The ultimate PvE bad guy

  • @crimsonraziel Well, that's what we are saying regarding variables, you could increase the size of the carrot or shorten the length of the stick, this would be something Rare would have to balance during testing.

    Regarding conceptual things;

    • I would definitely want this to need more than 1 crew. That's a big part of my original post. People have agreed that the fun they had beating the original Hungering One was some of the most fun they've had playing this game and that was mostly down to co-operation between crews
    • If multiple crews were required then it couldn't be a spawning creature but would have to be something summoned. You couldn't have it appearing next to some poor solo guy.
    • The time it takes could be shortened, that would just be a case of reducing the number of hit-points the threat has. Again as above that would be something Rare would have to balance during testing
    • if (large) rewards are given to create interest then the difficulty has to be high but restrictions would need to put in place to stop people farming it. My suggestion to stop people farming it was to restrict when it spawns but perhaps there's another way... perhaps this could be a time limited quest and wouldn't stay in the world once the 2 week period had finished.
    • I would prefer a permanent feature, because I want something worse and harder than the Megs/Krakens we currently have. I'd also like a periodical reason for pirates to band together. But I get that that's not everyone's cup of tea.
  • I like the once a day and summoning aspects - that puts a tight leash on how often it appears, how, and where. I imagine it would have to be in open water away from islands - that way it won't necessarily interfere with other players who just want to visit various islands to get their voyages done.

    That said, I think this would be a perfect time to make a compromise - all of you are talking about Megs and Krakens and such. Why does it have to be a monster? Everybody wants a Man O' War in the game, but doing so would be unbalanced - I think this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce it, at least in part. Can you imagine a whole line of 8 cannons on a side just firing in tandem? Or 2 rows of 4 on each side? It would be heavily armored and could take a beating, but would strategically use cursed cannonballs like the players do, and have a variety of them to use, rather than just 1 kind. You could board it, but the skeletons would be Athena-level of tough, and likely golden too. Furthermore, to gain access to the lower decks, you would have to use a GPB just to blow open a hatch to get in. There wouldn't even be any ladders to get on it either, now that I think about it - you'd have to launch yourself onto the ship. Unlike other ships, they would be able to bail the water out too, so you'd have to do constant damage, just like with the mermaid statues that can self-heal - they'd accomplish this, not with buckets, but with little drainage holes that open up in the mid to upper levels of the ship to let it all flow out. It would be slow to turn and move, but it would have an incredible firing arc, allowing it to hit multiple ships in tandem.

  • @guybrush3pwood2 said in The ultimate PvE bad guy:

    Regarding conceptual things;

    • I would definitely want this to need more than 1 crew. That's a big part of my original post. People have agreed that the fun they had beating the original Hungering One was some of the most fun they've had playing this game and that was mostly down to co-operation between crews
    • If multiple crews were required then it couldn't be a spawning creature but would have to be something summoned. You couldn't have it appearing next to some poor solo guy.

    So I got that point across, that's good.

    • The time it takes could be shortened, that would just be a case of reducing the number of hit-points the threat has. Again as above that would be something Rare would have to balance during testing

    So let's say, a 30 minute fight would be fine? We are now in the ball park of Megan & Karen teamed up. No objection to that, but to me that doesn't sound like what you were proposing previously anymore.

    • if (large) rewards are given to create interest then the difficulty has to be high but restrictions would need to put in place to stop people farming it. My suggestion to stop people farming it was to restrict when it spawns but perhaps there's another way... perhaps this could be a time limited quest and wouldn't stay in the world once the 2 week period had finished.
    • I would prefer a permanent feature, because I want something worse and harder than the Megs/Krakens we currently have. I'd also like a periodical reason for pirates to band together. But I get that that's not everyone's cup of tea.

    Both is more or less irrelevant to what I was talking about but to address that: In my opinion if it's not here to stay it shouldn't be here at all.

  • @crimsonraziel Great, so we're making progress, discussing limitations and coming up with solutions. The idea is evolving. The end product is rarely the same as the initial suggestion and I'm fine with that. Hadn't in my wildest dreams thought I would come up with the end article with just one suggestion.

  • @galactic-geek Like the Man O' War idea. Possibly captained by a number of Skeleton Lords. So even when you board the ship the fights that happen are intense.

