Arena Matchmaking Issues Update

  • Ahoy Sea Dogs!

    The talk in The Sea Dogs tavern lately has been that you are experiencing longer than expected matchmaking times. I wanted to take some time to assure you that we are looking at these issues, and to explain what the known issues are – as well as potential ways to overcome them.

    1. When your crewmates quit in the tavern, you can wait a long time to find new ones

    -When you select an Open Crew and begin matchmaking, we look for other players who are also searching for a Crew Mate and match you together, then join you to a tavern together.

    -This has the unintended side-effect that if you are already in a tavern and then your crewmate quits, you now have an open slot but all the potential crewmates coming in will be matched with others who have pressed the Set Sail button too, rather than joining your crew

    -If you are in an open crew, in the tavern, and you have no crewmates, we suggest quitting and re-joining a game as a temporary work-around for this issue

    We are going to change this so that we prioritise matching you into crews that are already in the tavern.

    2. When crews quit after a contest, you can wait a long time to find new ones

    -After you have completed a contest, some players will naturally leave at this point. We merge partially filled taverns together when you see the “For all time previous deeds now recorded” text to create full taverns.
    -However, if players leave after this text, we don’t currently have the ability to merge taverns again at this point.
    -If too many crews leave your tavern and you have been waiting for a while, we suggest quitting and re-joining a game as a temporary work-around for this issue

    We are going to change this so that we can merge partially filled taverns together after the “For all time previous deeds now recorded” text when necessary

    Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback for The Arena!

    See you in the Arena!
    Shelley “Pressgang” Preston
    Lead Designer

  • 46
  • You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔

  • LoL... Really? 😂

  • @resident-veg Thanks for the update, it's great to hear an official response that things are being looked into.

  • @resident-veg Thanks! I do hope you add a solo sloop option in the future, but I am loving Duo Sloop Arena!

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔

    No, but we do have it to thank for bringing attention to it.

  • @badassfro said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔

    No, but we do have it to thank for bringing attention to it.

    • A new feature is introduced, with the sole purpose of splitting unequal (in numbers only😉) platforms.
    • the smaller platform experiences much longer queue times

    Totally crazy to make a connection between the two amirite?

    As long as it gets fixed it's all good anyways.

  • @bloodybil I mean, it obviously did have to do with opt-out. There were underlying issues with the system, but once xbox got the opt-out those issues were exacerbated for one platform in particular. Ultimately it may lead to those issues being corrected, so I guess it's a positive.

  • How about leave penalties for those who leave mid match? Would be nice to have a match where it wasn't just 2-3 ships left. At least with more teams, theoretically the match scores shouldn't be running that high. When you take into account other teams that can contest the score leader.

    People quitting mid game can have just as much effect on quality as does this.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @bloodybil I mean, it obviously did have to do with opt-out. There were underlying issues with the system, but once xbox got the opt-out those issues were exacerbated for one platform in particular. Ultimately it may lead to those issues being corrected, so I guess it's a positive.

    Totally agree, I am just poking fun at snarky people who acted like changes in queue time couldn't possibly have anything to do with opt-out.

    But yeah, as long as it sheds light and gets the issue resolved no matter what is the cause of it, that's what matters right?

    @nabberwar said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    How about leave penalties for those who leave mid match? Would be nice to have a match where it wasn't just 2-3 ships left. At least with more teams, theoretically the match scores shouldn't be running that high. When you take into account other teams that can contest the score leader.

    People quitting mid game can have just as much effect on quality as does this.

    Absolutely, if I am not mistaken I remember hearing talks of penalty of some sort for leaving matches, and it's a totally normal thing to implement in any competitive mode. You screw up your team and make the match less fun for the whole group, no matter your reason for leaving, might aswell be given a little time-out to make you think twice about doing it (Or give you some time to resolve pressing matters that made you leave in such a hurry in the first place).

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔

    Really?? Because remember, xbox crews are leaving after joining a lobby that has PC players in it because they want opt out. You just read that if players leave after joining the lobby if creates an issues from the start.

