Switch Ship Type In Same Server

  • I sometimes play with a ton of people at a time in an alliance. Sometimes completely friend controlled, sometimes mixed control with randoms. Often times we play for long hours, and eventually people need to drop to sleep or other reasons which leaves the crew on their ships, or mine, to manage a ship the can be bit taxing to handle with less help.

    At other times we find ourselves with a few of our friends being left out of the fun due to ships being of smaller size.

    I feel that a player ship should be able to be changed to a different type while maintaining the current server and alliance. Make it a shipweight option, slap a gold or doubloon price on it, and have it function by scuttling the current ship and spawning the new smaller, or bigger ship, at a nearby island.

    Players wishing to preserve their old stock will simply need the foresight of using a storage crate, or two, so the stock can be offloaded, then later re loaded to the new ship manually.

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  • We had this problem last night. We'd started a gilded voyage on a Brig when a friend came online. We didn't want to lose the voyage, so he had to wait an hour for us to finish while we tried to rush our way through it. An option to scuttle and respawn a different ship would be quite helpful for days like this.

  • True. I want to be able to go to the shipwright and say ' I am a popular pirate put me in something bigger' or 'my crew have mutinied, I'm going to need a smaller boat'

  • Changing ship type could be immersive too.

    The shipwright!

    Like im pretty sure they deal in ships not just cosmetics right?

    Could have a chat and ‘trade in’ your ship for a new one.

    Or..trade in your ship for the same type of ship which basically has no holes or cosmetic damage.

    Nice and clean.

  • On one hand I'm for it, would be nice to not have to plan a ship around who might potentially sail that session. However, I'm also against it, because it gives a lot of power to Alliance Server farming. Taking over a sloop in order to bring in a Galleon breaks the already broken Alliance server farm.

  • @nabberwar said in Switch Ship Type In Same Server:

    However, I'm also against it, because it gives a lot of power to Alliance Server farming. Taking over a sloop in order to bring in a Galleon breaks the already broken Alliance server farm.

    Be that as it may, does it really matter? Those servers are gonna play play out anyway.

    I feel this option would help get more people playing with friends. It'd help alleviate the frustration of changing a ship when crew need to quit, or when there's no available space on a server for more people.

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