Why Can Other Players Pick Up Quest Items?

  • My friend and I spent 3 hours doing a tall tale quest. We had just finished up the last boss and were going to return the item to finish it at Daggertooth. But, things were not so easy a Pirate Legend was hiding in the walls of our ship jumped out to kill us both and mermaided away with the quest item. Never to be seen again. 3 hours of time just wasted. What a joke.

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  • That sure was a sneaky dirty move. That's a stealthy pirate for ya. You may be disappointed to find out your quest item was most likely left behind somewhere nearby, as its not possible to take the mermaid with an item in hand. If you try to, the item will be left behind at the mermaid.

  • @gamecrazys1976 Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately, due to the nature of the game... this is a shared world adventure game where other players are able to influence how your adventures turn out. This adds a bit of spice to the voyages and makes every voyage different!

    My best adice for you... Always keep an eye on the horizon!

  • @gutterangel We couldn't find it sadly. Whats bad is they could not even use it for anything. We had a ship full of treasure but he waited for us to finish the quest just to mess with us. He was part of our alliance and disbanded it before he killed us smh.

  • @gamecrazys1976

    A frustrating development indeed, but it is a part of the game. It's always a downer when you've just about finished a Tale and lose it right at the end. It's happened to me plenty.

    But try not to look at it as time wasted. With the Tall Tales, even a failed attempt is valuable as each run through will make you much quicker and more efficient at it for the next time.

    I've done all of them at least once and one hundred percented four of them so far. By the time I'd gotten through one twice, I could knock out the other three in an hour and change.

    So try not to view it as time wasted, but as experience earned so that your next run will be easier and smoother.

    And, as @gutterangel said, you can't mermaid with an item. So if your attacker did mermaid away, he must have ditched the item elsewhere.

    Oh, and P.S.--

    If one's really bugging you, there's no shame in checking out a guide. A challenge is good, but if all you are is frustrated, then you're not having fun.

  • @gamecrazys1976 said in Why Can Other Players Pick Up Quest Items?:

    He was part of our alliance and disbanded it before he killed us smh.

    Never trust a pirate.

  • My friend and I spent 3 hours doing a tall tale quest. [The quest item was stolen...] never to be seen again. 3 hours of time just wasted. What a joke.

    This idea that time spent playing Sea of Thieves is “wasted” when your loot gets stolen or lost to the Kraken, or some such thing, perplexes me. You had three hours of fun with your friend. To call it a waste of time is an insult to them, if nothing else.

    If you play any competitive game - or even watch your favorite sporting team play - is it a “waste of time” if you do not win?

  • @gamecrazys1976 didn't you realize, that a mermaid spawns all the time while your ship is moving? Sorry to say, but this sounds like you didn't pay attention enough...

    Yeah, it was a di%*-move, but you could have prevent it...

  • @gamecrazys1976
    This problem would be fixed if they added a checkpoint system to tall tales.

  • So... did I hallucinate that video where Joe Neate laid out the clear-cut lines as to what types of behaviors are - and aren't - acceptable in this game?

    Because it seems to me like ignoring a hold full of loot, yet stealing the one thing they could gain 0 benefit from would qualify as "playing with the sole intent of ruining someone else's fun". Which absolutely falls under the purview of unacceptable behavior.

  • @surveyorpete said in Why Can Other Players Pick Up Quest Items?:

    My friend and I spent 3 hours doing a tall tale quest. [The quest item was stolen...] never to be seen again. 3 hours of time just wasted. What a joke.

    This idea that time spent playing Sea of Thieves is “wasted” when your loot gets stolen or lost to the Kraken, or some such thing, perplexes me. You had three hours of fun with your friend. To call it a waste of time is an insult to them, if nothing else.

    If you play any competitive game - or even watch your favorite sporting team play - is it a “waste of time” if you do not win?

    Sorry mate, crew of friends or not, if our goal was stolen it really would've been a waste of time. Not just for me, but my crew as well. It's happened to us before too in different fashions.

