Soulflame Crew Set for 1.000.000 Gold

  • @menphuess My 1st day with it, I ran into another pirate wearing it. We duked it out across the decks of both of our ships, not besting 1 another for at least 20 minutes. Eventually, though, his lamp faded, and mine was shining brightly.

    So, yes, it's awesome - but surprisingly common. This is why I traditionally stick with the Admiral or Bilge Rat sets - they're far easier to get, but surprisingly less common upon the Sea.

    It's kind of a reverse effect - the more desirable and harder it is to get, the more pirates want to show it off - so the more you see it. The reverse is true, of course.

    The sailor set, I think is the exception - it's very common, in every respect, because both new pirates and veteran pirates use it. The former because they have little recourse, and the latter because they like to make fools of others.

    IMO, the PL and Ghost outfits are the most visible outfits in the game next to the sailor outfit - both figuratively and literally. Which is precisely why you don't see me wearing them.

    I also don't stoop to wearing black like cowardly tuckers do either - I still have some fashion sense.

    I like to coordinate colors from different sets - it works so well in some cases in fact, that I question whether Rare may have accidentally mixed up certain set pieces with the wrong sets. 😅

    Oh well - it's as much a modeling stage as it is a sandbox, is it not? Such beautiful set pieces... 🏝

  • @capteggpants they need to stop trying to force people to use the weak alliance system period , no alliances are true alliances and it's not fun to do.

  • @ve111a I don't look forward to it either, but it can have some advantages for new players to get some experience with an experienced crew for example. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone feels the same (though I would imagine a majority on the forum may be with you on this) and some may really enjoy this aspect of the game. You can't make such sweeping generalised claims just because it doesn't fit your own opinion - you don't speak for every player. If you don't like it you don't have to do it. If Rare look at the stats and see positive outcomes of doing this then I don't blame them for doing it again.

  • I don't think earning 1,000,000 gold is that big of a deal?

    My crew and I made over 500k in less than two hours as Reaper's Bones emissaries last night, hitting only three ships to do so. Granted, that was a particularly successful haul, and the double gold and double XP made a big difference, but still - I've only played this game a couple months and earning gold has never been an issue in the least?

    With that said, I personally bought the Soulflame set and am pretty underwhelmed. It's nice to have the cosmetic to commemorate the event, but I have to admit it's just not my style. To each their own, of course.

  • You can utilize the Gold and Glory weekends (Double Gold and EXP)

  • I understand the confusion and kinda agree that Rare could communicate that the set is kinda of pricey.

    But seriously I think it's a kind of relief for people that have milions of gold and don't know what to do with them. After all these people need to spend this money somehow too :D

    I myself didn't have 1 mil as well when i completed the event. I grinded for a few hours and gathered 500k in 2 days. It's not the easiest thing in the world but it's not the most difficult as well. IMO the game needs more 'expensive' stuff but that's another discussion to be made.

    We can agree though that the event was awesome and really refreshing.

  • Hey, I have no issues with the Pirate Legend requirement or the 1M gold cost, but I think the following should have been done:

    • Make each outfit cost 250K instead of 1M for 4 all at once.

    • Clearly advertise the cost ahead of time. I became PL during the FotD event (but before completing it) and wasted over 500K gold on PL fluff. If I had known about the 1M gold cost, I would have saved my gold.

    • Make sure to clarify if there is a deadline to buy this set once unlocked. Many people here comment how easy it is to make gold, but as a working professional with demanding family responsibilities, I play SoT maybe once or twice a week. Please do not assume that everyone can play as often as you do. Now, if there is no deadline, that's awesome, but since all I have is a moderator post and not an official statement, I'm still stressing out about whether or not I need to finish by Dec 9.

  • Gold sinks are really needed but yeah probably make it more clear how much it costs.

  • @activenick the 250k per outfit would have been hard, because this is a special costume.

    If you are wearing part of it people in your crew can select any of the crew outfits even without purchasing it for as long as they are in a session with you.

    On the other parts i think indeed rare could have been clearer

  • no no no. Now finally we get Gold Sinks! And now people have nothing better to do as complaining about this Gold Sinks?
    Its very great that there are now things we have to grind for.
    I mean, the whole time we grind gold, and cannot do anything with it.
    I sit on my gold and get more and more bored, because it no longer makes sense to sell loot, and now little signs of gold sinks are in sight! YES!!!

  • @capteggpants there's always after to backstab and get dat booty

  • So just to clarify, do we have any confirmation what will happen after the event finishes? My buddy and I are both new PLs but we only saw the price tag for the costumes once we completed the event and didn't have the time left in that session to spend working up to the 1M. It is fair for 4 outfits. Still, there are other things I would prefer at the moment tbh but if there is a strict time requirement then that could make things more problematic.

