help pls

  • how much longer is the grind from athena 10-20 compared to the 1-10 grind?

  • 4
  • 10-20 is a cakewalk to those of us that did 1-10 before emissaries and extra athena items and thieves haven runs were added

    length just depends how much time you have to play and how efficient you are with your time, gonna vary for everyone

    also some luck of the draw as some athena/haven runs will give you more athena loot than others

    I wouldn't recommend rushing it as having goals makes the game fun once you max out on everything it becomes more of a struggle to avoid becoming bored. If you do want to rush it avoid wasting time on lower end treasure. Gold comes easy it's not worth time going back and forth with marauders and seafarers and random trinkets. Take gems and take athena items and leave, also will help prevent you from getting tucked on by spending too much time on an island while doing athena stuff.

    Youll face a skelly ship and meg or two along the way you can take that treasure as it's easier and faster to harpoon it up but leave all the random treasure.

    Taking down skelly ships and megs and krakens all give emissary rep so do that. You don't have to go for 5 but you want to get to at least grade 4 and the boosts help

    you can do captain riddles to for extra rep when needed it's a good little boost and those chests actually have good loot these days so a ritual skull or a box full of gems will satisfy your hunger for extra loot

  • Agreed. Goes so much faster with emissary and more than just Athena's Chests to hand in for reputation. In my experience, fastest way to progress is to run a TH run with emissary up, which should get you very close to Grade V. Make sure to use red and green lanterns on riddle skeletons to get extra skulls and be careful not to blow up the Athena's powder kegs on the final chapter (bring your Eye of Reach or Flintlock). Do a little extra to hit Grade V if needed (put down an Athena's, sink a skelly gally, etc.) and then run the Grade V mission before selling all that glorious Athena's loot. This method will also help you progress toward the goals for the Ghost PL items.

  • @roninhunter1

    With a level 5 Athena flag up, 10 to 20 takes just as long as 1 to 10 without the flag. That's my experience anyway.

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