Legend of the Veil Deep Dive

  • The video is live folks for those wanting to know about the new Legend quests:

  • 9
  • Looks fresh. Hopefully it's going to be an enjoyable ride.

    It's been just under 2 years since I hit 20. I suppose it's about time to mount up and chase another 10.

  • I might do it once. Seems very high profile. But! Now I'll be able to do regular Athena stuff 😆

  • These look absolutely sick.

  • Glad I'm only Athena 18, no wasted XP

  • I disliked the way they said “you don’t have to be a legend” to do the voyage. I really want a legend only focus thing. Making reaching PL actually worth reaching and unlocking stuff

    Seeing they claim 1million players are legends, (counting players with multiple accounts) and how easy it is to reach legend now days. Still…

    Voyage looks cool. Says it could be different each time you play. (Heard that before) but sounds promising.
    Increase from 20-30. Fine (I’m only 12)

    As long the loot is worth the huge trouble of doing this long voyage…

  • @sshteeve might actually start raising my Athena levels now then!

    This looks great, am looking forward to getting stuck in.

  • @burnbacon Ahoy matey!

    As always, like going down to the Pirate Legend Hideout or the current Athena's Fortune voyages, you can share these experiences with the crew even if you are not a Pirate Legend. You will however have to have one member of the crew to be a Pirate Legend at least.

  • @burnbacon what they meant was, you can do this voyage if you are in a crew with someone who is a legend (the legend has to buy the voyage)

    This is no different then any other voyage and should work that way.

    Otherwise another crew can follow you and help with the voyage however they are not able to see what you have to do until you show them.

4 out of 9