Pve server

  • I'm playing with my boyfriend, we're new to the game. The game has huge potential, but repeated attacks from other players literally ruin entire game sessions. We deeply regret the absence of a private or pve server ... it's a shame because when we manage to play quietly the game is great

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  • Hello Alien and welcome to the Sea of Thieves first of all.

    Second, the game was intentionally made this way since it's a pirate game it plays the role of both gathering treasure and being able to rob said treasure from other individuals. With that said this system enables players to work on bettering technique as to avoid losing their hard earned treasure. Since you guys are new consider sailing with more experienced players as to hopefully grasp the ropes of the game. Also a simple hint, if people say "Let's Form an Alliance" always have the consideration that they may result in betrayal.

  • Hi Alien93 :)

    Again, welcome to the Sea of Thieves !
    I'll just say a few things hoping it will reassure you.

    The fact that you meet most of ennemy crews is real. Probably. Cause even if a ship comes to you, and try to be friendly to form an alliance, they take the risk to be attacked. And so, most of the time people wanna take less risks and hit first.

    But sometimes, you can have great game session only because you met one or several crews that will help you, give you advices, comes to the rescue when you're under fire... and that's why this game must be like it actually is. Sure you'll be disapointed first, but with experience you'll learn to consider the risks and can be highly surprised by some good people.
    An only pve server will make the game boring and unrewarding.

    Hope you'll meet some nice crew soon ;)

  • Thank you both ! :)
    I understand but why not let players choose their servers?
    those who consider looting between players essential (which I understand) and those like us who wish to play and learn the mechanics of the game before being attacked.
    everyone would be satisfied. It's just a suggestion, and i note we're note the only one to think that...

  • @alien93 Honestly people can't choose servers to prevent the game from turning into a farming simulator.

    The Threat of PvP is the biggest thrill of the game. It might surprise you to know that a lot of the vetran players didn't like PvP at first either, but most know how to deal with it and some even thrive in it nowadays.

    If you give people the choice the balance this game holds is gone. You'd either have servers with empty ships and only hostility or ships filled with loot and bored pirates because there's nothing stopping them.

    Give it some time. You'll get used to how things work and maybe you'll even be a feared pirate like I am some day.

  • I only see hostility at the moment and this point really ruins my pleasure of playing sea of ​​thieves...

  • @alien93 Its the part of the game, and for what i see playing this days is much better than when it was realesed, at the beginning you just had 1 fort, that was available at random time, not like now, and ther was just that whit normal mission, when the Raid appeared all ship came, its similar now when you start raid of the damned, nothing can save u from pirate that just want to sink other ship, you maybe can try to shout a " parlè" and hope they will leave you . This is the game.

  • This idea could potentialy kill the game :P In my opinion.

  • Sea Of Thieves.

  • Please don't ask the game to change to accommodate your inexperience.

  • @alien93 sagte in Pve server:

    I only see hostility at the moment and this point really ruins my pleasure of playing sea of ​​thieves...

    Then change server, most times it's extremely peaceful out there...on Sunday I played a 11 hour session without getting attacked, solo sloop...yesterday 5 hour session, one guy (!) tried to sink me, we fought a bit and then I managed to outsail him...

  • The developers update the game regularly, and try to improve it. I just offer an alternative that will appeal to some and that can improve their session, the others will remain in pvp. Nothing more to say

  • Learn to pvp in the Arena.
    Apply what you learn in Adventure.

    Otherwise your voyages will be so routine and uneventful, that they will begin to feel quite mundane.

    Until another aggro pirate sees you.

  • @plunder-bob sagte in Pve server:

    This idea could potentialy kill the game :P In my opinion.

    What a...

    People who like Pvp will still play on normal servers. For you nothing will change since there will be always a full Pvp-Server for you ready.

    People who dont like Pvp play on PvE server.
    Everyone is happy.

  • @hipsu555

    I play PvP yes but not to just PvP. I want your loot. I steal it.
    If we get PvP vs PvP who is gonna stock loot to be stolen?
    We need the PvE'er to gain loot to steal matey.

