Sword lunge not being cancelled correctly by damage

  • Sword lunge when you have been damaged now animates completely, and deals no damage. This results in a new weakness for sword users, and the so called smoothness improvements are actually not smooth at all. Sword registration on hits has also fallen down. It is not surprising to have to slash an enemy 5-6 times to kill them.

    I dont know what causes this, but if a lunge is interrupted it should actually be interrupted. and you should be able to defend yourself. In the old days if you took a hit during charging up a lunge, it would cancel your lunge and you would get the oppurtunity to defend yourself from further damage and death. :)

    Swords and gun players alike now have to use their opponents movements and reactions to judge whether or not we have damaged them, because the game fails to tell us accurately. While I did not care much for this before, as I have grown as a player it hurts more and more.

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