    • By hitting the 24/24 unlock benchmark, will that allow me to still buy after the event finishes?
    • What store will I find it in? Selling on the black market from Larinna near the tavern?
    • Would you buy it from the reps in the Order of Souls tents?
    • Due to the PL requirement, would you buy it from the ghost vendors in the PL tavern?

    Can a individual from the Rare team confirm it is still available after the event finishes in about a week if it was unlocked by participating in the event?

    As general feedback, it would have been nice to have a new boss be introduced with the event. It felt a lot like a rinse and repeat session that my buddy and I would have to login and do every so often with the only changes being the colors and locations for that week. And making us repeat everything all over again during the last week brought back terrible flashbacks of the Tall Tales where you had to repeat them 5 times to 100% unlock them. That is terrible. I have done it but it royally sucked.

  • @shireling1382 said in Soulflame Crew Set for 1.000.000 Gold:

    So just to clarify, do we have any confirmation what will happen after the event finishes? My buddy and I are both new PLs but we only saw the price tag for the costumes once we completed the event and didn't have the time left in that session to spend working up to the 1M. It is fair for 4 outfits. Still, there are other things I would prefer at the moment tbh but if there is a strict time requirement then that could make things more problematic.

    • By hitting the 24/24 unlock benchmark, will that allow me to still buy after the event finishes?
    • What store will I find it in? Selling on the black market from Larinna near the tavern?
    • Would you buy it from the reps in the Order of Souls tents?
    • Due to the PL requirement, would you buy it from the ghost vendors in the PL tavern?

    Can a individual from the Rare team confirm it is still available after the event finishes in about a week if it was unlocked by participating in the event?

    As general feedback, it would have been nice to have a new boss be introduced with the event. It felt a lot like a rinse and repeat session that my buddy and I would have to login and do every so often with the only changes being the colors and locations for that week. And making us repeat everything all over again during the last week brought back terrible flashbacks of the Tall Tales where you had to repeat them 5 times to 100% unlock them. That is terrible. I have done it but it royally sucked.

    I would also love to get a confirmation on if I need to grind the gold before 12/9 if I'm already PL and unlocked 24/24 in the FotD event, or if i can still buy the outfits after 12/9.

  • @activenick The excuse "I have a job and family" is used by nearly everyone, and I guarantee you, at least 60% of players have a job and family. And plenty of them get these things done. It's not the amount if time, it's the application. If so many others can do it with a iob and family, why can't you?

  • @ve111a sagte in Soulflame Crew Set for 1.000.000 Gold:

    @capteggpants they need to stop trying to force people to use the weak alliance system period , no alliances are true alliances and it's not fun to do.

    stop serverhopping and the game and community will change for sure.
    No cheesed alliances, no hopping streamers and tuccers etc..., but people who play the game as intended and regularily like @Galactic-Geek did this.
    Thats how to #bemorepirate and earns all my respect!

    nice to see that Vanguard Sail in your Picture ;)

  • Yeah. Kinda upset. I did all the challenges and unlocked the outfit. But I too spend like a drunken sailor so I did not have the coin to purchase during the event. So I've been saving every coin since unlocked. Finally had enough to buy and now its locked again and the only way to get it is by beating the FoD 23 MORE TIMES just to unlock it again? And the price i hear is now 5million? I'm never going to get this outfit.

  • @theshaman73 said in Soulflame Crew Set for 1.000.000 Gold:

    Yeah. Kinda upset. I did all the challenges and unlocked the outfit. But I too spend like a drunken sailor so I did not have the coin to purchase during the event. So I've been saving every coin since unlocked. Finally had enough to buy and now its locked again and the only way to get it is by beating the FoD 23 MORE TIMES just to unlock it again? And the price i hear is now 5million? I'm never going to get this outfit.

    The patch notes say:

    For players affected by the ‘Daydreaming’ issue when purchasing the Soulflame Captain and Crew during Fate of the Damned, Larinna continues to offer the Costume set locked behind the original Challenge goals.

    Larinna should have the costume for you to purchase if you completed the goals during the event.

  • @realstyli i will check. Thank you.
    I mean I'm fine if I have to purchase for 5million since I missed buying during the event. But I unlocked the costume by completing all challenges. I shouldn't have to unlock it again impo

  • @realstyli you beauty! Thank you. Just checked and it was with my girl in the black market. For the original price. Saved me a lot of grief. I'm not a huge fort player and the idea of needing to do that fort 23 more times was daunting for a set I won't wear much outside of Halloween.

  • @theshaman73 said in Soulflame Crew Set for 1.000.000 Gold:

    @realstyli you beauty! Thank you. Just checked and it was with my girl in the black market. For the original price. Saved me a lot of grief. I'm not a huge fort player and the idea of needing to do that fort 23 more times was daunting for a set I won't wear much outside of Halloween.

    No bother. I think they added it because there was a lot of feedback about how unfair it was when it didn't say upfront how much it would cost. I think the one in the PL hideout is for those who didn't finish the event and for future PLs.

    Happy sailing!

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