  • @alien93

    I think the biggest thing that people asking for PvE servers say is:

    "Well why can't there just be a separate place for PvE only, everyone wins?"

    But it's just not that simple.

    In fact, only the PvE server people win - people who enjoy the game for what it is would lose, and that's just not right.

    Sea of Thieves is designed to be unpredictable. The thing that makes every session play out differently is the fact that you're encountering players out in the world who have all sorts of different intentions and play styles. They are what makes the adventure unique.

    So lets say they add PvE servers - instead of having one unified shared world where all player variety and play style is present, you now have different server types and people will divide themselves based on the style they choose to play...

    So essentially you'd just end up categorizing players based on their play style and then the shared world that was once filled with different types of players is now just a place where empty ships go to fight -- all of the good loot to steal would be in the PvE servers where it can't be touched.

    PvE servers just don't fit with what Sea of Thieves is.

  • @alien93 said in Pve server:

    I'm playing with my boyfriend, we're new to the game. The game has huge potential, but repeated attacks from other players literally ruin entire game sessions. We deeply regret the absence of a private or pve server ... it's a shame because when we manage to play quietly the game is great

    there are plenty of pve pirate games on the market. go play one of those instead of requesting the devs change the game to suit ur needs.

  • @alien93 here is a link to another user who found a rough server the first time at sea.


    Ask questions and we can help give advice. Asking for the game to change does not help. The game has continued to get easier since the first year. We were all new sailors once. You will learn. You will adapt and you will be able to respond to threats. Believe in yourselves.

  • @weakdexx sagte in Pve server:


    I play PvP yes but not to just PvP. I want your loot. I steal it.
    If we get PvP vs PvP who is gonna stock loot to be stolen?
    We need the PvE'er to gain loot to steal matey.

    So you say you can only have fun in this game if you ruin the game of somebody else?
    Yeah that sounds like the typical toxic SoT player...

  • @hipsu555 The PVP will die then. People hoarding loot will always play safe and just go on a private server. This happens in every major game that gives the player the option to close them self on a server doing their Athena/Gilded Voyage without a care in the world :P

  • @hipsu555 You have to remember, this is a pirate game. Having said that.... avoiding other pirates and ships really isnt that hard... use the crows nest to see others in the distance then plan your movements to keep them at bay. Leave someone on the ship at islands too. There are also many ways to avoid ships who chase you.... spooky cannonballs, doubling back when out of view behind island (particularly effective against slow rurning galleons).... or just fight it out..... remember noone has a weapon advantage. Carry gunpowder and jump on their ship, detach a rowing boat with a pirate in your crew and your loot.... watch the ship continue to chase your ship whilst you sneak away.
    Also, lure ships to a storm or ship cloud.
    Other pirates can change the whole game in just minutes.
    Remember, if youre in a sloop.... noone can turn as fast as you if theyre in a bigger ship.

  • @plunder-bob why would a loot hoarder jump to another server? They lose all their loot when doing so

  • @hipsu555 Why is someone after your loot, ruining the game? Its an integral part of the game, and part of the whole "pirate" thing. Bullying for no reason just to sink you or kill you, is different, but anyone after your loot.... is just playing the game

  • Lots of people want this. But Rare do not want to split their player base. So for now keep your eyes on the horizon. 😳

  • @d-jaguar I agree, part of the fun for us, is keeping an eye open for other ships when were loaded with loot.
    It cant be that bad... we made 200,000 the past 2 days...(thanks reaper chests) . and whilst flying a reaper flag most of the time. If you want to avoid pirates when youre full of loot, keep a keen eye on the horizon :)

  • @chronodusk I have to agree, whilst in makes us peeved when we lose loot...It doesnt ruin the game, . its part of the game.
    Especially when we hunt them down after :)

  • @giangi877 Oh its definately better..even moreso since the implementation of the arena. .. weve been playing since the beta, and have been legends for months. Its amazing how quickly you can learn new tricks... and so satisfying sinking a ship who was chasing us:)

  • @hipsu555 stealing loot in a pirate game... is toxic?

