To much grind not enough fun.

  • You make the gold hoarder curse require that you do the whole damn tall tales x5 plus all the other little stuff.. i was so disappointed you don't get the curse after doing all the tall tales.. i understand things need to take time to do but don't make them so boring.

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  • @olocan You could simply not do them. Don’t grind and it won’t feel like a grind.

  • I enjoyed doing them 5 times each, and have even done them more after getting the curse.

    Only a grind if you make it such.

  • @olocan

    I'll admit, when I first saw that unlocking the gold curse required getting all commendations in all Tales, I cringed a little.

    But really, it's not that bad. I'd already fully completed two of them for the cosmetics, and did two more in about a week. Once you're familiar with them, you can knock them out fairly quickly.

    Heck, the one I was really dreading (Lair of the Trickster) went down so easily I was almost shocked. And hey, if any are giving you trouble, there's no shame in looking up a guide. You did it once, so getting some help on the encores is perfectly acceptable.

    I know it seems like a slog, but I think you'll be surprised at how quick they can go. Then again, I genuinely love the Tall Tales, so maybe that's helping me along more than I think.

  • I’m with the OP. The game doesn’t need to be such a grind. We need to stop disregarding people who see it this way. Yes, a lot of people enjoy repeating the same content over and over, but a lot of people don’t, or simply don’t have the time.

    Three times over would have been more enjoyable. Not five. IMO.

    The last several Bilge Rat stuff has been grindy beyond belief. I’ve still got 11 skulls to find, yet am having no hope because I mostly only find cursed items; meaning the same voyage over and over until I’m graced with enough luck.

    The time I spend doing the same stuff over and over to get enough skulls, gems, kegs, or whatever, is time I could spend working on my PL status. Yes I could just do that anyway, but I’ve hit every commendation to date. I miss the simple fun content that Duke introduced; thrones, flames, the lot.

    Back on point, the level of repetition is absurd. SoT should not be like this, and we shouldn’t be muting those that make this (frankly quite valid) complaint. Why have a title system when most titles have little to do with actual skill, and more to do with grinding, RNG, and chance. I love the game, but man, it needs to be more content balanced.

  • Totally agree, bit of a downer. Tall Tales was great. But having to do them all 5 times for the reward was a bit "yawn".

    I enjoy reading books that I like 5 times for fun. But reading books I don't like 5 times is torture. Likewise, I enjoyed some of the Tall Tales Stories but found others down right dull and unchallenging.

    On the other hand, If Rare want to make some cosmetics "Grind-y" then I'm fine with that too. But in an already "Grind-Heavy" game is more "Grind" the best way to our hearts? (i.e. keeping your players base happy.)

  • @archangel-timmy said in To much grind not enough fun.:

    I enjoyed doing them 5 times each, and have even done them more after getting the curse.

    Only a grind if you make it such.


    Me Mateys & meself got these done ages ago... wow it seems a long time back now.

    Personally really enjoyed them.. it's half the battle.
    They aren't going anywhere you have all the time... if you feel they are a grind... just cross them out when you feel up to it.

    There is plenty of other stuff to do in game.
    If you feel you are caught up in a grind, go off and do something else... take a break, and when you return it mightn't feel as much of an ordeal.

    5 times a lot?... yeah it's a fair few.
    But I know I will go back at a later date and do them all again.
    A glutton for punishment :)

    They are seriously good... a lot of time, effort and love put into them.
    Rare pulled off a "mechanic/system" not believed possible in a game of this type... and accomplished it expertly.
    Each one with a different feeling & emotion, I was along for the ride.. epic stuff and wonderful memories.

    While I would never tell anyone how to play their game, there are ways to play out certain additions to SoT... and ways not to play them.
    The design & structure of additions... themselves... hint & indicate the way they are planned to be consumed.
    It is up to us to decide which path of play we choose. Rush them.. or savour them... it's our own choice.

