Unlocked commendation

  • Hey,

    very recently i played with my friend who is kinda new in the game, so he don't have a lot of skins or commendations.
    We played for a while and i finally managed to get all of my ashen boat commendations.
    I have to say i had 4 of them before we started playing together, we collected just capstan of the ashen dragon.
    So then as u all know i finally could unlock my eye of reach of the ashen dragon. But my question is, how could my friend unlock the same eye of reach with only capstan in his collection ? Is it because i completed my commendations in lobby with him or?
    Thanks guys :D

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  • Hello, Eye of Reach of Ashen Dragon is reward for Tome of Resurrection Collector commendation (collecting all tomes of resurrection). Ship parts as well as weapons need to be unlocked and purchased to be used. I guess your friend has those commendations, but did not purchase the rest of ship set (thus can not equip it at shipwright chest).

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