Gamescom 2019 - who is going..?

  • Abhoy Pirates,

    todays Developer Video confirmed at what capacity Rare will be attending Gamescom and it's going to be playable Arena Duo Sloops on the Showfloor!

    So, who am i going to see, aside from @DrBullhammer, @Entinome, @noeyedtom, @blair187, @Saskeks and @GefahrMcGefahr ..?

    Are you going to Gamescom?
    Let me know! - it's always nice to meet people from the community. 😊

  • 12
  • @thor-von-blitz Hit me up when it's in the U.S. xD

  • Yes lad! I'll be flying over from Ireland on Tuesday! Dev update got me hyped when they mentioned that SoT will be at Gamescom!

  • @drbullhammer @Thor-von-Blitz
    You'll never find me behind the giant stack of stroopwafels I'm bringing you.

  • try "mettbrötchen" when you guys are in germany :D...

  • Heading over with @UUK. Can't wait!

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Gamescom 2019 - who is going..?:

    try "mettbrötchen" when you guys are in germany :D...

    I'll show them. Most definitely.
    Also Franzbrötchen.

    @UUK @bambi-killed-u
    Possibly see you at the Xbox/SoT Booth then!

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Gamescom 2019 - who is going..?:

    Abhoy Pirates,

    todays Developer Video confirmed at what capacity Rare will be attending Gamescom and it's going to be playable Arena Duo Sloops on the Showfloor!

    So, who am i going to see, aside from @DrBullhammer, @Entinome, @noeyedtom, @blair187, @Saskeks and @GefahrMcGefahr ..?

    Are you going to Gamescom?
    Let me know! - it's always nice to meet people from the community. 😊

    can't don't know when it is nor the money

  • @thor-von-blitz

    My holiday ends Tuesday, so your Waffeln are safe.

    ... for now ...

  • You wanna be my sloop mate? lol

  • @Thor-von-Blitz

    I'll maybe around on Wednesday afternoon.
    I have to work, but i work 600m away :D

    Some people of my crew will be there.
    I would like to partake in the Sloop Event, but i dont know when this happens and if i'm there in time.

  • @GefahrMcGefahr
    Maybe. 😐

    @bugaboo-bill said in Gamescom 2019 - who is going..?:

    I would like to partake in the Sloop Event, but i dont know when this happens and if i'm there in time.

    Sloop Arena will be playable on the showfloor throughout the duration of Gamescom (August 21st - August 24th).

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