Flying Dutchman (Cursed Ferryman ship collection)

  • Добрый день, уважаемые разработчики. Я достаточно давно слежу за вашей игрой и мне трудно скрыть восхищение от той огромной работы что вы проделали с 2014го года. За те 150 часов что я наиграл) sea of thieves успел стать моим самым любимым приобретением в стим, и всей душой желаю чтобы ваш проект развивался и рос.
    С обновлением третьего сезона в магазине появилась Черная жемчужина (Набор Вечной Свободы), которая очень похожа на оригинал, чем полюбилась многим, в том числе и мне. Вчера (17-ое августа) вышел новый набор Летучего Голландца (набор Проклятого паромщика) купив который.. я сильно разочаровался. Зная ваши возможности, увидев на сколько крутой получился Голландец в Pirate Life.. было странно увидеть такой нестоящий скин.. я как и другие игроки которых мне удалось расспросить, ожидал увидеть рассыпанные по всему корпусу ракушки, паруса из водорослей с которых стекает вода, и носовую фигуру похожую на ту, что была в Летучем голландце (фото всего перечисленного прикрепил ниже) исходя от того как выглядит носовая фигура Вечной Свободы, делаю вывод, что внедрение в игру носовой части Голландца возможна.
    Буду рад видеть ответ на мое письмо. Приношу извинение если пишу не туда, просто не знаю куда нужно) Приятного дня!

    Фото здесь

    Good afternoon, dear developers. I have been following your game for a long time and it is difficult for me to hide my admiration for the tremendous work that you have done since 2014. During those 150 hours that I played enough) sea of ​​thieves managed to become my favorite acquisition in Steam, and with all my heart I wish your project to develop and grow.
    With the update of the third season, the Black Pearl (Eternal Freedom Set) appeared in the store, which is very similar to the original, which made many people love it, including me. Yesterday (August 17th) a new set of Flying Dutchman was released (set of the Damned Ferryman), having bought which .. I was very disappointed. Knowing your capabilities, seeing how cool the Dutchman turned out to be in Pirate Life .. it was strange to see such an unreasonable skin .. I, like other players whom I managed to ask, expected to see shells scattered all over the hull, sails of seaweed from which water flows, and a nasal figure similar to the one in the Flying Dutchman (photo of all of the above attached below) based on how the Eternal Freedom nasal figure looks, I conclude that the introduction of the Dutchman's bow into the game is possible.
    I will be glad to see the answer to my letter. I apologize if I'm writing to the wrong place, I just don't know where to go) Have a nice day!

    Photo here

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  • To be fair, you can see what the set looks like before you buy it. Also the set is inspired by the Flying Dutchman, it’s not supposed to be a replica. I think the main reason that the Eternal Freedom set works so well is because it’s the most like a normal ship.

    Unlike the Dutchman where it looks almost like a monster with its huge beak. In fact I think that’s where people get the most messed up. I think the figurehead could’ve done more to make it look more like the Dutchman. Although it looks cool enough for me so I won’t complain.

  • @ninja-naranja
    I understand your position, but after the set of Eternal Freedom (which copies the Black Pearl), you expect to see a well-developed skin of the Flying Dutchman, and not a skeleton ship that only looks cool from afar. Against the background of previous work, this set is too poorly done... and if possible, as a fan of sea of ​​thieves, and the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, I would like to achieve a redesign of this set

  • @dkey9376 with the current way cosmetics work on a ship, there’s no possible way to make a Galleon look like the Flying Dutchman. It’s too different. The Black Pearl is easy because it’s just a ship. But the Dutchman has a completely unique shape to it.

    A redesign won’t be happening for this cosmetic set. Because why would it? It’s not supposed to be the Flying Dutchman.

  • @ninja-naranja so the fact of the matter is that this set should be like the Flying Dutchman) Because the previous ship from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe (Eternal Freedom) is a replica of the Black Pearl. And the implementation of the same bow figure as on the Davy Jones ship is possible. In the album that I attached earlier, there is a photo of why

  • @ninja-naranja I think he's more referring to how the figurehead on the Eternal Freedom set is exactly like the black pearl figurehead, even going so far as to have the wooden pieces extending outwards, to evoke the feeling of a traditional galleon.

    I love the cursed ferryman set, but I do wish that they could have applied that seaweed effect to the hull, and I wish a couple of extra protruding boards could have been added to either side of the figurehead to make it pop out more.

  • @valor-omega I do think the figurehead could’ve been better, and maybe some sort of texture of Seaweed on the deck, but I doubt it’ll get a full redesign.

  • @ninja-naranja I doubt it as well. I also do understand how the OP could make the connection that the first ship set was a banger, and this one was less so (in his opinion, at least, I love this set regardless).

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