  • I'd like this Man O' War to have sloop and brigantine escorts.

    My what a glorious sight to see and engage in battle.

  • Just some points to consider.

    Anything random by its very nature will disadvantage some players. You could end up with a situation where player A has faced the boss three times but player B has yet to see him. Ideally all players should have access to the same experience should they so wish.

    Once a day. Is that for me, the server I’m on, is it for all players. If so what happens when players that have faced the boss switch or merge servers. I can see complications with this. Isn’t it players you would limit to one attempt per day rather than trying to limit the event itself.

    Perhaps the event should be triggered when certain criteria are met. Number of ships/players joining a special alliance. Perhaps each ship needs a special voyage active. Maybe each ship must be suitably stocked or whatever. Only when the conditions are met can the event be triggered (even triggering the event could represent a challenge).

    With things like this you could just about do whatever you want. As it sits separate to the core game it could easily feature a separate isle as well as the previously mentioned creatures etc. The game certainly could use some diversity like this.

  • @dadiodude I dont see why it should be an event, but I like how you pointed out repetition. If they make the boss fun enough I would probably just do it because its something to do.

    Honestly they should have repeated hungering deep instead of adding random spawn megs. Or done a hybrid, with less random megs, carrying a tune on the drums to a sharks location should have just been repeated with more difficult sharks not varied in color and random in loot.

    And that's somewhat how they should handle new bosses

  • @guybrush3pwood2 said in The ultimate PvE bad guy:

    @crimsonraziel Well, that's what we are saying regarding variables, you could increase the size of the carrot or shorten the length of the stick, this would be something Rare would have to balance during testing.

    Regarding conceptual things;

    • I would definitely want this to need more than 1 crew. That's a big part of my original post. People have agreed that the fun they had beating the original Hungering One was some of the most fun they've had playing this game and that was mostly down to co-operation between crews
    • If multiple crews were required then it couldn't be a spawning creature but would have to be something summoned. You couldn't have it appearing next to some poor solo guy.
    • The time it takes could be shortened, that would just be a case of reducing the number of hit-points the threat has. Again as above that would be something Rare would have to balance during testing
    • if (large) rewards are given to create interest then the difficulty has to be high but restrictions would need to put in place to stop people farming it. My suggestion to stop people farming it was to restrict when it spawns but perhaps there's another way... perhaps this could be a time limited quest and wouldn't stay in the world once the 2 week period had finished.
    • I would prefer a permanent feature, because I want something worse and harder than the Megs/Krakens we currently have. I'd also like a periodical reason for pirates to band together. But I get that that's not everyone's cup of tea.

    You think things are too easy for solo sloopers? Pack up and go home, "Solo is too hard nerf PvP" crowd!

    In all seriousness I think this is the first time I've seen a someone who says they solo-sloop claim the PvE content is too easy; usually it's the other way around.

  • @blam320 LOL. The other pirates on the sea are the only things that makes solo-slooping hard and most of them you can outrun or out maneuverer.
    The environment only becomes hard if you haven't prepped properly. Every game I start I,
    1st empty the outpost of as much stuff as I can be bothered to get
    2nd empty a shipwreck of as much stuff as I can be bothered to do
    3rd visit a fort for Powder Kegs and more stuff

    Once you've got enough planks and cannonballs, I never run from a Kraken fight or a Meg, in fact I put my anchor down and fight. They're really easy. You just have to make sure you don't get knocked off your boat and you keep on top of holes and bailing.

    Then for skelly ships, you make sure you're near a big island before kicking off a fight so they circumnavigate the island rather than you and then you jump off your boat, powder Keg in hand, climb their ladder and blow it up on their lower deck. protect the holes you've made and skelly galleon sinks.

    Forts, you just park in a cannon blind spot and grind away at the skelly waves till the boss comes out. The forts with a lake in the middle are the easiest to do solo.

    As I mentioned the skelly fleet battle is the only one I've not been able to solo yet

  • You'd like to see something that promotes togetherness, me too. Personally, I'd like a team death match - x number of player ships vs x number of skellies (5v5). Or maybe some ridiculous battle 5 player ships vs 10+ skelly ships at once.

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