Mysteries of Uncharted Islands

  • Large eyes spy on me in the darkness of ancient meeting places

    One could wonder how these three islands are still uncharted on our maps. I did try to ask Sandra, Shelley or even Scarlett, but to no avail. All those pesky shipwrights mysteriously dodged the subject everytime. Well, if they wanted to hide a secret, they don’t know me very well. I love mysteries and adventure, that’s who I am, I uncover secrets for breakfast. I stocked my ship of pineapples, some banana for my little monkey and we set sail for one of these uncharted lands near the Sea Dogs Tavern.

    We still see the mast of The Killer Whale in between the two largest islets of this “unknown” area. See, even Merrick knows about this land! There are still the foundations of his tent on the northern islet with his drum and a portrait of him and his son.

    Twilight was already setting in, so I decided before going to uncover some secrets to cook at this old camp some ruby splashtails I caught on my way here. Once the darkness fully here, a strange glow intrigued me. Not far from here, I stumbled across small glowing flowers right next to an anonymous grave. I knew about the shiny mushrooms you can find in the caves but I had never seen this kind of flower before.

    There is a lot of palm trees all over the island but macabrely a dead tree stands behind the grave. There is still something magical about whoever is underground.

    I started to analyze these flowers and then I realized that they were arranged in a very specific shape. I needed to take some height to confirm my intuition, so I shot myself from a cannon and yup, here it is! The flowers form the same shape as the Great Warrior constellation. Could that mean it is his grave? Interesting. Maybe I can find other evidence of him around the island.

    I started with an underwater investigation in the corals where the fish danced under the glow of dawn. I glimpsed a few sharks in the wreck of the Killer Whale so I slipped into a crevasse to not get spotted. Holding my breath, I went down into the depths of this fissure accompanied by a funny little fish that had followed me. He seemed to enjoy circling around me until he got scared by the depths and quickly went back to the surface. I turned around and found myself facing a huge monster hidden in the darkness of the crack. If she was still alive, she would have made only one bite of me. It was a huge Kraken trapped in the bottom of this crevasse.

    It reminded me of an old tale that my parents told me when I was a kid. A long time ago, when the ancients were still sailing these seas, a huge kraken terrified the seabed. Old Mother, as they called her, was attacking the Merfolks and used to eat them. Unable to defeat her alone, the Sea Queen and her people begged the ancients for help. With the venom of a snake on the tip of his arrows, Great Warrior made Old Mother sleepy. The ancients forged great chains to bind her and placed a curse on them. Every night you could hear her roars across all the Sea of Thieves. The links were unbreakable and she finally died after hundred years.

    I shudder to think I could be facing Old Mother. Is this where they tied her up, far out of reach?

    As I went back to the surface, I saw ancient ruins hidden behind the algae. These are not just stones that fell to the bottom of the sea, people have really built this structure undersea. The altar in the middle makes this look like a sacred place. I can’t imagine the ancients built this structure underwater alone, the Merfolks had to help them.

    Great Warrior, the ancients and the Merfolks definitely met here together.

    These lands are uncharted because they are sacred, the meeting places need to be protected in case Merfolks come back one day, and to preserve any connection they had with the ancients.

    Speaking about that, on my way back to dry land, I was surprised to discover that someone started digging over what appears to be a ruin buried underground. I guess I’m not the only one who wants to uncover secrets. It looks like someone wants to get something important back underground.

    With the recent events, Trading Companies seem very scared about something by asking for help to store gunpowder barrels. Senior Trader Mollie who launched the Merchant Alliance was originally from the Grand Maritime Union. She told me the other day that she is very worried they find this place because they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined. What if someone is trying to reach the Sea Queen and her people for help for this war to come? Merfolks could be our secret weapon.

    My mother always taught me to expect the unexpected though. It could be someone who wants to desecrate this sacred place and take whatever is buried underneath. I’m afraid that the evil plan of Stitcher Jim is still in motion and he needs something from here. Captain Warsmith is also on my list of suspects. They are no pirate to me and they never were. True pirates know how to be united at wartime.

    To anyone who reads these notes and who would Hoist the Colours, please let’s make sure to protect this place and the future of Sea of Thieves.

    I packed my things and set sail to another uncharted island quite famous thanks to the wreck of the Magpie’s Wing. Isn’t this funny that they both have a glorious wreck?

    I’ve already been to this place a couple of times but I wanted to check something. There is a very narrow passage in the corals that leads to an undersea chamber which is probably the largest of the Sea of Thieves.

