You are not so much interested for some communities

  • Hello! I'm a developer and i have a question for you.... what you are going to do with communities of this game?
    The heart of this game are the communities, without these communities this game would already died, so why you are not interested to give more tools at developers to improve communities and communities event? I'm not talking only about private server (also client hosted) in order to make events, but also simple APIs.
    For now the only api it's what the xbox offers (the 6 basic statistics and a part of achievements), but it's not really enough to improve a good app to improve the life of a community. And now, with the new "FLAG" missions ALL activities with that flags, like merchant, souls, gold orders, distance made with ships....all of them with flag equiped doesn't work anymore (no gain of sells/distance on statistics), so also the xbox api goes useless. Congratulations and thank you to ignore something that can be helpful also for communities (and not only in game).

    Best regards

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  • you have to respect how rare is making the game your only a beginner developer so talking about some of this stuff without knowing the reason why makes it redundant they probably have a reason why they are putting these updates and other things they have to try to please everyone in the community but its hard as lots of people play differently and people have lots of different opinions and ideas for and on the game itself.

    they are doing what they can right now with covid 19 so they are trying their best hopefully your games are working out though

  • @romans96 The communities for Sea of Thieves are helpful to the Devs! Community members post feedback and suggestions, while the Insiders do their stuff. Rare has made a great game, and this update is the best so far. Have fun sailing the seas!

  • @the-bomb-45tyle i thank you haven't read anything about my post. And this argument was also opened from some of the biggest communities of sea of thieves months and months ago. It's an argument opened already on the closed Beta of the game, more then 2 years ago. So for this, do not use Covid19 because i'm not talking about only 2 months. So i thing you're gonna know what i'm talking about before to post something helpful to only some players that are not interested

  • @romans96 Dude, the employees of Rare are working from home. Do you think they can cater to everybody? Right now, bug fixes aren't the most important thing in life. The Devs are making sure that their family is ok, and you are making a fuss about how there are too many bugs in game, and that Rare should fix it right away. @the-bomb-45tyle was correct about Covid19. The Devs and employees are doing their best.

  • @supersnipper60 An other one that doesn't read what i wrote. Good one

    I think that if an emoployee/devs will ever read this feedback, know what i'm talking about and know what i'm saying. If you not read it's normal you write something that i have not mentioned

  • @romans96 Not all of us are developers. The Devs will read this, and all of what I said in my previous posts are true. Right now is not the best time to care about the majority. They are at home right now caring for their families, and you want a better website.

    P.S. Use English next time and not the language of developers and programmers.

  • @supersnipper60
    I hadn't ask a better website, the website is so good, i'm asking for an other thing, that can be usefull (and for the part is it yet).
    The datas relative about the games statistics. Now the only thing usable are gold chests sold, skulls and merchants and then the distance, islands visitated.
    But the only question is only to add other things to see for each user, to improve apps for community. But it's an argument from 2 years not just for now.

  • @romans96 He did that to me on my post also, just ignore him. He spends most of his time telling people they're wrong "Because the developers are at home", which is fair, but obviously just an excuse to avoid addressing the problem. These issues can obviously be addressed in a month or two when we're all out again, otherwise, the Ships of Fortune update wouldn't have happened at all this month.

  • @romans96 if you're complaining about the applications you would be happy to hear that you can buy SOT on steam now sooooo, inevtitably with that we will begin to see more acces to the content of the game. but i doubt an API will ever be released, rare and microsoft dont appreciate people having access to any game data.

  • @Romans96 your post is a nightmare to read, you shouldnt use vauge termanolgy related to development if you want a positive response. to put it simply the details you're mentioning are very niche and require further explation within your OP.

  • @fllw3rb0y I don't think that with the release of the game on steam the API situation will be resolved, however the current data is provided by Rare, consequently, if it does not provide data to steam, it will not be able to provide anything

  • @fra-wolf-gamer sure but that was honestly just a first glance guess

  • @fllw3rb0y said in You are not so much interested for some communities:

    @romans96 if you're complaining about the applications you would be happy to hear that you can buy SOT on steam now sooooo, inevtitably with that we will begin to see more acces to the content of the game. but i doubt an API will ever be released, rare and microsoft dont appreciate people having access to any game data.

    That's not true, almost the half part of xbox games has an api

  • @Romans96 The community is there.

    1. Official site (forums)
    2. Partnered/Fan/Club websites
    3. Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, etc.
    4. Sea of Thieves Insider
    5. Creator Crew
    6. Twitch partners
    7. Mixer partners
    8. Official Discord
      ...and more!

    The Xbox API needs to be updated by Microsoft, not Rare.

  • @galactic-geek said in You are not so much interested for some communities:

    The Xbox API needs to be updated by Microsoft, not Rare.

    That's not truefor this i contacted the Dev Supportof Microsoft, and they have API for Xbox Live only for Direct Microsoft Games and product. And they also specific to me that for games like Sea of Thieves, or other that have sub-companies, "the role to create an API is of the manufacturing company". I asked there before ask in this forum.

  • @romans96 why do you even want an api? like who cares

  • Because Karen a lot of games in the past have died because the communities that sprang up around them held the developer's hostage by whipping them into a paranoid frenzy that they would leave and the game would die if they didn't get exactly what they wanted right now.
    This isn't Rare's first rodeo and it's fairly sensible of them to ignore the "communities" more obscene demands. Especially now when they are all forced to work from home.

  • @ricewynd I think it is not correct to apologize for everything they do saying "eh but they are working from home", remember that Sea Of Thieves was born long before this quarantine and consequently the developers could have done something before. Then this concept of "no use in the game so they don't have to do it" for what purpose? Romans expressed an opinion that bees were missing and you are attacking him by justifying Rare who works from home. Maybe you don't even know what an API is and what it really does. Just think that if Rare were to release an API, you would be the first to use it. The reason is simple, now the compaion app and web compain are in fashion, used by players to view their statistics and other information, all those systems working with an API connected directly to the game, and this makes the community grow.