  • Grinding pirate legend never felt bad because i could do it while pvping in the world but this is just seems like lazy forced grinding that doesn't seem fun i just wish they could have came up with a better way to make it seem interesting instead just do it 5 times over. I'll be honest the tall tales wasn't that good to me so maybe that's why i'm having a hard time with it. Athena's feels grindy too but aleast i can talk my friends into it who haven't hit PL yet and we always enjoy the pvp on the way "If we can find any why do people always run away lol"

  • @olocan IMO, grinding PL was fun because there were so many different things to do to get there, and so many different ways to progress.

    Things like Tall Tales and the last few Bilge Rat adventures are more isolated, so having to do them several, several times over, wears thin. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the content, but I don’t enjoy it enough to have to do it so many times.

    SoT should focus more on fabled titles, and epic ship sets and clothing (and even cursed wares such as the Order Curse) that you’re rewarded with for achieving something truly difficult. These things, IMO, shouldn’t be rewarded for just doing the same thing over and over.

    I want to show off my capabilities when other pirates see me. Not my ability to rinse and repeat.

  • They let you do Tall Tales 5 times because not every episode is the same ...The way towards the end of a Chapter has different roads and i think that that is the reason why they let you make them do 5 times ( * What kind of a sentence is this ? moron)...From the moment you feel Tall Tales is a grind then you just stop ,play a few weeks adventure without Tales or Arena and then come back and slowly finish the Curse in your own pace...

    Nobody is hurrying you , and the Cosmetics aren't time limited so why hurry , get disgruntled or bored , it's simply not needed...

    Actually , this is the best Rare has introduced into this game...Play whenever you want and feel like it , no time limited things ...It's Heaven, Sir.

  • Obviously the Gold Hoarder Curse is a worthy reward for doing the tales 5 times each and completing the journals. Why should something so cool be just easily attainable with little effort. The curse for the little effort is the Order of Souls curse. That's what you can earn easily if you don't want to put in the time "playing, not working" in the game to get the better looking one.
    The Gold Hoarder Curse is a prestige item, not a participation trophy.

  • Valid points indeed, however;

    Since the Bilge Rats became much more time-limited than usual, I’m spending most of my time in the Shores of Plenty, repeating the same voyage over and over, due to needing skulls. That’s frustrating, simply because the amount of voyages I need to do, largely relies on chance and luck of the draw.

    On the topic of Tall Tales, I totally get that they function in unique ways. Though, IMO, needing to complete the campaign five times over, which takes considerable time, is OTT. I’d have much preferred a massively difficult variation of it, (rather than the current five times grind) to unlock these goodies. If for anything, to show off skill over time played.

    I could attribute that to a lot of the elements in this game; the ghost, most of Duke’s latest voyages, forts, the works. Like I said, I love the game, but the grind is there, and the people that don’t enjoy the grind need to be heard as equally as much as those that do enjoy the grind.

    Question: Would those that have done Tall Tales five times over mind if the requirement was three rather than five? I mean, as many point out, the content isn’t going anywhere - you’re free to do it fifteen times over if you enjoy it that much. Though, for the rewards, would there have been any objection if these were unlocked at three times repeated?

    Would you not rather have harder content (or the option to take on harder variations of content) than repeat the same content?

  • @olocan

    The greatest rewards should be locked to lengthy and/or difficult achievements. I don't see the issue here. As others have said, it's only a "grind" if you make it that way. Devs never told you to go through and hammer all of this out at once, you put that on yourself.

  • I am in the middle. You don't need to grind, it is on you if you want it. On the other side, the variaty of the Tales is too small to be fun in repitition. There could be more randomly events in between.

  • Just to be clear i won't be doing the tall tales again most likely everyone i play with doesn't have much interest in doing them x5 over and i'm okay with this. I like the idea of making them harder maybe instead of having to do it over again you could do a hardcore version to receive the gold hoarders curse. Anything but doing the same thing over and over and over and.. over again.

  • @olocan said in To much grind not enough fun.:

    Just to be clear i won't be doing the tall tales again most likely everyone i play with doesn't have much interest in doing them x5 over and i'm okay with this. I like the idea of making them harder maybe instead of having to do it over again you could do a hardcore version to receive the gold hoarders curse. Anything but doing the same thing over and over and over and.. over again.


