Fate of the Morningstar

  • As we are well aware the Ferryman drunk his poison and died in a sacrifice to become the Ferryman. I have a question.

    Who was the person that buried him and his lantern in his sarcophagus?
    Plot hole? or something bigger?

  • 8
  • Major spoilers for those of us who HAVEN'T done the Tall Tale, yet.

  • @blam320 Incorrect. The Ferryman explains this on his boat if you speak to him regardless of game progress. Even the Pirate Lord states The Ferryman's sacrifice in his journal during Maiden Voyage.

    Minor spoiler at best, certainly not major.
    Question still remains the same.

  • @sir-androidno17

    Random pirate. Found corpse and buried it.


  • Just throwing in random things here because i dont have any way to back them up, i believe that the Ferryman is CaptainFlameheart Jr and the one who burried him might be Ramsy the Pirate Lord but i want to bet that it was Belle.

  • @faceyourdemon Love that someone else has the same theory as myself

  • @faceyourdemon said in Fate of the Morningstar:

    Just throwing in random things here because i dont have any way to back them up, i believe that the Ferryman is CaptainFlameheart Jr and the one who burried him might be Ramsy the Pirate Lord but i want to bet that it was Belle.

    That theory doesn't line up though does it? The last that we heard of Jr. is that he was on an unmarked island in the shroud with his crew where they became skeletons.

    The Ferryman died by drinking poison and talks of "wiping the blood from my brow" - these seem like human attributes to me, which Flameheart Jr. would probably not have as a skeleton lord.

    I just don't think the correlation is there. I know that's Falcore's theory and he really reaches with his theories sometimes lol.

  • @Chronodusk Well the death from poison is a fact why it cant be the Ferryman.
    The we dont know what happened to Flameheart jr between that uncharted island to current time so he could have done anything but yeah it kinda sums it up that its unlikely that its the Ferryman.

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