double gun meta makes this game not fun.

  • @joshy3101 not true there’s still a built in delay to the switch all the sprint cancel does is let you take out your weapon faster.

  • @xultanis-dragon So because you get dumpstered by double gunners, you want their playstyle to be banished and be forced to use a weapon that just requires you to melt left click? Double gunning isn’t hard you say but i’d like to see you board a galleon and wipe the crew with two guns. DGing requires aiming and movement to avoid the sword left click spam. But I get it, sword is easy and double gunning is hard so you want double gunning gone.

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @joshy3101 not true there’s still a built in delay to the switch all the sprint cancel does is let you take out your weapon faster.

    no you can immediately ads. I said nearly as fast as before.

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon So because you get dumpstered by double gunners, you want their playstyle to be banished and be forced to use a weapon that just requires you to melt left click? Double gunning isn’t hard you say but i’d like to see you board a galleon and wipe the crew with two guns. DGing requires aiming and movement to avoid the sword left click spam. But I get it, sword is easy and double gunning is hard so you want double gunning gone.

    lol, ahhhh yes the token "you got dumpstered this is why you are mad". Unfortunately negative.

    I mean unlike you who uses the noob blunder, when I double gun I use pistol because I can actually aim and not spray and pray.

    DG'ing does not require a lot of skill. Anyone with any experience in FPS games can flick to for a shot since you don't have to aim for the head you have your pick of where to shoot.

    Sword and DG'ing are both easy, so please next time when you try to use the whole "har har you got dumpstered har har" how about instead look at yourself as someone who is just scared to lose their easy mode because thats what both combat is. The skill ceiling for Sword and DG'ing is just that, easy mode.

    lololol. I'm surprised, usually one of you show up a lot earlier whenever someone says something against DG'ing.

    Also the delay for pulling out the gun is not there if you sprint cancel, the shot is delayed by a half second but you can still sprint cancel the swap. I wonder if you actually didn't know that or you just trying to make it so they don't know about it??

  • @xultanis-dragon wait, so double gunning requires “no skill” because anybody can aim?????!?!? How is blunder snipe “spray and pray”? Sounds like to me you have no clue what you are talking about. I use snipe pistol for tdms and sniper blunder for clearing ships. Like I said, you get slaughtered by double gunners so you want sword mandatory. It is what it is.

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon wait, so double gunning requires “no skill” because anybody can aim?????!?!? How is blunder snipe “spray and pray”? Sounds like to me you have no clue what you are talking about. I use snipe pistol for tdms and sniper blunder for clearing ships. Like I said, you get slaughtered by double gunners so you want sword mandatory. It is what it is.

    Yes anyone can aim. Especially when you are allowed to hit anywhere on the body, especially when most of the combat in this game is bottleneck or corridors. You basically proved my point with your comment about which guns you use when lol.

    Sniper/blunder is spray and pray. Its the reason why players use blunder now is because they can't afford it miss with pistol or they die to sword. So they use blunder to get the damage they need and then quick scope with the sniper. Its pretty much a guaranteed kill.

    Dodging the one shot from blunder is easy enough but when someone just shoots down the line and you get hit by the spread, nothing you can really do about that.

    Now lets address where you prove my point that you aren't as good as you think you are and you just want easy mode.

    Lol you use snipe/pistol when TDM'ing and Snipe/blunder for ships?? So you are admitting that you aren't good enough to use Sniper/Pistol for ships?? Is this the part where I call you a blunder noob for using blunder on ships?? Not good enough to use Snipe/Pistol for ships?? I guess not since you admitted to it lol.

    Whats also funny is how bad you are if you die by sword. Getting dumpstered by something even a child can avoid is hilarious to me. "Sword is just mashing the button har har" how bad you got to be to die to it then?? Maybe learn how to block or maybe learn how to one shot with the blunder because you seem to hate the sword a lot after dying to it so often lol. Maybe stop getting dumpstered from sword?? lolol.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon wait, so double gunning requires “no skill” because anybody can aim?????!?!? How is blunder snipe “spray and pray”? Sounds like to me you have no clue what you are talking about. I use snipe pistol for tdms and sniper blunder for clearing ships. Like I said, you get slaughtered by double gunners so you want sword mandatory. It is what it is.