    This beautiful place also has ancient ruins and an altar identical to the one I found earlier. It looks like there was something before in these triangular holes in the center of the altars. If it’s like the Shroudbreaker, maybe a huge gem was placed inside? I wonder what it would activate to do that. The ancients mastered magic and hid things behind various mechanisms. There is another chamber under the islet with an ancient statue. Sudds gave me a quest the other day when I was trying to collect the parts of the Shroudbreaker, I needed to place two red gem in the eyes of this statue to activate a mechanism.

    Merfolks were known for uncovering precious stones and gems in the very deepest parts of the ocean to bring them back to the meeting places as a gift. The ancients were greatly appreciated by the mer people, they helped them several time.

    As I was investigating this altar, a couple of whispers echoed in the chamber. The murky water of this place prevented me from seeing clearly in the distance but I spotted in the darkness shapes that looked like large eyes.

    As I needed to breath, I rushed to the surface with the impression of being followed and spied on. My monkey was roaring on the ship, I think I didn’t stock enough bananas.

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  • Brilliant! Thank you @Skulliah!!
    I agree it's a bit strange that those islands are still uncharted after all those years.

  • @skulliah This is fantastic! There's so much going on under the surface of this world that I'm completely oblivious to! Thanks for writing this matey!

  • @jetorchidee97 @LucianSanchez82

    Thank you!! The seabed is so fascinating, I would swim there for hours if I didn't need to breathe every 20 seconds. I can't wait to see my first Merfolk and hopefully swim with him/her 🧜‍♂️

  • @skulliah a dit dans Mysteries of Uncharted Islands :

    @jetorchidee97 @LucianSanchez82

    Thank you!! The seabed is so fascinating, I would swim there for hours if I didn't need to breathe every 20 seconds. I can't wait to see my first Merfolk and hopefully swim with him/her 🧜‍♂️

    Or even transform into a mermaid, that could be something! Infinite breathe, great speed!

  • @jetorchidee97 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    @skulliah a dit dans Mysteries of Uncharted Islands :

    @jetorchidee97 @LucianSanchez82

    Thank you!! The seabed is so fascinating, I would swim there for hours if I didn't need to breathe every 20 seconds. I can't wait to see my first Merfolk and hopefully swim with him/her 🧜‍♂️

    Or even transform into a mermaid, that could be something! Infinite breathe, great speed!

    I would love that so much!! With a full undersea kingdom to explore and lots of riches to discover.

  • Good post matey!

  • @skulliah
    Great post! I like your writing style for it. I think the merfolk are the ones most likely to attack. We've been destroying their statues for a while, and if your right about the island being a sacred place, someone digging there might anger them even more. And if Duke has us stealing their relics next, at least that's what I think dark relics will be, it will probably lead to a war. Maybe rare is going to make a narrative with the bilge rats now, because I always felt that it was a missed opportunity that they didn't tie them together as a narrative in any way before.

  • I've only ever seen a glowing flower in the south cave on Devil's Ridge.
    Yet now you tell me they surround a grave on the Killer Whale wreck island?
    Hmmmmmm, most intriguing.

    Warsmith is destroyed, but the Fiend she served is still out there.
    At least I'm pretty sure Warsmith's destroyed anyway, I set off the Cursed Cannonball stores aboard the sandman's revenge during the battle of the Shores of Plenty.
    Boy, was that an explosion.

  • @sgt-palooggoo
    I mean, I'm pretty sure the gold hoarders still alive after shores of gold. Skeletons seem hard to kill for good in sea of thieves.

  • @blazedrake100 Thank you matey!

    Legends say that there are two type of merfolks: some are kind and other are evil. Knowing that they used to bring gems to the ancients people, maybe putting them in statues is their way to bring them to us now? I don't believe all the merfolks would attack us like that.

    I agree, Bilge Rat adventures were always tiny events that have led to any conclusion. With this one, if this is because of the Grand Maritime Union, that would be very nice. I like the fact Bilge Rat adventures could lead step by step to the narrative of the big content updates. I guess we'll see if Dark Relics is connected to all of that as well!


    Ahhh... interesting. Could it be a flower from the Devil? But I don't think Great Warrior was evil.

    Hahaha. Until I see her inanimate skeleton, I won't believe her dead and willing to do anything for Flameheart!

  • @skulliah
    Yeah, I was thinking of the elder mermaids, not the ones that help us.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    Yeah, I was thinking of the elder mermaids, not the ones that help us.