  • @hipsu555 to be honest, i cant imagine how boring it would be, without looking out for other ships... its part of the games' uniqueness. How many other games give you so much time to get away from someone coming towards you in the distance?

  • @hipsu555

    Yeah that sounds like the typical toxic SoT player...

    Do you even hear yourself, let me reiterate something. People playing the game in a normal standard fashion isn't being toxic. This entire game is designed around this mechanic. Do you think cannons were placed on ships for display purposes only? Was the cannon-hole mechanic only made for a laugh when players shoot their own ship? Were Kegs designed to only blow up skeletons, and the giant holes they put in the ship just a giant bug? Are Cursed cannon-balls purpose to be little pirate glowsticks or used on people? When people play chess, if someone beats you at the game are they being toxic because they didn't let you win?

    Time to stop behaving in a way a sore loser would. Take a step back and realize that people stealing your loot aren't the toxic people here, it might be the people who cry foul every time their chests are stolen. You lost in a video game, get over it my dude.

  • @alien93 said in Pve server:

    The developers update the game regularly, and try to improve it. I just offer an alternative that will appeal to some and that can improve their session, the others will remain in pvp. Nothing more to say

    The game doesn't have to change to accommodate everyone. Other games have done so and are worse for it.
    Rare is a smart developer. They hear things and read things but won't go against the core principals of this game (Open World Pirate game, with a Tools not Rules mindset)
    I can totally understand that the PvP might put you off, if it does then this game might just not be for you. There's no shame in admitting that. I love Overwatch, it's aestetic it's gameplay but not it's competativeness, so I don't play it anymore. It's not a game for me and I accept that in stead of asking people to change it for me.

    That said, I do suggest sticking with it, a lot of new people get sunk once during a 3 hour session and call the game incredibly hostile, while in reality being able to sail around for 3 hours uninterrupted is peacefull if you think about it.
    I'm not saying this is the same in your case, but maybe reflect a bit, record a gameplay session, see where you can improve, see how long it takes before you get attacked, see what you could have changed to not be attacked or to fight back.

  • Hey @Alien93,
    @hynieth hit the nail on the head. The open world is really what makes this game.

    It is INCREDIBLY rewarding when you acquire a massive haul (discovered OR stolen), defend it with your lives and then get to cash it in. There is truly something for everyone.

    If you're having trouble with folk and it's just the two of you, have one of you on look out on the ship at all times. Always treat someone as hostile to begin with. We're all pirates after all!

    Have a couple of eves practicing against folk. Go seek some combat and actively place yourselves in a position to defend from some attackers. You never know, you could end up with some good spoils an if not, you learn from it to make your future experiences of the game a bit better.

    If you're still struggling, there are some Discord groups out there that may make your lives a little easier :)

    Good luck out there!

  • @hipsu555

    This is not what i am saying.
    The core intent of this game is interactions with other players. This makes the stories and the outcome is always unsure. This is what rare wants to achieve with SoT's PvEvP envoirment. I for one am a pirate who uses these tools and i think removing pve from the main adventure mode and make a pve private server will break the core of the game.

    Also sinking another ship which is totally legit in SoT.
    Stealing loot which is at the core of SoT is being Toxic?
    Stealing and sinking has nothing to do with toxic.

    U calling me toxic over how someone plays the game that is more toxic than my playstyle.
    Toxic comes when u trash people, call names and be an big stupido vs your opponents. I will steal and sink u with grace nothing toxic about that.

  • it is not the fact of having our treasures stolen that annoy us. it is the fact of being killed in the chain, with the other players who are waiting for us on the boat and who start over and over again ...
    If you do not want pve servers, a system like in fallout 76 where the first hit of the opponent does not hit if we do not respond, those who would like to engage in PvP could, and the others (us) could be quiet, while sharing the map

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