    Yes anyone can aim. Especially when you are allowed to hit anywhere on the body, especially when most of the combat in this game is bottleneck or corridors. You basically proved my point with your comment about which guns you use when lol.

    Sniper/blunder is spray and pray. Its the reason why players use blunder now is because they can't afford it miss with pistol or they die to sword. So they use blunder to get the damage they need and then quick scope with the sniper. Its pretty much a guaranteed kill.

    Dodging the one shot from blunder is easy enough but when someone just shoots down the line and you get hit by the spread, nothing you can really do about that.

    Now lets address where you prove my point that you aren't as good as you think you are and you just want easy mode.

    Lol you use snipe/pistol when TDM'ing and Snipe/blunder for ships?? So you are admitting that you aren't good enough to use Sniper/Pistol for ships?? Is this the part where I call you a blunder noob for using blunder on ships?? Not good enough to use Snipe/Pistol for ships?? I guess not since you admitted to it lol.

    Whats also funny is how bad you are it you die by sword. Getting dumpstered by something even a child can avoid is hilarious to me. "Sword is just mashing the button har har" how bad you got to be to die to it then?? Maybe learn how to block or maybe learn how to one shot with the blunder because you seem to hate the sword a lot after dying to it so often lol. Maybe stop getting dumpstered from sword?? lolol.

    word. I miss these kind of your posts since the PvPvE thread was locked lol

  • Like always , the combat often feals as if you got cheated.
    Thats because people exploit and because the ttk is too short.
    We have no sbmm, we want to welcome every player of all age, Skill, gender, ethnie etc... and get them to a point he can survive.
    This means combat need to be relatively easy to learn, responsive and comprehensible.
    It can have tricks or need some skill to master, but everybody should be able to know and learn it and it needs to be an intended mechanics.
    Animation cancels arent such mechanics, they are exploits Rare has tried to fix for over a year.
    This is no esport Game, or?
    The way Combat can be recognized is like others cheat.

    Cutlass mandatory makes Combat and weapons choice/ Switch more tactical/strategic.

    Yesterday fought 2 tuckers , DG and bunnyhopping like crazy , we got them, but they wiped us two times.
    But because bad at ship combat and wanting to tuck not sink and rob us they failed.
    The thing is the combat was really silly and not fun at all.
    They bunnyhopped over the Galleone jumping balkonys and shooting etc. and it die nothing.
    2 times we we're dead they tried to tuck, but well we know the spots and search the ship of cause and we also never let our guard down.

    These so called playstyles are just an annoyance.
    And if i sink to these playstyles it leaves a sour taste because you know people are exploiting and cheesing.
    I can mostly counter it anyway , but new inexperienced Players will feel cheated and owned in an unfair way and the will complain , Not come back and Play anymore or they will join Alliance Servers or the will adapt and become exploiters too.

    Let some rage, like Barrels 2.0
    but make cutlass mandatory and restrict the bunnyhopping to have some piratisch fights at least.

    I also agree with wet guns dont work or have 50% chance to fumble or have reduced damage.

    And i very much would like that any gun cannot be preloaded Bit need the whole loading Animation before every shot!
    Else people use sword and cancel the animation to shoot.
    Using a gun in PvP should be a tactics decision well timed and on a level everyone can learn it.
    That means not fingeracrobatic skills and quickness , but positioning and timing.

    Would make the SoT Pirate to Pirate combat more intetesting , less of a Shooter , feel less exploitable and more tactical in general.

    And not so good quickscopers and bunnyhopping flickers would have a chance too.

    Its a Pirate Adventure , Not an online FPS , or ?

    I know some want SoT to be a TDM Shooter, but sorry i dont.

  • the only people who exploit here is people who use sword.
    majority sword fights are with macro drones who either programmed controller of their PC with macro to swing repeatedly that sword.

    Rare should add 1 s delay to sword just like they did to guns. That way all those chest farmers will have to learn how to aim with sword, not just depend on their macros to swing sword repeatedly.

  • @jadescissors32 sagte in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    the only people who exploit here is people who use sword.
    majority sword fights are with macro drones who either programmed controller of their PC with macro to swing repeatedly that sword.