    Mmm... I wouldn't worry too much about that, Captain Morrow married their prince and things got smoothed over back in the days! 😁

  • @skulliah
    Yeah, I don't get too deep into the lore. I wish they had more ingame ways that didn't require 2 hour long sessions to do. The paintings don't really help.

  • That altar with the triangle shaped hole well there is another near cinder islet

  • I don’t like the idea that the merfolk is helping us in the future! I want to fight the Sea Queen! But there’s hope, when you look in the Art Book there’s two different styles of Mermaids! The Regular ones that helping us and the ones with the „alien“ eyes like the mermaid statues!

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    That altar with the triangle shaped hole well there is another near cinder islet

    Oh, interesting. I guess it's time for more exploration in the Devil's Roar.

    Thank you for sharing that!

  • @king-deka said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    I don’t like the idea that the merfolk is helping us in the future! I want to fight the Sea Queen! But there’s hope, when you look in the Art Book there’s two different styles of Mermaids! The Regular ones that helping us and the ones with the „alien“ eyes like the mermaid statues!

    Fighting the evil merfolks would be very nice but I'm not sure I want the Sea Queen to be evil 😅

  • @skulliah yea if you would like to "sea" it for yourself go to cinder its on the west by northwest side under two rocks meeting at thier point.

  • @skulliah said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    With the recent events, Trading Companies seem very scared about something by asking for help to store gunpowder barrels. Senior Trader Mollie who launched the Merchant Alliance was originally from the Grand Maritime Union. She told me the other day that she is very worried they find this place because they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined. What if someone is trying to reach the Sea Queen and her people for help for this war to come? Merfolks could be our secret weapon.

    My mother always taught me to expect the unexpected though. It could be someone who wants to desecrate this sacred place and take whatever is buried underneath. I’m afraid that the evil plan of Stitcher Jim is still in motion and he needs something from here. Captain Warsmith is also on my list of suspects. They are no pirate to me and they never were. True pirates know how to be united at wartime.

    To anyone who reads these notes and who would Hoist the Colours, please let’s make sure to protect this place and the future of Sea of Thieves.

    Nice to know that I'm not the only Pirate in the Sea of Thieves, who is worried about the trading companies stockpiling gunpowder barrels of reasons that we do not know as of now and I would gladly Hoist the Colours high to protect what the Pirate Lord has built for all of us Pirates, both rookies and Legends.

    Signing off, Regis Stella, The Sea Wolf.

    Long Live Piracy.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    @skulliah yea if you would like to "sea" it for yourself go to cinder its on the west by northwest side under two rocks meeting at thier point.

    Thank you, got it!

    I wonder if there are others elsewhere now...

    alt text

  • @skulliah said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    Large eyes spy on me in the darkness of ancient meeting places

    One could wonder how these three islands are still uncharted on our maps. I did try to ask Sandra, Shelley or even Scarlett, but to no avail. All those pesky shipwrights mysteriously dodged the subject everytime. Well, if they wanted to hide a secret, they don’t know me very well. I love mysteries and adventure, that’s who I am, I uncover secrets for breakfast. I stocked my ship of pineapples, some banana for my little monkey and we set sail for one of these uncharted lands near the Sea Dogs Tavern.

    We still see the mast of The Killer Whale in between the two largest islets of this “unknown” area. See, even Merrick knows about this land! There are still the foundations of his tent on the northern islet with his drum and a portrait of him and his son.

    Twilight was already setting in, so I decided before going to uncover some secrets to cook at this old camp some ruby splashtails I caught on my way here. Once the darkness fully here, a strange glow intrigued me. Not far from here, I stumbled across small glowing flowers right next to an anonymous grave. I knew about the shiny mushrooms you can find in the caves but I had never seen this kind of flower before.

    There is a lot of palm trees all over the island but macabrely a dead tree stands behind the grave. There is still something magical about whoever is underground.

    I started to analyze these flowers and then I realized that they were arranged in a very specific shape. I needed to take some height to confirm my intuition, so I shot myself from a cannon and yup, here it is! The flowers form the same shape as the Great Warrior constellation. Could that mean it is his grave? Interesting. Maybe I can find other evidence of him around the island.

    I started with an underwater investigation in the corals where the fish danced under the glow of dawn. I glimpsed a few sharks in the wreck of the Killer Whale so I slipped into a crevasse to not get spotted. Holding my breath, I went down into the depths of this fissure accompanied by a funny little fish that had followed me. He seemed to enjoy circling around me until he got scared by the depths and quickly went back to the surface. I turned around and found myself facing a huge monster hidden in the darkness of the crack. If she was still alive, she would have made only one bite of me. It was a huge Kraken trapped in the bottom of this crevasse.

