Why you should add private worlds

  • Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

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  • @ninjalight0401

    That's part of the game, if you can't handle it then the game isn't for you.

    They will add private servers but those will be for events and such, probably wont be able to grind anything either

  • @ninjalight0401 While I can honestly say it's a sad moment to have loot stolen just on the cusp of victory, I do have to remind you that there's a reason why there's a giant distinguishing skull in the sky when you're doing either a normal or a fort of the damned. It's to lure in players for confrontation to spice it up a lot.

    People just wait for you to do the hard work. One of the most piraty things they can do.

    If you don't want PvP don't activate or do a fort. It's a PvP hotbed.

  • I understand your frustration mate. But you'll get no support in here. We've all had hard earned loot taken off us in minutes. As people say, 'it's part of the game.'

  • I played Forza once. The driving is great, but there's all these corners that the game expected me to turn around. Ruined my experience.

  • So... They must open a private server only for you and your friends? Stop being Childish...😂😂😂 Everybody had problems and Spend hours, because other people try to steal your loot, this is a part of the game 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @ninjalight0401 Seriously you would like a private server where u and your friend can easly make fort whitout other players? COME ONNNNNNNNNN, its called Sea Of Thieves! not sea of Friend, they also added the alliance, that for me is a literally no sense.

  • @ninjalight0401 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    Your time wasn’t stolen - you still had the experience, you just didn’t keep the loot. You lost no progress because you made none. Progress is made by turning in the loot. You love the game, but you just don’t want to play it. Umm... okay?

    Fort of the Damned is intended to attract PvP encounters. The cloud in the sky that you activated isn’t there just to be pretty. It is there to inform other players that someone is doing the fort... to draw them in.

  • I don't like the idea of 'private worlds', this is a Pirate game, and it would take away from the feeling of being a Pirate. This is a PvP based game but I do believe it could benefit from some instanced PVE raid like zones.


  • @ninjalight0401 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    How do you start a FotD without PvP in a private server?

    Edit :
    You can found a serverwide alliance and work together.
    Tools, not rules, but prepare to be betrayed 😈

  • @ninjalight0401

    What if I told you that the whole purpose of the Fort of the Damned was to drive players together to fight over who's going to steal it?

    Seriously, the big Skull Cloud with glowing red eyes and Reaper's Chests in the vault marked on the map to further draw attention to it... Yeah it's meant to be something that says "Hey look over here! I'm doing this really valuable fort, come challenge me for it!"

    Fort of the Damned in private servers would be completely pointless, it's not a task that's just supposed to be farmed in safety and isolation. Random player encounters are 100% part of what makes it an interesting challenge.

  • @jjblackhat ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    I don't like the idea of 'private worlds', this is a Pirate game, and it would take away from the feeling of being a Pirate. This is a PvP based game but I do believe it could benefit from some instanced PVE raid like zones.


    game incentrated on pvp? ?Really?? you play another game... if you look achievement is 95% PVE plz..

  • @dr-mitch74 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    @jjblackhat ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    I don't like the idea of 'private worlds', this is a Pirate game, and it would take away from the feeling of being a Pirate. This is a PvP based game but I do believe it could benefit from some instanced PVE raid like zones.


    game incentrated on pvp? ?Really?? you play another game... if you look achievement is 95% PVE plz..

    Fully agree it's a pve based game with PvP possible, mostly not neccessary.
    The only thing you need PvP for and get killed by another player is the FotD to have the flame of shame.

    Even the old commendations for Reaper flag dont need PvP, you even dont need to kill someone to steal an Athena, you can do this unnoticed or just negotiate and hand it over in an exchange.

    The only thing we have is no rules or safezones and pvp possible, the game is in no way PvP centric.

  • @bugaboo-bill ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    @dr-mitch74 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    @jjblackhat ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    I don't like the idea of 'private worlds', this is a Pirate game, and it would take away from the feeling of being a Pirate. This is a PvP based game but I do believe it could benefit from some instanced PVE raid like zones.


    game incentrated on pvp? ?Really?? you play another game... if you look achievement is 95% PVE plz..

    Fully agree it's a pve based game with PvP possible, mostly not neccessary.
    The only thing you need PvP for and get killed by another player is the FotD to have the flame of shame.

    Even the old commendations for Reaper flag dont need PvP, you even dont need to kill someone to steal an Athena, you can do this unnoticed or just negotiate and hand it over in an exchange.

    The only thing we have is no rules or safezones and pvp possible, the game is in no way PvP centric.

    io tutti e ripeto tutti fatti in pve. non in pvp.
    pvp lo puoi lasciare sui raid che sarebbero perfetti. ma non sulle isole attacchi navi ferme? perchè? codardia
    conigli ecc.ecc.
    mettere server pve e pvp sarebbe la mossa giusta.
    alt text

    look at the picture is so simple

  • Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole

    In other words, 2 hours of completely safe sailing? People on this forum still want to argue that this game is a 24/7 PvP-fest?

