocate for player choice? What's the harm? It doesn't ruin balance, it allows everyone to have what they want.

  • @blam320
    No I just think there is a lack of cosmetics

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @d3adst1ck said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @maximusarael020 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    They are a punishment because they make my ship look not as pretty as a fresh-spawn, and when it's a non-captained ship it always looks pretty on a fresh spawn. So I'm paying for something that a non-captained ship gets for free.

    Yes theoretically I can save my cosmetics (THEORETICALLY) however I ALSO have to pay for that. So.....

    Captained ships have a history, thus retain battle damage. Non-captained ships have no history.

    If you don't want to pay for it, don't. I haven't repaired my ship once.

    Out of curiosity, how's it looking? Has the paint refreshed on its own yet? I once had a ship that was wrecked so bad, that it eventually reset (this was before captaincy though).

    Paint scrapes seem to be mostly covering everything, but it does change slightly from session to session. The one burnt part of the deck has stayed but no other parts have stayed burnt, so I don't know if there is maximum on that.

  • My sloop is help together with planks at this point lol, 8k for a lick of paint....... nah, we'll keep the battle scars!

  • I remember multiple times saying to my crew mates “I wish you could pay the Shipwright for a fresh coat of paint and make your ship look new again without having to scuttle.” My crew that I run with is the type that once the ship was damaged enough we would unload everything into a rowboat, lower the emissary flag, and scuttle the ship. So this was very much a feature we asked for, paying to fix cosmetic damage throughout a session. My only complaint is that the damage persists between sessions. Though I do understand the reasoning behind that, but it means we are paying a little more often than we would like for a pristine ship. I think I’d prefer if it was a set rate, or that they at least had a price list. “Fix holes 3000, fresh coat of paint 2000, fix wheel/capstan/masts 2000” or something. Like a price sheet would be kind of fun, the way it is now it feels random as to why I costs what it does and makes me a little less likely to use it as often.

  • It is not a punishment, it costs next to nothing, and if you don't want to have the scars the sail a non captained ship.

  • @miserenz said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    It is not a punishment, it costs next to nothing, and if you don't want to have the scars the sail a non captained ship.

    Captaincy is immersion and the future of the game. With that in mind I don't think recommending sailing a non-captained ship is really ever the solution.

    It's not only counterproductive for activity it's also telling those without gold wealth to deal with the tax that is more significant to their situation.

    Being able to opt in to a repaired boat is a fine qol addition, makes the game better

    subjecting people to reduced qol for an activity tax reduces the positive impact that the core of the feature provides.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    Captaincy is immersion and the future of the game. With that in mind I don't think recommending sailing a non-captained ship is really ever the solution.

    It's not only counterproductive for activity it's also telling those without gold wealth to deal with the tax that is more significant to their situation.

    Being able to opt in to a repaired boat is a fine qol addition, makes the game better

    subjecting people to reduced qol for an activity tax reduces the positive impact that the core of the feature provides.

    Most of us have been begging to give gold a universal purpose across the sea of thieves for a long time. Not just to buy cosmetics that get a fresh addition maybe 4 times a year.

    Making it optional would just mean that everyone would turn it off by default. Virtually nobody would keep that turned on even for any sort of immersion.

    It's just part of being on a Captain'd ship. It doesn't cost very much at all. Even after a brutal battle where I've got nearly every hole patched, mast repairs, helm, capstan..'s under 2k gold to repair. You can literally find that floating in barrels. Gold is so easy to come by these days that this shouldn't even be a complaint.

  • @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @wolfmanbush said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    Captaincy is immersion and the future of the game. With that in mind I don't think recommending sailing a non-captained ship is really ever the solution.

    It's not only counterproductive for activity it's also telling those without gold wealth to deal with the tax that is more significant to their situation.

    Being able to opt in to a repaired boat is a fine qol addition, makes the game better

    subjecting people to reduced qol for an activity tax reduces the positive impact that the core of the feature provides.

    Most of us have been begging to give gold a universal purpose across the sea of thieves for a long time. Not just to buy cosmetics that get a fresh addition maybe 4 times a year.

    Making it optional would just mean that everyone would turn it off by default. Virtually nobody would keep that turned on even for any sort of immersion.

    It's just part of being on a Captain'd ship. It doesn't cost very much at all. Even after a brutal battle where I've got nearly every hole patched, mast repairs, helm, capstan..'s under 2k gold to repair. You can literally find that floating in barrels. Gold is so easy to come by these days that this shouldn't even be a complaint.

    Tax as a gold sink is a weak gold sink in design. Especially a random tax where sometimes features work and sometimes the boat is wrecked before it's even off the dock.

    Incentives to participate and to enjoy are far more productive and a healthy and creative way to approach gold sink. There is nothing that this incentivizes to do other than to just not be annoyed, that's weak design.

    This tax doesn't matter to someone like me that has years of grinding to where I could stop producing today and buy everything that comes out for years.

    The people that are saying it's just this much or just that much are people that have millions stashed away from years of grinding. People that are just starting that grind have a lot of cosmetics to save up for and if they are playing casually and organically that few k daily matters to them and is more significant in their sessions.