    I usually have a problem STARTING a match vs keeping it going. If I can get into a match then the lobby will fill up and keep going because the crews usually stay.

    When you select an Open Crew and begin matchmaking, we look for other players who are also searching for a Crew Mate and match you together, then join you to a tavern together.

    This has the unintended side-effect that if you are already in a tavern and then your crewmate quits, you now have an open slot but all the potential crewmates coming in will be matched with others who have pressed the Set Sail button too, rather than joining your crew

    This happens all the time when xbox players are server hopping using the open crew setting. They join a PC player and leave, or see that the lobby isn't opt out and leave. Server hopping is screwing the match making system.


    Hey theres another issue I want you guys to recognize as well however.

    Whenever I start a lobby with a closed crew, whenever my teammate gets kicked from the lobby because of random internet issues, he can't rejoin my crew.

    When he joins it will either put him in a completely DIFFERENT match, or just put him in the tavern with everyone else still the match.

    I have to go through the whole thing solo because the game won't allow him to rejoin my crew even though there is a spot available. Please fix this. Even though I won those solo matches, its aggravating when I have a teammate trying to join and the game keeps putting him into other matches even though I'm sending him invites or his joining off MY GAMER CARD.

    Thank you for your time.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    Hey theres another issue I want you guys to recognize as well however.

    Whenever I start a lobby with a closed crew, whenever my teammate gets kicked from the lobby because of random internet issues, he can't rejoin my crew.

    When he joins it will either put him in a completely DIFFERENT match, or just put him in the tavern with everyone else still the match.

    I have to go through the whole thing solo because the game won't allow him to rejoin my crew even though there is a spot available. Please fix this. Even though I won those solo matches, its aggravating when I have a teammate trying to join and the game keeps putting him into other matches even though I'm sending him invites or his joining off MY GAMER CARD.

    Thank you for your time.

    I have had this same issue on a Galleon. Got DC'd at the beginning of a match, and every time I tried to join back I was kicked into a different server and always the same one where I was by myself on a Galleon, the Lucky Clover.

    Tried joining in on each of my crew, same result.
    Tried having each of them invite me, same result.
    Manually quit out to avoid the Rejoin Session feature, same result.
    Waited over 10 minutes to make sure my session was expired to avoid the Rejoin Session feature, same bloody result!

    My crew managed to win their game without me, so no loss on their end, but sucked for me :(

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔


  • Glad this is finally addressed! Those issues you're working on are great, but also the opt-out, sloop arena, and matchmaking are probably big parts of this. I wouldn't mind facing a better crew from time to time, or having lesser crews to fight against, but with queues sometimes taking 30-60+ minutes it's quite broken.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔


    I know it's funny because he's wrong 😄

  • ........................

  • @bloodybil said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @princessasuna96 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔


    I know it's funny because he's wrong 😄

    So crossplay is to blame? The Arena Dev overlooked that!

    You might be right!!

    I imagine many PC players quit the arena once they realised they will have to be matched with other PC players and suddenly felt equal and unhappy at being put in such a position!
    So they are now either no longer playing the mode, or bouncing between lobbies looking for a highly Xbox populated lobby to play in.


  • This is due to two major issues:

    • Crossplay option has splitted the servers.
    • Re-joining your previous session.

    I will remove the re-join feature for the Arena. While in Adventure you can lost a large amount of loot/progress, it doesn't matter too much in Arena, where the only progression you lose is a 24 min match. This is driving to a lot of matchs that have several afk/"bot" crews.

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @bloodybil said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @princessasuna96 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    You mean it had nothing to do with crossplay opt out after all!

    Imagine that. 🤔


    I know it's funny because he's wrong 😄

    So crossplay is to blame? The Arena Dev overlooked that!

    You might be right!!

    I imagine many PC players quit the arena once they realised they will have to be matched with other PC players and suddenly felt equal and unhappy at being put in such a position!
    So they are now either no longer playing the mode, or bouncing between lobbies looking for a highly Xbox populated lobby to play in.


