Issues during Legend Of Veil Voyage

  • Good afternoon pirates.
    Yesterday i tried to do the legend of the veil voyage 3 times during the day. And all of them i got "stuck".
    After finishing the first part of the quest (belle quest) and add the first gem into the boat, the pirate lord didn´t show up to guide me to the second gem.
    Anyone else with this problem ?

  • 14
  • @zigui5250 you "added the first gem into the boat"? did attach it to the mask next to the wheel?

  • I think this is a pretty common problem currently. Luckily I haven't run into it in my several times of doing a Veil Voyage recently, but I have seen others discussing this same thing.

    It is occurring most likely because Rare had to temporarily remove the Shipwreck Graveyard portion of the Veil Quest due to people exploiting it for easy loot and putting an immense strain on the servers. Hopefully this will resolve as soon as that portion is reintroduced.

    Question: Was this a Veil Voyage from the Pirate Lord or one purchased from the Shipwright? I always just do the Veil from the Pirate Lord and haven't had an issues, so I wonder if it has to do with it being a Captain Voyage? Just a thought and I could be totally wrong.

  • @maximusarael020 I bought it from the pirate lord. I´ll try again to see if today it works normally. Ty for the informations ^^.

  • @schwammlgott Yess!! And then nothing happened. The pirate lord didn´t show up to give the second part of the quest.

  • yes happened to me as well.

    If I could help in any way. Whilst playing solo this happens maybe 1-2/10 or even rarer.

    However this bug seems to happen 5/10 if not more, whenever the voyage is proposed by a crewmember, instead of a ships captain (me)

    If this data would match others who are having this problem, maybe devs would know where to look in order to fix it

  • @zigui5250 sagte in Issues during Legend Of Veil Voyage:

    @schwammlgott Yess!! And then nothing happened. The pirate lord didn´t show up to give the second part of the quest.

    Ok...I guess raising a support ticket is the only way to go them

  • I think there's a problem with the Veil missions still assigning you a Shipwreck Graveyard voyage for part 2, and since these are disabled, the voyage bugs out and you can't progress any further.

  • If you are getting the same issue in the same server session then I advise to do a portal hop or start a new session and try again using a fresh bought voyage.

  • I think Rare just literally selected the shipwreck module and pressed delete without doing anything else XD

  • @thorumsu said in Issues during Legend Of Veil Voyage:

    I think Rare just literally selected the shipwreck module and pressed delete without doing anything else XD

    Thorumsu spitting facts XD

  • Just started 2 voyages tonight and we did belle for the first 2 and couldnt progress after

  • I’ve had this happen to me a handful of times since the removal of ship graveyard’s, also I’ve only encountered this glitch on captain’s voyages never on the normal voyages from the Pirate Lord.

  • It was the captain version that was exploitable

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