Game actual size

  • Does anyone know how many GB are to download for the entire game and how many space on disk is required? I haven't updated sot since a while and now i have 27GB to download, but entire game on disk is 81 GB atm. I don't know if it's better to unistall and start it all again or just update it. Any suggestion is welcome, thanks.

  • 3
  • @blacktitanz137 I would say just update it my friend! Depending on how long it's been since you've played/updated the game, ALOT has been added in games! That update size doesn't sound too off since it hasn't been updated in a while!

  • @blacktitanz137
    Currently my Steam version is 81 GB as well; the 27GB of the update won't result in a 108 GB game, most files in the update will replace your current files.

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