Outside vault door closed, so I got nothing. Is that supposed to happen?

  • I did a gold level vault on Ashen Reaches today. There was an earthquake as soon as I entered the vault. Does that happen every time? It made solving the puzzle impossible so I grabbed as many chests as I could and put them outside the door, and stayed in the vault after it closed to collect gold until I drown just like I always do. So I come back from my boat and have a skeleton with a barrel spawn right next to me and kill me. So after I came back again the door you open with the key was closed, so I got zip. Never had that happen before, why did it close?????

  • 7
  • Same thing happened to me and my crew, was at devil's roar, set everything outside the vault door had to ran away because the volcano erupted immediately so we left loot, went to ship and bunkered downed. When eruption stopped went back and the door that the key opens was closed, lost our loot and chest of tributes...was very annoyed. I could understand if we left island but we didn't. I hope this gets fixed

  • Same just happened to me at the Crescent Island Vault, Got my chests out, inner door closed and I was hauling the chest back up when I suddenly died, like when you get stuck on the terrain, and respawned on the ship. Went back to vault and the outer door was shut and the Idol was still in position and it had an Item_ID_Error as an interaction and the vault door said it was being used, lost half my chests.

  • I was at mermaids hideaway and I staid in the vault and my crew mate staid out side and when I came back the door was closed

  • I did a gold level vault on Ashen Reaches today. There was an earthquake as soon as I entered the vault. Does that happen every time?

    To my best knowledge earthquakes are completely random. There is no solid evidence at the moment that player events increase/decrease earthquakes.

    So I come back from my boat and have a skeleton with a barrel spawn right next to me and kill me. So after I came back again the door you open with the key was closed, so I got zip.>

    If your ship sunk and you spawned on a new one to sail back to your vault location, that amount of time (without any interaction) seems correct for a vault door to reset. This goes along with the theme of Devils Roar; high risk/high reward. Something to keep in mind next time along with taking other precautions would be to attempt getting another key for the same vault. However it sounds like everything happened as it should have, as unfortunate as it is.

  • The exterior vault door threshold timer is too short now that the phantoms have been introduced, or even the other new sea creatures. In my case, I completed the vault along with the chest of legends. All my loot is stacked up outside the interior vault door in a pile. I grab the first chest (a captain's chest) and run it out back to land/boat, and voile, four phantoms murder me in 1 second. Now all is lost plus the chest of legends. I come back from the ferry of the damned to a closed exterior vault door. I realize there has always been a timer for the exterior vault door, but the new PVE enemies are usually pretty relentless. And in cases of vaults, can absolutely unfairly sabotage your entire 60-90 minute voyage. I'd like to ask Rare to consider extending the exterior vault door threshold timer now that these new enemies have been introduced with Season 3. Respectfully, and thank you.

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