Man of War

  • I know we all hear about the Man of War. There are valid ideas for and against it. What if it was introduced as another raid? One thing the sea is missing is government. Soldiers vs pirates a long standing tradition. We have skeleton forts and ship waves. What if a Man of War would sail around with the loot of a fort, and the damage of 2-3 skeleton Galleons? Maybe even have the soldiers able to bail to make it more of a challenge. Any ideas to make this even better drop here!

  • 12
    just for funevents
  • @a-cry1ng-orphan I bet that CaptainFlameheart and his ship "The Burning Blade"
    is going to be a Man O War not man of war hahaha with burning cannons that shoots fireballs.
    Yes Man O War is an awesome idea and as you said there is a problem if players will use it, no matter how hard it is to control it still with a decent crew a sloop dont stand a chance and it wont be fair but as an enemy sure or server with only Man O War.

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Man of War:

    I know we all hear about the Man of War. There are valid ideas for and against it. What if it was introduced as another raid? One thing the sea is missing is government. Soldiers vs pirates a long standing tradition. We have skeleton forts and ship waves. What if a Man of War would sail around with the loot of a fort, and the damage of 2-3 skeleton Galleons? Maybe even have the soldiers able to bail to make it more of a challenge. Any ideas to make this even better drop here!

    There is no government in the Sea of Thieves. The Sea of Thieves is a mystical region encapsulated by the Devil's Shroud, far beyond the reach of governments. This is why it's so alluring to pirates and other fortune-seekers. There are no soldiers and no laws, only the promise of riches and glory beyond imagination. It's existence is but a legend, it's location a closely guarded secret. Only scant few know its exact whereabouts; fewer still know how to pierce the Devil's Shroud and live to tell about it. Large ships and crews cannot survive the crossing. This is why we find only smaller vessels here, manageable by crews of from one to four.

    Now having that proper context, I'm not opposed to the idea of a Man-O-War, either for players to sail or as a new PvE event. It would have to be balanced to fit within the lore of the Sea of Thieves, naturally.

  • @faceyourdemon Might want to research your stuff. It's Man-of-War mah dude

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Man of War:

    @faceyourdemon Might want to research your stuff. It's Man-of-War mah dude

    Both are correct.

  • @genuine-heather That's why introducing the governing element in a Man of War makes the most sense. It would be an AI only ship so as to not make the game totally unusable to Sloops. Plus it would fit in the lore of Jim Stitcher. He's betrayed the pirate code already and, knowing he'd be hunted down, you could have him reaching out to a governing force to protect himself. Which would explain why they show up as a ship

  • Ships can't pierce the Shroud, but they can be built. Whether or not a ship the size of most islands is needed is another question entirely. Something resembling a frigate would do well (since they seem to have taken ship sizes and shrunk them rather than make new names), compared to a ship of the line or similar. Also Man O War is not a ship type, it's a classification given to different ships which deserve it. The galleon was considered a Man O War.

    As for Stitcher Jim, he has his own storyline to fulfill. He's most likely either been executed for failing to kill Morrow or cursed and brought into Flameheart's crew. Also, the Burning Blade sank, and it was a galleon. It's where the cannon which was used to create the first cursed cannonballs was recovered from, and most who believed in Flameheart in the first place believe he died with his ship (even though he already survived the sinking of the Silver Blade).

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan No its not mah bruh its Man O War XD

  • @a-cry1ng-orphan said in Man of War:

    @genuine-heather That's why introducing the governing element in a Man of War makes the most sense. It would be an AI only ship so as to not make the game totally unusable to Sloops. Plus it would fit in the lore of Jim Stitcher. He's betrayed the pirate code already and, knowing he'd be hunted down, you could have him reaching out to a governing force to protect himself. Which would explain why they show up as a ship

    What government would Stitcher Jim approach? England? France? Spain? They'd probably hang him. But even if they listened, why would they want to protect him? Not even Stitcher Jim would be so foolhardy as to entrust a nation with the secrets of the Sea of Thieves.

  • I've tried to put a MoW concept together, come take a look.

  • @Deckhands


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just for funevents
4 out of 12