    Rare should add 1 s delay to sword just like they did to guns. That way all those chest farmers will have to learn how to aim with sword, not just depend on their macros to swing sword repeatedly.

    hahaha lol - that post is hard to beat for beeing the biggest nonsense i have ever read in this forum.

  • @stundorn but its truth, the reason why so many people use sword is that they can setup macro to repeat one button over and over with no delay, and since sword does damage all around that's how they win.
    1s delay to sword swing and damage only in FOV would require people to aim and use skill for their sword.

  • @jadescissors32

    sorry but nobody needs a doubleclick makro, really not. the thing you may dont get is they dont do the combo, but doubleclick to swing 4 times without interruption aka 4x25 hits= dead

    i can do a makro for ladder shooting, that is the quick fingeracrobatic skills i can do if i want and train it, but dont like it as it is too much for me in a no MM adventure game with PvP.

    SoT is just not a shooter and i dont want it to be one - if i want to play shooter i play Valorant or Cod or CS or HLL or whatever.

    i cannot damage people outside of my FoV, and i use cutlass+EoR and BB's for PvP almost exclusively, rarely switch to the blunder or the flintlock.
    with BB's i dont need it to repell boarders and have no ranged weapon in water.

    the only thing that is worth a makro is ladder shooting, bb'ing and animation cancels.

    btw. the game as a whole dont need that much skill by intention its a casual and family friendly game.
    the hardcore PvPers here are not hardcore PvPers, they are the sort of Fortnite and CoD PvPers who think thy are good when they are above mediocre and even dedicated, but still they are fighting mostly casuals that dont play that much.

    Really good PvPers play PvP games against other good PvPers with proper MM that give them a challenge.
    People who exploit and cancel animations are exploiters and cheaters only and justify it with shallow arguments like "let everyone play like he want to" and "tools not rules".
    Well a good PvP is good without exploits and use the tools in the intended ways and does good sports.
    What some PvPers in this forum post is none of that. Nor good PvP gamer stance neither good sports or anything.

    when in Apex the MM was adjusted, the PvP streamers complain about sweaty matches, same with the CoD SBMM debate. It's ridiculous and a shame tbh.
    these are the real toxic ones, they dont talk trash, but the way they want to fight noobs and casuals only and stomp them is shamefull.
    And same is true for many pvp focussed players in SoT.

  • @jadescissors32

    I'm going to have agree with @Stundorn .

    The only people who exploit here is people who use sword

    That comment you made really confuses me. There is absolutely NO reason to macro sword. Macro'ing sword doesn't make it swing faster and also whoever is macroing sword is going to lose in a sword fight.

    people use sword is that they can setup macro to repeat one button over and over with no delay

    ??????????????????????? What the hell are you even talking about?? Broski, no.....just.....just no.

    SIDE NOTE ....seriously....just no.....just no.....

  • @xultanis-dragon sagte in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:


    I'm going to have agree with @Stundorn .

    The only people who exploit here is people who use sword

    That comment you made really confuses me. There is absolutely NO reason to macro sword. Macro'ing sword doesn't make it swing faster and also whoever is macroing sword is going to lose in a sword fight.

    true they cannot block then, its a weird assumption @JadeScissors32 made and makes zero sense, sorry, but it makes zero sense!

  • @Xultanis-Dragon @Stundorn
    Of course they can block it. They just hold block while they let macro swing and sword goes between block and attack.
    I mean next time you fight sword folks record video of sword people and you can see that clearly. There are tons of macro users when using sword.
    Its clearly visible. Those stories about button mashers are really incorrect. Watching videos half of the sword people use macros.
    Thats why Rare should stop this by putting delay of 1s on sword swings. In addition, sword does damage in much greater field so they should reduce that to FOV only.

  • @jadescissors32

    you play Arena and/ or xbox only?

    i cannot confirm this from my experiences. Maybe its an Arena thing i dont know, but Arena is anyway not a gamemode i can take in any way serious, sorry.

    if you block whila a makro is clicking LMB the block wont work for a combo.
    I have my mouse doing unintended doubleclicks often, and i buy new mouse often because of it, and it destroys my lunge to often as it clicks LMB twice when i want to hold it down.

    makroing LMB for sword is the most idiotic thing i can think of.

