The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.

  • I am really tired of insiders telling everything on youtube comments and chat IN THE OFFICAL SEA OF THIEVES CHANNEL.

    Need an example?

    We are in the prewiev of the forsaken hunter adventure right now and there are like 7 people who straight up say what happened in the adventure.

    The lost sands result stream had people spoiling the next adventure too.

    They talk about season 7 like nothing. Their comments stay too. Worse, I see people sharing misinformation. Someone literally said you have to pay to name your ship (Which is already Confirmed to not be the case).

    I even saw someone commenting something like: "Yeah, I played the adventure. It was boring and all especially..."

    Any theory comment (Like the adventure being in the sea of the Damned) is responded by some "nice" insiders.

    Its a real mess. I feel like some people are just joining insiders to see the content and spoil it as they dont get punished.

    I dont know how would Rare fix this other than making joining insiders harder. Maybe you have to be lord in the forums or something (Yes that would eliminate me too but its better than this).

    I did not post this to insiders forums as it exist to give feedback, not complain. You can put your inb4 anchor just in case.

  • 12
  • @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

  • @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

    They are getting out of hand. I decided to count them like a maniac and there was like 18 in the latest video alone.

    Also... How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

  • @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

    They are getting out of hand. I decided to count them like a maniac and there was like 18 in the latest video alone.

    Also... How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    When you play the Insiders program your gamertag and your IP are watermarked in the screen. If videos from Insiders are used in YouTube those are easily identified.

    At this point this conversation should be moved at Insiders tab.

  • @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

    They are getting out of hand. I decided to count them like a maniac and there was like 18 in the latest video alone.

    Also... How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    When you play the Insiders program your gamertag and your IP are watermarked in the screen. If videos from Insiders are used in YouTube those are easily identified.

    I am talking about youtube comments. Just look at the latest video. The chat was filled with them. Look at the season 7 trailer video comments to see people sharing misinformation.

  • @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

    They are getting out of hand. I decided to count them like a maniac and there was like 18 in the latest video alone.

    Also... How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    When you play the Insiders program your gamertag and your IP are watermarked in the screen. If videos from Insiders are used in YouTube those are easily identified.

    I am talking about youtube comments. Just look at the latest video. The chat was filled with them. Look at the news video comments to see people sharing misinformation.

    Unless the program is referenced or content is shown that is idle talk. Idle chat in comments of a video is called speculation and unless you are part of the program, you don't know better.

  • @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @metal-ravage, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu There are rules to follow when you join the Insiders and an NDA to respect.

    If you have concrete proof of someone violating the NDA just report that person.

    They are getting out of hand. I decided to count them like a maniac and there was like 18 in the latest video alone.

    Also... How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    When you play the Insiders program your gamertag and your IP are watermarked in the screen. If videos from Insiders are used in YouTube those are easily identified.

    I am talking about youtube comments. Just look at the latest video. The chat was filled with them. Look at the news video comments to see people sharing misinformation.

    Unless the program is referenced or content is shown that is idle talk. Idle chat in comments of a video is called speculation and unless you are part of the program, you don't know better.

    They are literally spoiling EVERYTHING. They are not even trying to hide it. Just... Just look at comments or I can just post screenshots here if you wish.

  • @metal-ravage

    Here is a little sample:

    [mod edit]

    Also this is NOT idle talk. As they later go on to say that people complained in insider forums but Rare did not care.

  • @thorumsu
    You're better of submitting a support ticket; there is an option reporting players breaking NDA (near the bottom).

  • @lem0n-curry, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    You're better of submitting a support ticket; there is an option reporting players breaking NDA (near the bottom).

    2 problems:

    • How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    • There are so many people doing this. Not just that one. It would take me the whole day just for that video. And They can do this IN THE OFFICAL SEA OF THIEVES CHANNEL. They tell these in prewiev and stream chat too.

  • @thorumsu said in The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums.:

    @lem0n-curry, The insider programme started to be a HUGE problem on any platform other than the forums. içinde yazdı:

    You're better of submitting a support ticket; there is an option reporting players breaking NDA (near the bottom).

    2 problems:

    • How will they find their Xbox account from their youtube account?

    I don't know, perhaps they use the same name or software companies can exchange the linked email addresses.

    • There are so many people doing this. Not just that one. It would take me the whole day just for that video. And They can do this IN THE OFFICAL SEA OF THIEVES CHANNEL. They tell these in prewiev and stream chat too.

    I certainly don't want you to spend the whole day on it; perhaps report one and supply a link with: there's more here.

  • Ahoy! It would be best to keep all insider content and concerns within the insider forums. If you have proof, then please send in a ticket with the information.


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