    Lol imagine being this delusional 😆

    PC players aren't ditching arena because queues take 45 mins, nonono it's because they don't find xbox foes to beat! I've never seen someone grasping at straws so much.

    PC players aren't the ones obsessing over who they are playing against and stalking profiles to see who's playing on what. Can we even see platforms on the PC xbox app? Because I've never seen any, and don't remotely care what platform my crewmates or foes are, as long as I have enough of both and can have a match the same day I queued.

    But by all means keep your excuses, of course opt-out can only be positive and can do nothing wrong 🙈🙉🙊

  • @bloodybil

    Not sure what excuses you talk of??

    You continue to claim opt out is the cause of The Arena problems in waiting for matches. When even this post suggest it's not the case, and tells you of the problems and the solutions being made, but you can't seem to grasp that, and continue to blame opt out or Xbox users.

  • @bloodybil a dit dans Arena Matchmaking Issues Update :

    PC players aren't ditching arena because queues take 45 mins, nonono it's because they don't find xbox foes to beat! I've never seen someone grasping at straws so much.

    On Xbox, I tried to opt out to experiment how it was as I never tried, I couldn't even go into an opt out server and I would finish each time in a crossplay server.

    I understand why you would desesperatly want opt out to be the reason of bad matchmaking but this Arena mode is just not good and the matchmaking algorithm is bugged as OP explained.

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:


    Not sure what excuses you talk of??

    You continue to claim opt out is the cause of The Arena problems in waiting for matches. When even this post suggest it's not the case, and tells you of the problems and the solutions being made, but you can't seem to grasp that, and continue to blame opt out or Xbox users.

    You link everything to the tired excuse of "PC players don't have xbox players to beat, therefore XYZ"

    The major problem of the arena issue was caused by server hopping messing up matchmaking, what's hard to understand in that? Yeah the OP mentioned the cause and solution, doesn't change the source of the problem. OP didn't say if that problem came before or after the opt-out implementation either by the way.

    It's all good if it gets solved, I never advocated to remove what has been implemented, I simply pointed that it wasn't 00000% caused by opt-out, since people playing opt-outs are notorious server hoppers when preference didn't work out.

    @JetOrchidee97 Peut-être as-tu besoin que je t'explique en francais? Le dev n'a jamais spécifié quand ce problème est survenu, avant ou après opt-out. Il a dit "ouais voila le probleme, voila la solution".

    Les joueurs PC on spécifiquement commencé a remarquer le problème quand l'opt out est arrivé. Coincidence j'imagine?

    L'algorythme se met à déconner quand les gens quittent le lobby. Quels joueurs ont le plus tendence à sauter de serveur quand sa composition de plateformes ne leur plait pas?

    Je me fout que l'opt out reste, je trouve naif et vraiment stupide que des gens pensent que les changements de matchmaking avaient rien à voir avec les problemes engendrés et que tout était la faute des PC qui soit-disant on arrêté de jouer par manque de souffres-douleurs xbox.

  • @bloodybil a dit dans Arena Matchmaking Issues Update :

    @JetOrchidee97 Peut-être as-tu besoin que je t'explique en francais? Le dev n'a jamais spécifié quand ce problème est survenu, avant ou après opt-out. Il a dit "ouais voila le probleme, voila la solution".

    Les joueurs PC on spécifiquement commencé a remarquer le problème quand l'opt out est arrivé. Coincidence j'imagine?

    L'algorythme se met à déconner quand les gens quittent le lobby. Quels joueurs ont le plus tendence à sauter de serveur quand sa composition de plateformes ne leur plait pas?

    Je me fout que l'opt out reste, je trouve naif et vraiment stupide que des gens pensent que les changements de matchmaking avaient rien à voir avec les problemes engendrés et que tout était la faute des PC qui soit-disant on arrêté de jouer par manque de souffres-douleurs xbox.

