can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads

  • note mods such as @Deckhands
    shut this down if it gets too heated I just want to pust this out because this is a pirate game irl pirates are jerks and we know that and the people who want pve only modes doen't get that because they want the game to change the way they want every time i'm on here I see them in one form or another and most people are tired of it so when there is a pve thread the mods should and prolly are on stand by to drop the chain on the topic and no I don't want anyone to think this is hate speech it isn't I want to get my point across I have said it mods do what ever you think is right

  • 24
  • Not possible because the people asking for pve servers are not gamers they are gold farmers.

  • @flintlock-dan Not necessarily (always) true. But I'll take it as a possible reason.

  • PS, Also @closinghare208 there is no point mentioning @Quartermasters any more - the Deckhand tag is enough :)

  • @musicmee said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    PS, Also @closinghare208 there is no point mentioning @Quartermasters any more - the Deckhand tag is enough :)

    ok thank you mate

  • @closinghare208

    People are asking for PVE servers, not threads.
    Just skip past them and ignore if you (like me) don't want to keep seeing them.

    The topic will never go away regardless. And I can see a time where they will become a thing with full progress but behind a pay wall, as it will generate income for an old game. And for that reason, I can see them coming one day.

  • @needsmokes said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:


    People are asking for PVE servers, not threads.
    Just skip past them and ignore if you (like me) don't want to keep seeing them.

    The topic will never go away regardless. And I can see a time where they will become a thing with full progress but behind a pay wall, as it will generate income for an old game. And for that reason, I can see them coming one day.

    I myself I hope not because then there would be no one to sink if ones a reaper that attacks other ships so in that regard I really hope they are not

  • Hello!
    Filthy noob here, forgive me :)

    Righty, I've only been playing for 4 days, so I don't have a perfect perspective for either the PvE or PvP side of the argument - but if you're seeing it every day, wouldn't that imply it's something the community wants?

    If I were a butcher selling beef, and people came by every day asking for chicken, should I reply:
    "This is a red-meat shop, get lost."
    "Sure I can look into chicken for you, tell your friends!"

    From an outside perspective, it just makes sense to give communities what they want - if you cater to a single group, you push away all the others and eventually you're making a game for the 7 people who are left. :p
    (Rip MapleStory, LotrO)

    • They won't be sunk by you
    • You won't see threads from them
    • And you and I can continue to have PvEvP :)

    Just my two cents, carry on

  • @herrdave3849 You raise a good point with sound logic, but sadly it's a little bit more complicated with games as a service models.

  • @herrdave3849 said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    From an outside perspective, it just makes sense to give communities what they want - if you cater to a single group, you push away all the others and eventually you're making a game for the 7 people who are left. :p

    And yet the game contains content to please a very broad range of players of all kind. It might not seem that way as an outsider yet, but Rare is already trying to cater to as many people as possible without betraying the vision they have for their game. Nobody can 100% please everybody, and as the idiom says, Those who try to please everybody ends up pleasing nobody.

    The PVE-only "community" should be glad that private servers are going to even be a thing, and should accept that they will be balanced risk/reward wise and that they will need to take a wee bit of risk if they want to progress in the game (while being thankful to have the choice not too, and be able to enjoy a safe session)

  • @herrdave3849 said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    Filthy noob here, forgive me :)

    Righty, I've only been playing for 4 days, so I don't have a perfect perspective for either the PvE or PvP side of the argument - but if you're seeing it every day, wouldn't that imply it's something the community wants?

    If I were a butcher selling beef, and people came by every day asking for chicken, should I reply:
    "This is a red-meat shop, get lost."
    "Sure I can look into chicken for you, tell your friends!"

    From an outside perspective, it just makes sense to give communities what they want - if you cater to a single group, you push away all the others and eventually you're making a game for the 7 people who are left. :p
    (Rip MapleStory, LotrO)

    • They won't be sunk by you
    • You won't see threads from them
    • And you and I can continue to have PvEvP :)

    Just my two cents, carry on

    While you do raise a good point here, the problem lies in quality. Yes, you do want to appeal to a wider spectrum, but at the same time where do you draw the line between wanting to make a lot of money off your game and wanting to make a GOOD game? While it may be what some players want it could also jeopardize the point of the game itself. If all the gold grinders go to a separate server then who is there to steal from? And you can pretty much kiss peaceful encounters goodbye since it'll be mainly PvP layers in the normal servers. My point is, while you make a good point from a business perspective, it would also kill the game it was intended to be.

  • @fall3nsnip3r340 I mean it is Sea of THIEVES after all.

  • @fall3nsnip3r340 said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    @fall3nsnip3r340 I mean it is Sea of THIEVES after all.


  • No one likes to get sunk when they are chill’n!

    No one wants to get chased when they are about to end a session and cash in their loot.

    No one wants to get rolled or lose hours of “work” when they drop their guard for 1 second and lose everything!

    It’s not fair! It’s not right!

    No one likes to die and get wrecked!

    Sometimes you just want to quest and be left alone!

    Sometimes you just want to be left alone!

    Sometimes you just want to watch the damn sunset in peace!

    But thats the “magic” and if you take that away, you lose the “magic”.

    But people that think they want PVE servers don’t understand the magic will be lost.

  • @closinghare208

    Could everyone stop making "stop making pve threads" threads?

    These are just as annoying tbh.

  • @pithyrumble said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:


    Could everyone stop making "stop making pve threads" threads?

    These are just as annoying tbh.

    lol this is the only one that I know of

  • @closinghare208 said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    @pithyrumble said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:


    Could everyone stop making "stop making pve threads" threads?

    These are just as annoying tbh.

    lol this is the only one that I know of


  • Can people stop asking for people to stop asking for pve servers?

  • @qu1etone said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    Can people stop asking for people to stop asking for pve servers?


  • @closinghare208 self explanatory

  • @qu1etone said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    @closinghare208 self explanatory

    well this is the only one right now

  • What surprises me with comments like this is the apparent lack of awareness to how fast Rare is bleeding their playerbase -that's not even considering the significant population they aren't even getting to buy the game in the first place.

    Accomodate both playerbases and you make significantly more dollars, which means you can hire more devs and bring new content which retains your playerbase (not just the hardcore die hard fans) and gasp everyone who is playing, PvP or PvE gets more content.

    I struggle to see why this is a bad thing.

  • @glannigan said in can we as gamers on this game and this forum stop asking for pve threads:

    No one likes to get sunk when they are chill’n!

    No one wants to get chased when they are about to end a session and cash in their loot.

    No one wants to get rolled or lose hours of “work” when they drop their guard for 1 second and lose everything!

    It’s not fair! It’s not right!

    No one likes to die and get wrecked!

    Sometimes you just want to quest and be left alone!

    Sometimes you just want to be left alone!

    Sometimes you just want to watch the damn sunset in peace!

    But thats the “magic” and if you take that away, you lose the “magic”.

    But people that think they want PVE servers don’t understand the magic will be lost.

    So give people choice, why not reduce the risk you alienate a much larger playerbase like Rare already is?

    Last I checked, Rare is a for profit entity. Customer churn is bad, Rare is hemorrhaging players. PvP players lose nothing if Rare accommodates PvE players, in fact they gain more through Rare's increased financial success.

    Whether they will do it or not, I see nothing but benefit for both playerbases and Rare especially.

  • @worthington-lll

    Sometimes wanting something is better than actually getting it.

    Back in the day we used cheat retrospect, ultimately by using these codes we shortened our enjoyment of the games.

    Instead of playing for moths to unlock everything we played for a few days after I unlocking everything.

    And again, you’ll lost the “Magic” and that is what makes this game successful.

23 out of 24