  • Does it matter what gun combinations people use? Others prefer swords movement and not having to worry about running out of ammoe where as others like to keep distance and just shoot people.
    It's all about prefered playstyle.
    If there is something wrong in combat it's hitreg and not "which weapon choice requires 0 skill"

  • @stundorn I play on both. And block does work, I had somebody who has macro on sword show me. So I started looking on videos and sure enough there are tons of people doing it.
    this is how the sword wins those fights. There is no punishment for setting macro to simply swing sword as fast as it can. If you miss In between swings, block takes over and puts sword in block for a split second. Thats why I have no respect for people using swords. To me they all either noobs or cheaters.
    People complain about DG but the truth is its people with swords who are massive macro cheaters in this game. They have no skills so they run macros on sword and because damage is all around they will just run in circles while holding macro button.
    There are no macros on DG, there is random delay on gun switch and reload and scope. Can't run macro on that. And if your macro does something too fast gun simply won't work. So no, there are no macros with guns but if your sword macro swings sword every 10 ms system just keeps swinging sword, until you hit something. If you miss block will engage.
    If you want Rare to stop massive cheating they should set delay on sword.

  • @jadescissors32 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @stundorn I play on both. And block does work, I had somebody who has macro on sword show me. So I started looking on videos and sure enough there are tons of people doing it.
    this is how the sword wins those fights. There is no punishment for setting macro to simply swing sword as fast as it can. If you miss In between swings, block takes over and puts sword in block for a split second. Thats why I have no respect for people using swords. To me they all either noobs or cheaters.
    People complain about DG but the truth is its people with swords who are massive macro cheaters in this game. They have no skills so they run macros on sword and because damage is all around they will just run in circles while holding macro button.
    There are no macros on DG, there is random delay on gun switch and reload and scope. Can't run macro on that. And if your macro does something too fast gun simply won't work. So no, there are no macros with guns but if your sword macro swings sword every 10 ms system just keeps swinging sword, until you hit something. If you miss block will engage.
    If you want Rare to stop massive cheating they should set delay on sword.

    Broski, I don't think you know what you are talking about. There is no macro for swords and there is no "random" delay for switching weapons. Its called sprint cancel. You can run macro on the gun switching easy.

    There is a half second intentional delay from 1 shot to the next when using DGE. So far I haven't found a way around it, but the swap is still fast enough to kill someone before they have eaten anything or gained health from the food they are eating.

    Can you please link the video with the sword macro please. I would also like to see what you are talking about because I can guarantee you have no idea what you are talking about.

    This is like back in the day when players used to say that PC players were so overpowered because they macro'd everything, that we had macro's for handling the ship,

    Example -

    A macro that would make the player from anywhere on the ship run to the sails or to the anchor and raise it. Which is completely nonsense. They were people who clearly didn't understand what macro's were.

    Sorry broski, link these videos or its a bunch of nonsense because I know how the sword works and I know how macro's work and what you are suggesting is just malarkey.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @jadescissors32 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @stundorn I play on both. And block does work, I had somebody who has macro on sword show me. So I started looking on videos and sure enough there are tons of people doing it.
    this is how the sword wins those fights. There is no punishment for setting macro to simply swing sword as fast as it can. If you miss In between swings, block takes over and puts sword in block for a split second. Thats why I have no respect for people using swords. To me they all either noobs or cheaters.
    People complain about DG but the truth is its people with swords who are massive macro cheaters in this game. They have no skills so they run macros on sword and because damage is all around they will just run in circles while holding macro button.
    There are no macros on DG, there is random delay on gun switch and reload and scope. Can't run macro on that. And if your macro does something too fast gun simply won't work. So no, there are no macros with guns but if your sword macro swings sword every 10 ms system just keeps swinging sword, until you hit something. If you miss block will engage.
    If you want Rare to stop massive cheating they should set delay on sword.

    Broski, I don't think you know what you are talking about. There is no macro for swords and there is no "random" delay for switching weapons. Its called sprint cancel. You can run macro on the gun switching easy.

    There is a half second intentional delay from 1 shot to the next when using DGE. So far I haven't found a way around it, but the swap is still fast enough to kill someone before they have eaten anything or gained health from the food they are eating.

    Can you please link the video with the sword macro please. I would also like to see what you are talking about because I can guarantee you have no idea what you are talking about.