    I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    Plays Pirate game complains about Pirates? Who would have thought that if designers made a game were players could steal from each other, that they would do just that?

  • @dr-mitch74

    I dont speak italian, but i see the picture.
    Problem with pve and pvp server split i have is this:
    You remove the unpredictability about other players what is a core design of SoT.
    Many game elements need to be reworked and PvE servers only work as private solo/coop servers, because even if you make everybody unable to use your ship to prevent blocking wheel, sails...., they can still ram you, they can still hide your treasure etc...
    If you make it the way you cannot interact with other crews, then you need no online server, but only a private instance.
    Another problem is, how would Reapers work, why get dubloons for beeing exposed on the map, if there is no threat for beeing exposed to the map?
    How do you want to activate the FotD?
    This all leads to have to maintain 2 types of servers, have 2 versions of the game.
    It is costy and the overall quality of the game will suffer for sure.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @dr-mitch74 sagte in Why you should add private worlds:

    @jjblackhat ha detto in Why you should add private worlds:

    I don't like the idea of 'private worlds', this is a Pirate game, and it would take away from the feeling of being a Pirate. This is a PvP based game but I do believe it could benefit from some instanced PVE raid like zones.


    game incentrated on pvp? ?Really?? you play another game... if you look achievement is 95% PVE plz..

    Fully agree it's a pve based game with PvP possible, mostly not neccessary.
    The only thing you need PvP for and get killed by another player is the FotD to have the flame of shame.

    Even the old commendations for Reaper flag dont need PvP, you even dont need to kill someone to steal an Athena, you can do this unnoticed or just negotiate and hand it over in an exchange.

    The only thing we have is no rules or safezones and pvp possible, the game is in no way PvP centric.

    This is far from a PVE based game. The entire core game play is sailing sea's, and fighting. Most of that time is stealing treasures, or protecting your own treasures. There are PVE elements, but the core element in getting to those PVE elements is open SEAs, and that's why you see so many 'toxic' complaining posts requesting PVE servers.

  • It's a pirate game.

  • @jjblackhat
    Bild Text
    Dont know what you've drunk, but seems to be strong stuff.

    The core gameplay is doing voyages and PvE.
    Edit: while beeing exposed to possible PvP, but nor constraint neither neccessarily.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    I played Forza once. The driving is great, but there's all these corners that the game expects me to turn around. Ruined my experience.

    You joke but that was practically my only reason for not liking Forza until about Forza Motorsport 4. XD

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Why you should add private worlds:

    Bild Text
    Dont know what you've drunk, but seems to be strong stuff.

    The core gameplay is doing voyages and PvE.
    Edit: while beeing exposed to possible PvP, but nor constraint neither neccessarily.

    I guess we can agree to disagree. While I understand there are PVE elements to the game, this game at its core is the SHIP. The SHIP at its core is traveling from destination to destination trying to survive. The players, mostly will attack you - it is rare when we come across a team that doesn't want to rumble. If Rare added more things like RAIDS and stuff like that then maybe this would start to lean towards PVE - but this is about a 'shared experience', and that experience 90% of the time has to do with PVP.

  • @jjblackhat without pve there would be no reason to pvp. No pve no loot. Take out pve and there is no game. Take out pvp there is still a game to be played.

  • @qu1etone said in Why you should add private worlds:

    @jjblackhat without pve there would be no reason to pvp. No pve no loot. Take out pve and there is no game. Take out pvp there is still a game to be played.

    That's a good point, but without pvp that pve would be extremely dull because lets face it. there is not that much to do - the pvp takes center stage (it is the 'threat', the only 'threat' in the game imo (besides LIGHTNING hah))

  • @ninjalight0401 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole all the time we put into that raid and lost all the progress I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    stupid, pirate game git gud @Deckhands am I forgetting anything else lol

  • @nabberwar said in Why you should add private worlds:

    Me and my friend were doing fort of the damned we spend about 2 hours on it just so that some group that loves pvp just came and stole

    In other words, 2 hours of completely safe sailing? People on this forum still want to argue that this game is a 24/7 PvP-fest?

    I love the game but I just don't want to play it when my loot can just be taken

    Plays Pirate game complains about Pirates? Who would have thought that if designers made a game were players could steal from each other, that they would do just that?


  • I don’t understand why you are complaining about that.

    The situation you described is what makes this game Sea if Thieves. That is the point of the game. ANYTHING can happen. Private servers that allow you to make gold and rep would destroy this game in my opinion

  • @justincase2004 said in Why you should add private worlds:

    I don’t understand why you are complaining about that.

