Increase the amount of players per server OR reduce the amount of adventure servers

  • I love the updated logged in last night and barely had any PVP encounters. Seems like it was low volume night for an event launch... we need to have more ships on the water in adventure or less over all servers so we can see and interact with other players id like to see more people on the waters when I play!


  • 6
  • I saw ships everywhere.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Increase the amount of players per server OR reduce the amount of adventure servers:

    I saw ships everywhere.

    Same here.

  • I’d say you were an exception. I saw ships the whole time I played. Some with reapers and some without, some doing the new event and some going about their own business. It’s purely luck of the draw as to whether you see any other ships.

  • More players per server please, encounters are too seldom.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Increase the amount of players per server OR reduce the amount of adventure servers:

    I saw ships everywhere.

    @teh-magnus said in Increase the amount of players per server OR reduce the amount of adventure servers:

    More players per server please, encounters are too seldom.

    My crew and i played every night since the update, and we say so many ships the whole time. We also sunk like 15 ships without sinking our self.

    But the idea of more ships per server isnt bad on its own, maybe 8 or 10 ships instead of 6 what it is currently, BUT they didnt do because they wanted to, but for server performance. And idk the current state of the server software.

1 out of 6