    It reminded me of an old tale that my parents told me when I was a kid. A long time ago, when the ancients were still sailing these seas, a huge kraken terrified the seabed. Old Mother, as they called her, was attacking the Merfolks and used to eat them. Unable to defeat her alone, the Sea Queen and her people begged the ancients for help. With the venom of a snake on the tip of his arrows, Great Warrior made Old Mother sleepy. The ancients forged great chains to bind her and placed a curse on them. Every night you could hear her roars across all the Sea of Thieves. The links were unbreakable and she finally died after hundred years.

    I shudder to think I could be facing Old Mother. Is this where they tied her up, far out of reach?

    As I went back to the surface, I saw ancient ruins hidden behind the algae. These are not just stones that fell to the bottom of the sea, people have really built this structure undersea. The altar in the middle makes this look like a sacred place. I can’t imagine the ancients built this structure underwater alone, the Merfolks had to help them.

    Great Warrior, the ancients and the Merfolks definitely met here together.

    These lands are uncharted because they are sacred, the meeting places need to be protected in case Merfolks come back one day, and to preserve any connection they had with the ancients.

    Speaking about that, on my way back to dry land, I was surprised to discover that someone started digging over what appears to be a ruin buried underground. I guess I’m not the only one who wants to uncover secrets. It looks like someone wants to get something important back underground.

    With the recent events, Trading Companies seem very scared about something by asking for help to store gunpowder barrels. Senior Trader Mollie who launched the Merchant Alliance was originally from the Grand Maritime Union. She told me the other day that she is very worried they find this place because they have more money and more men to throw at a problem than the whole of Sea of Thieves combined. What if someone is trying to reach the Sea Queen and her people for help for this war to come? Merfolks could be our secret weapon.

    My mother always taught me to expect the unexpected though. It could be someone who wants to desecrate this sacred place and take whatever is buried underneath. I’m afraid that the evil plan of Stitcher Jim is still in motion and he needs something from here. Captain Warsmith is also on my list of suspects. They are no pirate to me and they never were. True pirates know how to be united at wartime.

    To anyone who reads these notes and who would Hoist the Colours, please let’s make sure to protect this place and the future of Sea of Thieves.

    I packed my things and set sail to another uncharted island quite famous thanks to the wreck of the Magpie’s Wing. Isn’t this funny that they both have a glorious wreck?

    I’ve already been to this place a couple of times but I wanted to check something. There is a very narrow passage in the corals that leads to an undersea chamber which is probably the largest of the Sea of Thieves.

    This beautiful place also has ancient ruins and an altar identical to the one I found earlier. It looks like there was something before in these triangular holes in the center of the altars. If it’s like the Shroudbreaker, maybe a huge gem was placed inside? I wonder what it would activate to do that. The ancients mastered magic and hid things behind various mechanisms. There is another chamber under the islet with an ancient statue. Sudds gave me a quest the other day when I was trying to collect the parts of the Shroudbreaker, I needed to place two red gem in the eyes of this statue to activate a mechanism.

    Merfolks were known for uncovering precious stones and gems in the very deepest parts of the ocean to bring them back to the meeting places as a gift. The ancients were greatly appreciated by the mer people, they helped them several time.

    As I was investigating this altar, a couple of whispers echoed in the chamber. The murky water of this place prevented me from seeing clearly in the distance but I spotted in the darkness shapes that looked like large eyes.

    As I needed to breath, I rushed to the surface with the impression of being followed and spied on. My monkey was roaring on the ship, I think I didn’t stock enough bananas.

    nice tale mate and who knows maybe we might find what's under the dirt in that stone circle

  • @skulliah Im going to be looking

  • @skulliah hey did you discover the pointless underwater tunnel route at the uncharted island?

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    @skulliah hey did you discover the pointless underwater tunnel route at the uncharted island?

    Which uncharted island? the one (with the Skeleton Throne) I did not mention in the story? K9?

  • @skulliah the one with the crows nest

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    @skulliah the one with the crows nest

    The small tunnels under the coral? I don't remember something else there

  • @skulliah its a tunnal hidden in the rocks at the shore and it leads further out

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Mysteries of Uncharted Islands:

    @skulliah its a tunnal hidden in the rocks at the shore and it leads further out

    I must have missed it then 😅

  • We need to blow new life in this topic, alot has happened in the mean time and I say it's time for some re-exploring ;-)

  • @bartho1omeus create a new topic then. This thread is over a year old and necromancy is strictly forbidden.

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