    Supplies are where the wealthy can spend their money on convenience. They could create appealing and creative ways (like fireworks) to spend money.

    Running off new and casual players from Captaincy is as counter productive as something can be in an environment that is hemorrhaging organic activity.

  • @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    Most of us have been begging to give gold a universal purpose across the sea of thieves for a long time. Not just to buy cosmetics that get a fresh addition maybe 4 times a year.

    Making it optional would just mean that everyone would turn it off by default. Virtually nobody would keep that turned on even for any sort of immersion.

    It's just part of being on a Captain'd ship. It doesn't cost very much at all. Even after a brutal battle where I've got nearly every hole patched, mast repairs, helm, capstan..'s under 2k gold to repair. You can literally find that floating in barrels. Gold is so easy to come by these days that this shouldn't even be a complaint.

    So let me get this straight. "Most people have been begging for some way to use their vast sums of gold!" But also "If there was an option to turn off the need to pay gold to repair their ship then everyone would do it" but also "it's so cheap who even cares?"

    Those three statements are so in conflict with each other it is like you didn't even think about them when you put them all in the same post.

    If it is so cheap then how would it affect people's gold stash? If everyone would just turn it off then they must not have been wanting something to spend their gold on. Like...what's the point then? If the point is to let people keep their battle scars to tell their ship's story, then let that be the option. If people want to repair their ship mid-session, then allow people to pay for that at the shipwright. But if people want to start their session with their Captained ship looking all nice and spiffy, let them have that option without having to pay for it. For 4 years we have started sessions with a fresh, new boat. Now that we have paid 250,000+ gold to own our own ship, suddenly we spawn in to a train wreck UNLESS we pay to have it fixed? On top of that paying to even save cosmetics we have purchased to the ships? Like...what's the point?

    Just make it an option for people to keep their battle scars if they want, and let others start with a fresh looking ship. Pay to repair mid-session. Boom, everyone is happy.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    Tax as a gold sink is a weak gold sink in design

    Incentives to participate and to enjoy are far more productive and a healthy and creative way to approach gold sink. There is nothing that this incentivizes to do other than to just not be annoyed, that's weak design.

    I don't disagree that it's a weak design...but I do see it as the effective "tax" for the massive time-savings associated to access to the Sovereigns as well as the time-savings associated to cosmetic saving (I have faith that someday it'll actually works) and buyable supplies.

  • @boeing7876500 ,

    simply leave the ship as it is. After repair you will certainly get damage from players or environment. Relax , don't get too attached to pixels...

  • @maximusarael020 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    So let me get this straight. "Most people have been begging for some way to use their vast sums of gold!" But also "If there was an option to turn off the need to pay gold to repair their ship then everyone would do it" but also "it's so cheap who even cares?"

    Those three statements are so in conflict with each other it is like you didn't even think about them when you put them all in the same post.

    Through a different pair of lenses, they compliment each other. I want to spend my piles of gold, but most people with wealth - no matter the size - wouldn't impose a tax on themselves for no reason.

    Just make it an option for people to keep their battle scars if they want, and let others start with a fresh looking ship. Pay to repair mid-session. Boom, everyone is happy.

    I see ship repairs as a time-savings tax.

    You like those Sovereigns, right? You like those Buyable supplies, Captains voyages, and your ship cosmetics saving (if it works someday)...right?

    Great. Less than 2k per session is the price to pay to save time. And sometimes, there's no tax whatsoever in those chill sessions where you manage not to do any damage.

    As an alternative to your proposal, I think it'd be neat if they made it an option to have ship cosmetic damage save or not...but the trade off is that you lose access to the Sovereigns if you turn it off.

  • @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    As an alternative to your proposal, I think it'd be neat if they made it an option to have ship cosmetic damage save or not...but the trade off is that you lose access to the Sovereigns if you turn it off.

    At that point why even captain a ship

  • @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    As an alternative to your proposal, I think it'd be neat if they made it an option to have ship cosmetic damage save or not...but the trade off is that you lose access to the Sovereigns if you turn it off.

    At that point why even captain a ship

    To be're upset that we spent years getting handed a fresh ship with no cost every session...then they introduce Captaincy and it costs you to repair damages (cosmetic, not functional) that cost ~2k per session.

    But we spent years shuttling loot from the dock to the various traders...then they introduce Captaincy and allow you to sell every world event stacked in under 2 minutes...and you're upset that such a convenience costs ~2k per session.

    Roger that.

  • @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @boeing7876500 said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    @sweetsandman said in Captaincy Repairs at the shipwright:

    As an alternative to your proposal, I think it'd be neat if they made it an option to have ship cosmetic damage save or not...but the trade off is that you lose access to the Sovereigns if you turn it off.

    At that point why even captain a ship

    To be're upset that we spent years getting handed a fresh ship with no cost every session...then they introduce Captaincy and it costs you to repair damages (cosmetic, not functional) that cost ~2k per session.

    But we spent years shuttling loot from the dock to the various traders...then they introduce Captaincy and allow you to sell every world event stacked in under 2 minutes...and you're upset that such a convenience costs ~2k per session.

    Roger that.

    I joined in season 6.

9 out of 51