    This is like back in the day when players used to say that PC players were so overpowered because they macro'd everything, that we had macro's for handling the ship,

    Example -

    A macro that would make the player from anywhere on the ship run to the sails or to the anchor and raise it. Which is completely nonsense. They were people who clearly didn't understand what macro's were.

    Sorry broski, link these videos or its a bunch of nonsense because I know how the sword works and I know how macro's work and what you are suggesting is just malarkey.


  • @xultanis-dragon There is no sprint cancel. 1 second+ delay is there and no cancel of that to switch guns.

    Macro for sword is simple, again all you do is repeat one button over and over with no delay between repeat.

    There should be delay of 1 s between sword swings if you dont hit target. That would kill macros that abuse swing. and if you try to swing sooner than 1 s make sword go back to pocket.

  • @jadescissors32 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon There is no sprint cancel. 1 second+ delay is there and no cancel of that to switch guns.

    Macro for sword is simple, again all you do is repeat one button over and over with no delay between repeat.

    There should be delay of 1 s between sword swings if you dont hit target. That would kill macros that abuse swing. and if you try to swing sooner than 1 s make sword go back to pocket.

    Link the video please and there is no delay for the weapon swap if you sprint cancel, the delay is in the shot which is about half a second.

    Again you can not sword spam without delay even if you macro there is no difference between the button mash and the mashing from the macro. Link the vid that you say are so easily found or all of what you claim is malarkey.

  • @xultanis-dragon I will make video, I don't want to name names (otherwise people will not spill out info to me), so I am going to put sequence together and record it.
    The sprint cancel does not work, if you don't believe me, give me sequence and I will program that too and make video of that too.

  • @jadescissors32 said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @stundorn but its truth, the reason why so many people use sword is that they can setup macro to repeat one button over and over with no delay, and since sword does damage all around that's how they win.
    1s delay to sword swing and damage only in FOV would require people to aim and use skill for their sword.

    so you dont want swords to do damage? just reduce FOV? IMAO

  • @xultanis-dragon Where to realize sword has a stun lock right? you realize sword can backtrack right? and you also realize the game has horrible hit reg right that’s at it’s worst on pistols (why people use blunders for ships). But like I said earlier you have 0 clue what you’re talking about.

  • I'm currently double gunning in the arena as I have completed my sword and blunder buss commendations, and trust me, I'm not a double gunner you need fear..
    This is gonna take me a while to complete this 😔

  • @cramp said in double gun meta makes this game not fun.:

    @xultanis-dragon Where to realize sword has a stun lock right? you realize sword can backtrack right? and you also realize the game has horrible hit reg right that’s at it’s worst on pistols (why people use blunders for ships). But like I said earlier you have 0 clue what you’re talking about.

    lol. Whatever fairy tale excuses you need to make so that you feel better about yourself. Don't worry broski, no one is attack your self made image of being on some kind of PvP throne.

    Both sword and guns have their bugs, and I wish for the love of god if that stun on sword worked but it doesn't work for me at all recently. What does work is blunder/snipe because its basically easy mode.

    You use blunder/snipe because you aren't good enough to use pistol/snipe. Its fine, like I said, I'm not trying to attack your self image you created for yourself. Pistol just isn't as good at tight corners like the blunder is. You can point and click and not have to worry about aiming.

    If you want to keep arguing about it by all means go ahead, thing is no one believes you and neither do I. But like others have told you as you've grown up in life, why do you care what I or anyone else thinks of you?? If you believe you are the badest mamajama on the playground then believe it with all your heart buddy.

    You use the blunder/snipe with pride, who cares if you can't hit your shots so you use the spray and pray. What matters is what you think right?? lol


    If you are double gunning to finish your kills, your going to get those really fast. Double gunning is just dirty easy. Especially blunder/whatever combo.

    The only down side is not being able to sword dash through the water, but everything else is just dirty its so easy. So don't worry too much about it, you'll get it done pretty easily.

  • @rtl-saint not sure how you arrived to this conclusions.
    All I am saying is that sword should be like gun. 1s delay and do damage only things its aiming at (damage only in Field Of View and not behind player)

    If people who constantly talk about sword have skills this will make no difference, macro running folks will be left to cold.

  • The only time double-gunning makes sense is for an underwater fight at distance. Otherwise I'll stick with my trusty old cutlass.

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