Kraken types

  • Hello!
    The kraken is a powerful creature but i feel that more types of it will make it worth fighting due to as of now it dropping only a couple of kraken meat and some mediocre loot.
    I think more types of it would encourage people staying and fighting it, it could be like the megaladons this is just my opinion but feek free to discard the idea

  • 16
    xbox onejust for funwindows 10general
  • Lore wise. There is only One Kraken in the sea. Because you never really “kill it” just scare it off.

  • @burnbacon said in Kraken types:

    Lore wise. There is only One Kraken in the sea. Because you never really “kill it” just scare it off.

    What if you work around that idea and have varying stages of the same kraken;
    -Bog standard kraken, maybe updated mechanics slightly (tougher on the PL solo slooper)
    -Injured kraken, Visually the tentacles are burnt, bruised, battered and broken (as easy to kill as solo slooping for 4 years)
    -Enraged kraken, red tinted and all around tougher to fight
    -Inky kraken, tentacles covered in flammable ink that spits ink at the players

  • @badioboy they have art for different types of Krakens in their Art book

  • @burnbacon the current lore doesn’t mean more can’t be slumbering beneath the seas the could be awakened and set free upon the seas attacking outposts and pirates alike

  • @otherfanboy iirc the lore actually does mean that: the rest of the kraken are dead, and we hear the remaining Blind Daughter of the Sea crying for her mother every night.

  • @elusivepukka right but the kraken we encounter in the pirates life tall tale isn’t blind far from it the one that is supposed to the one that attacks is in between events also there’s the cursed chest that attracts other krakens to it

  • @burnbacon @elusivepukka There also used to be just One Megalodon. The lore changes as Rare updates the game. It would be very limiting if it didn't.

  • @jumli7 just correcting what current lore says, myself - changes to that lore are always within rare's jurisdiction. personally, I'd prefer the idea that got floated about different 'battle variations' on the lore-wise single kraken, representing maybe affiliations to curses or levels of 'rage/wrath/expy of same'

  • A squid can have a brood of over 3,000 eggs. I'd hate to see how many a kraken could have... 😅

    The kraken becoming a "new" old Mother might provide us with enough (variety) for all of us to kill. 😏

    ...but it will also beg the question - who would be the father? 🤨🤔

    A newly cursed pirate, perhaps? 😶‍🌫️

  • I love the Kraken encounter, but i wish it would stay up seems they nerf it a bit much. Galactic Geek; I like that idea of it becoming the new old mother and producing offspring.

  • @galactic-geek Maybe that’s where Flameheart went; shackin’ up with Old Mother…

  • A flaming kraken that sets your ship on fire when it slaps/hugs you...

  • Instead of ¨kraken¨ types, sea of thieves could make up originall mythological octupus/squid like monsters, that act like kraken behaviour wise but with different mechanics or abilities

  • @galactic-geek said in Kraken types:

    ...but it will also beg the question - who would be the father? 🤨🤔

    Serik ran off with the mermaids, Merrick fixated of the megalodon so I think its only logical that Derrick be the one to spend a night with the kraken.

  • @burnbacon Technically speaking, Old Mother (the OG, and largest kraken) had numerous offspring that all went their own ways after she passed. We see evidence of this, given all the Kraken skeletons throughout the overworld. I think it's quite possible that there are other types swimming around down there..

    It would honestly be cool to have variants, though. It would also be phenomenal if we could actually fight the kraken, and it's body outside the APL Tale, 2. Imagine this:

    Similarly to the Athena's Fortune novel, they could do a new world event that sees a kraken attacking a random outpost, and crews have to fend off the beast for phase one, and scare it back into deeper water. Once out in open water, the beast will have 2 more phases: The main phase that we know now (tentacles coming out, wreaking havoc on the ships), and the final phase; where the kraken's body finally shows itself, as it swims around the ships. It would ram into the ships, trying to bite them in half with it's jaws, and you have to attack it's head and eyes to kill it. Upon death, it drops inky treasure that's been in it's stomach, and could be some new type of special treasure, to be sold at the hunter's call for new cosmetics!

xbox onejust for funwindows 10general
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