    If I do it once, I’ve proven I can do it. If I want the elusive titles and sets, I’d rather do a (much) harder variation than do it several times over.

    By harder I mean things like;

    Crew death = fail.
    Increased enemy health.
    Increased enemy damage.
    Time restrictions.
    Harder mission targets.
    And more...

    Not too dissimilar to (example only) a Destiny strike vs a Destiny Nightfall strike. Complete the Tall Tale, unlock a much harsher variation of it and complete it to get the goods. Just a preference.

  • I've done the grind but I agree its not fun to do them all 5 times but to be honest the curse looks terrible anyway since they changed it I preferred it when we all had unique ones, as soon as it changed I stopped wearing it.

  • @dr-katman Dang so it's just the same on everyone? That's disappointing why would they change it from something cool to something more lame?

  • @olocan It's because some people got the curse on just a tiny section that could not be seen, and some people were essentially golden idols.

  • @surgy24 I'm 4 and i feel like it's more interesting then doing the tall tales but like i said i never enjoyed them.

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  • @surgy24 said in To much grind not enough fun.:

    Some people make me laugh so much 🤣REALLY!!! Try being an athenas 10 PL.& made to everything again basically😂& your moaning abt doing 1 quest x5 🤣🤣🤣🤣now thats way to funny to even laugh!!!!!!get a grip just do it I did but it [mod edit] me off big time but i stilll done it👍

    You are a walking, talking stereotype. I can only hope your satire is delibrate.

  • @surgy24 said in To much grind not enough fun.:

    Some people make me laugh so much 🤣REALLY!!! Try being an athenas 10 PL.& made to everything again basically😂& your moaning abt doing 1 quest x5 🤣🤣🤣🤣now thats way to funny to even laugh!!!!!!get a grip just do it I did but it [mod edit] me off big time but i stilll done it👍

    Point is, if you had the choice between not having to do them again and doing them again, you would likely sit with the former than the latter. This isn’t about people needing to get a grip, this is about people who make a very valid complaint.

    Sure, it’s not a unanimous perspective, but it’s a design choice that’s clearly worth talking about because people are split with it. Several PLs were upset by what you point out, but Rare couldn’t amend it due to not having a system in place to track that progress.

    You can’t surely show grief over that, and then not sympathise with a similar complaint here. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a PL or a sailor, everyone deserves a say, and many are frustrated with the focus on repetition lately.

  • Think some people are missing the idea of doing it 5x a pop. That is unnecessary, and feels like lazy development. Busy work. The titles and rewards you get in this game are not really that fun at all. Pirate Legend means nothing. Maxed out athena means nothing. Legend titles mean nothing. It doesn't put a bang into your titles. Even arena titles are nothing. You are playing a pirate game, that you don't feel like a pirate in for the achievements.

  • @kaloudz

    What if they let you do either one?

    Like, you could unlock the commendations by doing the Tale five times OR by doing one more really difficult one.

    That way you get to choose what you prefer.

  • It's only a grind if you think it as a grind, tall tales are not meant to be boring.
    If you're really into getting that curse, enjoy the different tall tales puzzles and ways to finish them.
    After doing them for the first time, you'll know what to do, where to go, and there's no shame in looking up a guide to help you get that curse faster!

  • I've just finished doing the Cursed Rogue commendations (for the Order Curse) and even though it was only four more times, it felt like a chore. It's an easy way to wear out the welcome of content if the only way to get half the rewards is to repeat it again and again. No idea what they could've done instead but it seems like their go-to when putting in the legendary challenges.

    After all a grind is a grind, some may enjoy it but it can feel unoriginal when it turns up again and again.

  • @v***-hombre said in To much grind not enough fun.:

    Like, you could unlock the commendations by doing the Tale five times OR by doing one more really difficult one.

    Exactly THAT! I'd love if the Tall Tales had two button prompts, X to vote for the standard quest and when completed you could press Y at the prompt to do the harder version of it. I'd much prefer that over playing the same thing over and over again.

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