Returning from the ferry black screen during Ghost Ships battle....

  • I'm on an SSD and so is my friend. It takes like 30 seconds to a minute to return during the world event. I was watching someone stream this morning and they died and it took them that long as well on PC....

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  • Same issue loading into the game or from a mermaid.

    This used to happen during the Fleets where players were unable to join during encounters entirely.

    Have you tried submitting a support ticket?

    Quite frustrating and needs a fix for sure.

  • This!!!!!!! I thought I hated black screens before but I'm genuinely sitting forever sometimes. Even with an SSD it's hanging hard.

    Friend on a old mechanical drive has to be revived or we wont see him again for 5 minutes or he crashes he says.

  • Friend playing on xbox got knocked off the ship during flameheart ghost fleet. We were fighting a player brig as well. They were in black screen for close to two minutes. Got wasted by the brig in the meantime. Black screen issues have been going on for FAR too long!

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