    The situation you described is what makes this game Sea if Thieves. That is the point of the game. ANYTHING can happen. Private servers that allow you to make gold and rep would destroy this game in my opinion


  • @jjblackhat

    I may ask in what Region you play.

    I'd say it's roughly 25% of the ship are agressively seeking you to PvP.
    If you are in the way or do contested PvEike Forts, they for sure come to attack, but even then you have lots of crews who ask to allie instead to PvP.
    That need not be there is no pvp at the end and they betray your alliance.

    Maybe you play in a region and at a time where is more agressiveness in general.

    I play this game since day one and even before in the tech Alpha.
    There were times it was more aggressive, but not that long enduring. Mostly in year one when new Updates came out ans roughly for a week or 2 weekends.
    Beside that the seas are relatively quiet.

    Dont know what your experiences are.

    The game is a PvEvP seabox.
    So y it's true, the gameloop is your ship and what you do with it.
    You can head for PvE, PvP only or a mix of it or you are lazy and only immerse, fish (pve) or just take Screenshots or so silly things or try to do the dolphin dive at Smugglers Bay or whatever. It's a seabox and you are free like a pirate.

    The game is not focussed on PvP, it's nit PvP centric, you can sail for hours with no pvp at all, if you are cautios you can avoid PvP most of the time. Although even running is PvP in this game, it only happens ocassionally you get chased for a long time.

    What experiences you had to say the game is PvP centric?

    Even Arena is not PvP centric, you can win Arena without to fight others. Its all about PvE and possible PvP.
    There are people who form server wie Alliances with 6 ships on a server. What is the PvP centric then?

  • @ninjalight0401 Sea Of THIEVES it is a core premise of the game to steal loot, if you remove that it removes half of the game hurting the PvP players as half of the player base would be in a private world. the servers are very empty as is

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Why you should add private worlds:


    I may ask in what Region you play.

    I'd say it's roughly 25% of the ship are agressively seeking you to PvP.
    If you are in the way or do contested PvEike Forts, they for sure come to attack, but even then you have lots of crews who ask to allie instead to PvP.
    That need not be there is no pvp at the end and they betray your alliance.

    Maybe you play in a region and at a time where is more agressiveness in general.

    I play this game since day one and even before in the tech Alpha.
    There were times it was more aggressive, but not that long enduring. Mostly in year one when new Updates came out ans roughly for a week or 2 weekends.
    Beside that the seas are relatively quiet.

    Dont know what your experiences are.

    The game is a PvEvP seabox.
    So y it's true, the gameloop is your ship and what you do with it.
    You can head for PvE, PvP only or a mix of it or you are lazy and only immerse, fish (pve) or just take Screenshots or so silly things or try to do the dolphin dive at Smugglers Bay or whatever. It's a seabox and you are free like a pirate.

    The game is not focussed on PvP, it's nit PvP centric, you can sail for hours with no pvp at all, if you are cautios you can avoid PvP most of the time. Although even running is PvP in this game, it only happens ocassionally you get chased for a long time.

    What experiences you had to say the game is PvP centric?

    Even Arena is not PvP centric, you can win Arena without to fight others. Its all about PvE and possible PvP.
    There are people who form server wie Alliances with 6 ships on a server. What is the PvP centric then?

    Hey there, I am United States and I have been playing the game since beta, was a pirate legend after a few months of release, and stopped playing for about a year or so and just returned to see the new content - and realized how much i missed the game, me and fiance both play on the same account.

    We do it all - but we do forts, and stuff too for sure. But nearly every session we have gotten into PvP battles in this game, doing an Athena's, or just a small venture or skull forts, fleets - doesn't matter really, the PvP is strong in this game.

    Perhaps you play in a different region that everyone gets along and allies to do some really easy PVE stuff. That doesn't sound like much fun, but yea.

  • No private worlds, No PVE Servers.
    Here we all play with everyone, is the essence of the game.

  • @quietrobot said in Why you should add private worlds:

    No private worlds, No PVE Servers.
    Here we all play with everyone, is the essence of the game.

    aye it is.

  • "Doing fort of the Damn"
    That small set of words clearly marks you as such, a pirate getting loot so why not others try to take it? As a pirate would.

    Pirates way is to steal loot from others.

  • The vast majority of my time is spent in PvE. Probably at least 95%. It would be 0% if there were no PvP. That's the secret sauce.

  • PvP is already boring as it is with people running away all the time. This would remove a core aspect of the game as everyone would do this to attempt the FOTD and Skull forts ect and get easy loot as lets be real no PvE event boasts a challenge except the PvP risk that comes with it. You are essentially taking the Thieves out of Sea Of Thieves as if everyone wanted to keep there loot they would load onto a private server meaning there is no loot to Thieve

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