  • @fra-wolf-gamer That is....not what I said.

  • @fra-wolf-gamer If Rare released an API (a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service), it would have no effect on the community. Do you play an API like you play Sea of Thieves? An API would only be a convenience to a few. If Rare did release an API, and didn't worry about bug fixes and content, then there will be a massive influx of complaint threads. All because @Fra-Wolf-Gamer, @Romans96, and @MeLikeyDaCheese were bonded together over a way to track the number of pirates killed.

    P.S. @Romans96 As a learning programmer, I suggest that you put yourself into Rare's shoes, and see what's a priority: healthy real people, or a fantasy pirate game.

  • Take a shot of grog every time he says "communities"! You won't be standing for long!

  • @supersnipper60 Exactly, the community PLAYS the game, but when it's not playing, wouldn't you find it convenient to say to a friend of yours "Hey look yesterday I arrived at X level of X company and I got X honors" without reopening and closing the game every time? I'm not saying that this thing is useful for all communities, because even not everyone would know how to use it, but it would be useful for those who manage communities to maybe get things happened during the X event, for example: in a pvp event you want to have a ranking in time real of the player kill, the API takes care of it so there can never be errors, as it is all commanded by Rare himself.

  • @fra-wolf-gamer Screenshots my dear Watson. Screenshots

  • As an admin from Sea of Thieves ES, I can ASSURE you that they're working with us the communities inside the Affiliate Alliance to provide more tools.

    And also, about the API, the request has been made directly to Rare, and they know that we want it. They just need to work in it.

  • @fra-wolf-gamer said in You are not so much interested for some communities:

    @supersnipper60 Exactly, the community PLAYS the game, but when it's not playing, wouldn't you find it convenient to say to a friend of yours "Hey look yesterday I arrived at X level of X company and I got X honors" without reopening and closing the game every time?

    That's not community support, that's just you wanting to brag to your friends.
    Having a separate brag app that shows off your stats is a terrible idea, not only does it encourage greifing to get your kill score up, it would also be a pain in the butt to develop and when it comes to precious developer time I would rather it were spent smashing bugs and making new content, not building a pointless statistics website so little children in the playground can brag about how many kills they done got.

  • @ricewynd I honestly don't think anyone complained about the Destiny community because Bungie released a super complicated API that at the same time gives you access to ALL the information about the game.

    And I repeat the fact that this consideration is not within everyone's reach, to a normal user nothing changes if Rare releases an API or not, the user wants to see content, it's up to the developer who, interacting with it, gives life to this content

  • @fra-wolf-gamer said in You are not so much interested for some communities:

    @ricewynd I honestly don't think anyone complained about the Destiny community because Bungie released a super complicated API that at the same time gives you access to ALL the information about the game.

    And I repeat the fact that this consideration is not within everyone's reach, to a normal user nothing changes if Rare releases an API or not, the user wants to see content, it's up to the developer who, interacting with it, gives life to this content

    Destiny is a non-pvp orientated game. You can mess around in Destiny to your heart's content, completing the game and earning enough reputation to unlock some of the games more powerful choice of weapons without ever having engaged in any sort of PvP.
    A better comparison would be GTAV which does have open-world persistent PvP and keeps track of users kill ratios, which leads to a lot of players going out of their way to continually harras other players just to keep their scores up and brag about them.

  • @ricewynd But one question, if Rare, in the most remote of cases, were to release an API, would it matter to you or would you continue to play as if nothing had happened? Because in case your answer is the second you can leave the topic clean to people who really care about it.

  • @fra-wolf-gamer said in You are not so much interested for some communities:

    @ricewynd But one question, if Rare, in the most remote of cases, were to release an API, would it matter to you or would you continue to play as if nothing had happened? Because in case your answer is the second you can leave the topic clean to people who really care about it.

    A loaded question in which the answer would be irrelevant. Of course, I would carry on as normal everyone would. The real question would be is my ability to carry on as normal affected by it, my argument, had you actually read it, would be that it is as a record of statistics showing the number of ships destroyed and pirates killed would inevitably cause a spike in toxic PvP'ers trying to post their stats.

  • @ricewynd Then you could say the same thing to Rare herself, who did what you said but with the doubloons earned during the sale as an emissary. Wouldn't this lead to more and more avid people just trying to sink other ships just because they don't want to farm their own loot?

  • @fra-wolf-gamer Difference being, people sinking other people for loot is the point of the game

  • @ricewynd So you just say that the bot for discord (example) i've created for a community and other bots that uses the few statistics that we can handle, created also from other big communities and used from tons of players, and helped more to play and play more, are useless? For now, in 3 years that i played on sea of thieves, the only toxic players i had known are in-game when they try to sink us (or simply sink us... but in game). For now outside the game, all the people used that "orrible tools" like you mean, nobody refused them. At the opposite they want more, and i knew some of them that likes that to have more fun and playing more sea of thieves. I WIll not mention the communities, the people or other devs, but this is the truth. They all know that it's "fintion" but like the "golds" in game it keep players to play more. (And if someone doesn't like it, they simple does not use it). But i can tell you, that in an event organized with those "tools" in the discord there were almost 2k people playing. We had to add more channels.

    If you don't like these kind of apps, maybe you are simple not interested of them or you haven't tried them with a crew. But YOU, other players that plays with a crew in a place (that can be discord or other platform), maybe like that.

  • @romans96 I have literally no idea what your argument is here, sorry.

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