    Don't kid yourself that "it's about the journey", because if we really do only have 3 hours to play, for example, and the 3 hours were wasted without progress, it's surely frustrating for all of us.

  • @weepaperboats

    Well, it depends. If we're talking about Tall Tales, as the OP was, then you still gain experience with the Tale, even if you don't complete it.

    Sure, it took you 3 hours this time. But next time it'll be around 2 and a half. Next time, under two.

    The trouble with SoT is that it's really not designed for instant gratification. Heck, it's hardly designed for moderate gratification.

    Like you, my play times are, in general, pretty short. Mostly right around 2 hours, sometimes 3 if I have a day off. And with SoT, it's almost a guarantee that quite a few of those sessions will end without any visual progress.

    That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does take some adjustment to get used to. When I first started going through the Tall Tales, I pretty much assumed my first run through would not be successful. It was more of a scouting run; okay, what's this one about, what are the mechanics, what do I need to prepare for, etc.

    And finding the journals was at least one session in and of itself. Forget progressing the Tale, if I wanted all the entries, that was my play session.

    But every try made me better until I was breezing through them. I finished Briggsy's twice in no more than 2 hours. Even the Lair of the Trickster was pretty quick after my first couple successful runs.

    Voyages, I think, are all about keeping your ship empty. Turn in after every island, if you've got the patience for it. And definitely after every other island. That way your voyage will always be at least a partial success even if you get attacked.

    As for forts... well, with those you kinda are just out of luck if you lose it. But then, that's kinda the point of them in the first place.

  • It’s a Pirate game...Sometimes you are pirated and sometimes you pirate...

  • This is such a dumb thing to allow in the game. I'm totally fine with Treasure, Fish, Skulls etc. being taken but not the quest items. I've just had this happen to me at the end of the Seabound Soul and I can tell you that it'll be a while before I play SoT again. I think this really needs to be removed. Other players have nothing to gain from stealing your quest items except to ruin your play time.

  • What about time the start that same tail and then hand in the quest item? Is that possible?

  • Gotta be more aware young pirate! :)

  • @just-dpack the player can only carry one thing at a time. What if taking the quest item meant they would stay there looking for it, allowing him time to mermaid back to his ship so he could come back with his ship and sink them for the loot.

    This is not against the rules. What is though is abuse, racism, homophobia, slurs, insults. This is what he means by ruining someone’s experience. The game mechanics are the game mechanics, be more vigilant.

  • @gamecrazys1976 first of all you cant mermaid away with an item, the item would just drop right there on the mermaid. second of all the items in the game are not like thors hammer lol, that would be a real joke

  • @blazedrake100 said in Why Can Other Players Pick Up Quest Items?:

    This problem would be fixed if they added a checkpoint system to tall tales.

    I feel like there should be more checkpoints too. We got a 30 minute warning for a server-shut-down this week. We had to rush our way through the entire thing, which really took the fun out of it .

  • @princes-lettuce

    U get at least a 24 hour warning. if u check fora or social media. Plan accordingly

  • @WeakDexx
    Not with the hotfix on thursday

  • @blazedrake100

    than that was a bum-mer.

  • so let me get this straight? After all this time players can still pick up quest items? Just casually playing alone when someone came to drop off their stuff at an outpost i was already at. Right before the door where i have to hand the quest items in at olivia, 3 players shoot and kill me then take my quest item.So i just spent all that time doing the thing only to be killed at shore right before the quest is handed in? At the point now where i dont even want to play the game because all my work was wasted because people can kill you at the outpost and take your quest items then just throw them away for you to start over. I get its supposed to be part of the game but there really should be some form of punishment for shore fighting or something. Pretty sure pirates didnt take kindly to this sort of thing either. ;)

  • @sunovuglitch first: this thread is 9 months old...make a new one
    Second: we have checkpoints now...just cancel the tale and put the checkpoint on again...the item magicly appears on your voyage table

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