    In England, we speak english ;P! I don't think so, it seems to me that all platform players were noticing bad matchmaking since this mode exists. It's even more today because not a lot are interested in playing this mode + matchmaking issues.

    I agree with you that maybe hopping seaching for an opt out server might have accentuate the issue but surely PC players are also hopping and maybe more than Xbox players because loading times on Xbox are atrocious, you don't really want to quit and load for hours (that's what I did anyway, I tried once than sticked to a crossplay server).

    The real issue is a very low playerbase it seems and if this playerbase is low, it's because this mode is not good. It's all in Rare's hands to make it something worth it for everyone. In the addition of the matchmaking issue solved, it wouldn't be a problem to fill crossplay and opt out servers.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    @bloodybil a dit dans Arena Matchmaking Issues Update :

    @JetOrchidee97 Peut-être as-tu besoin que je t'explique en francais? Le dev n'a jamais spécifié quand ce problème est survenu, avant ou après opt-out. Il a dit "ouais voila le probleme, voila la solution".

    Les joueurs PC on spécifiquement commencé a remarquer le problème quand l'opt out est arrivé. Coincidence j'imagine?

    L'algorythme se met à déconner quand les gens quittent le lobby. Quels joueurs ont le plus tendence à sauter de serveur quand sa composition de plateformes ne leur plait pas?

    Je me fout que l'opt out reste, je trouve naif et vraiment stupide que des gens pensent que les changements de matchmaking avaient rien à voir avec les problemes engendrés et que tout était la faute des PC qui soit-disant on arrêté de jouer par manque de souffres-douleurs xbox.

    In England, we speak english ;P! I don't think so, it seems to me that all platform players were noticing bad matchmaking since this mode exists. It's even more today because not a lot are interested in playing this mode + matchmaking issues.

    I agree with you that maybe hopping seaching for an opt out server might have accentuate the issue but surely PC players are also hopping and maybe more than Xbox players because loading times on Xbox are atrocious, you don't really want to quit and load for hours (that's what I did anyway, I tried once than sticked to a crossplay server).

    The real issue is a very low playerbase it seems and if this playerbase is low, it's because this mode is not good. It's all in Rare's hands to make it something worth it for everyone. In the addition of the matchmaking issue solved, it wouldn't be a problem to fill crossplay and opt out servers.

    Good thing I'm not in or even from England then! Your system appears to be in french since it shows "a dit" while quoting, figured I'd try to speak your native language since my point did not appear to go across.

    Yes there must be multiple factors that contribute to the problem, and I understand many of you don't want their pet feature to be involved
    in it.

    I just pointed out that either directly or indirectly (because of hopping and potentially the fact those issues have accidentally been caused/aggravated via messing around with the matchmaking system) those issues did not 100% come out of the blue.

    I am not saying PC players would never ever hop either, I just don't see the logic of hopping because of long queues. What would someone expect other than getting at the back of the queue?? I just felt it was also a cheap excuse to pin it on the "oh PC players couldn't find xbox foes so they hopped" mantra again, when some players struggle to get a game going at all.

  • @bloodybil said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    I just felt it was also a cheap excuse to pin it on the "oh PC players couldn't find xbox foes so they hopped" mantra again, when some players struggle to get a game going at all.

    But your more then happy to always use the cheap excuse of an Xbox player saw a PC player in the lobby and left as a cause?

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    But your more then happy to always use the cheap excuse of an Xbox player saw a PC player in the lobby and left as a cause?

    Well yes since many xbox players proudly claimed doing exactly that, claiming they refuse to play with PC players and will server hop no matter what, even creating threads explaining how to do it. It's not a cheap excuse when it's true.

    Find one example of anyone telling how they left a server or a lobby bemoaning the lack of "easy targets". I'll wait.

  • @bloodybil No problemo, I understand the intention. Yes I'm french, I read that you're from Canada. Quebec? Not in or from England neither, it's just a saying my grandparents used to say when I was visiting them in England like "when in Rome, do as the Romans do".

