Forts of the Forgotten Adventure 2 Guide

  • Ahoy everyone! The second Adventure is now live! If you need any help, we created a guide over here that can walk you through step by step.

    You'll have to do all the Deeds for this Adventure to unlock all the possible rewards. Completing the Adventure will give you the Jailor's Cutlass, but you can only earn the event-exclusive Freer of Forgotten Forts title for completing all 12 Deeds. You'll complete about half of the Deeds naturally from doing the Adventure just once. However, there will be several that you'll need to go out of your way to do.

    Something helpful is that you don't need to be doing the Adventure to complete the Deeds. Every active Sea Fort has a Phantom Jailor, prisoners, and an Enchantment Vessel, regardless of you talking with Belle to start the Adventure. The hard part is finding every prisoner since their spawns are random. Since you don't need to speak with Larinna or Belle first, you could spawn at an Outpost, sail to the closest Sea Fort, see who's inside the Prison Cell, and try again if there's no one you need inside. It shouldn't be too much of a problem with two weeks to grab them all :)

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I hope I can answer any of them that you might have. Cheers!

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