    Anyway, there's only one way to go for Rare, make Arena an awesome mode (or multiple modes) for everyone to enjoy! Easy isn't it? lol

  • @bloodybil

    You have seen a few posts from several players from a console player base of hundreds of thousands and deemed that to be all players actions.
    By your standards set there, I now put it to you that all PC players run exploits on this game. Sound right?
    Or shall we agree it is a very, very tiny percentage for both platforms doing this and not making the huge impact either scenario suggests.

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:


    You have seen a few posts from several players from a console player base of hundreds of thousands and deemed that to be all players actions.
    By your standards set there, I now put it to you that all PC players run exploits on this game. Sound right?
    Or shall we agree it is a very, very tiny percentage for both platforms doing this and not making the huge impact either scenario suggests.

    Hahahaha that's exactly what lots of you have been doing already! 😆

    A tiny fraction of people supposedly use hacks and then it was used as an excuse to say "Well, if some PC can do it, ALL of them could do it so they can't be trusted and we need to separate them entirely"

    Any PC defending the fact that it was a very uncommon thing were shushed away and their opinion disregarded.

    The irony is quite funny lately, it seems like people don't like the taste of their own medicine huh?

  • @bloodybil

    You forget, I was on this forum from launch. I remember only too well the treatment Xbox players used to receive on here when there were very few and they voiced any concerns about any platform inequalities.

  • @needsmokes said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:


    You forget, I was on this forum from launch. I remember only too well the treatment Xbox players used to receive on here when there were very few and they voiced any concerns about any platform inequalities.

    Ok? What's your point? That your attitude toward PC players in general is based on retribution?

    What does it have to do with the fact that an issue was partly caused by an action that certain people admitted doing, then claimed it had nothing to do with them?

    As I said before, as long as it gets fixed, that's what matters.

  • @bloodybil
    If Xbox server hoppers are contributing to the problem, there's an easy fix:
    The player searching for an Xbox server should be informed that the search has failed **before ** being loaded into an open tavern.
    "Xbox search has failed, would you like to try again or search open servers"

    This would drastically reduce Xbox load screens and basically eliminate Xbox players hopping after being put in open servers. The only downside would be that this problem/thread might have taken even longer to be addressed if the queue times/hopping was not so bad.

    What say ye?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Arena Matchmaking Issues Update:

    If Xbox server hoppers are contributing to the problem, there's an easy fix:
    The player searching for an Xbox server should be informed that the search has failed **before ** being loaded into an open tavern.
    "Xbox search has failed, would you like to try again or search open servers"

    This would drastically reduce Xbox load screens and basically eliminate Xbox players hopping after being put in open servers. The only downside would be that this problem/thread might have taken even longer to be addressed if the queue times/hopping was not so bad.

    What say ye?

    I say this is not the first time this idea has been floating around ;)

  • @bloodybil
    Correct. Never entered into that thread myself, but i have floated the idea a couple of times elsewhere.

  • Not looking to get into arguments or debates, just stating some simple facts.

    The issue is not PC players and its not Xbox players.
    the fact is i play on both and me and the crew i play with (mostly xbox) rank in the top 2 in 9/10 arena matches.

    People use platform as an excuse as they cant handle being beaten plain simple. We used to get beat more often but we got better!

    The Arena issue is simply explained in Rare's post above. It is to do with the way that their match making system works and has been created and simply put was not done very well.

    People load into a server using random crew, wait a short time then get sick of waiting and leave to try and find an arena that is closer to starting thus locking out that crew, this causes others to get sick of waiting and they leave and the cycle begins and continues with that.

    Why the match making was not set up so you are assigned a crew once the roster is full (like most other pvp lobbies) nobody knows, but the fact is it was not. They have said they are working on a solution so lets wait to see how that works out and everybody stop being so damn toxic for the sake of being toxic.

    Rant over and happy sailing everyone.

12 out of 46