Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]

  • @moronicstraw Is there any chance we will SEE a pic of this weapon before the 24th of June? It would make a difference if I liked it or not if to do that grind!!!

  • So i've read thru the comments and still have no idea whats going on. Can we get some solid confirmation as to the amount of wins we need by the 24th. Is it 240 or 100? Come on rare lets get some clarity.

  • @fast-bike94 14 wins a day is still 7 hours. That's if you win every game. I simply just don't have that much time in a day to play. Im not saying it's hard to do, but you have to have the time and it's just not possible for me.

  • @testakleze I guess you'll just be able to tell who has no life and who does

  • I think I’m right up there with everyone else. I think this is an awesome reward, but 60 days after launch of Anniversary to get essentially get over 100 hours of you only place first every time...is a bit ridiculous. Especially when it’s paired with Tall Tales and fishing. You’re basically punishing people who are trying to do both for not dedicating themselves to Arena only. I love both Adventure and Arena, but zero notification about this achievement at launch was a massive communication failure. 6 months to do...it’s doable. 60 days...that’s a bit of a stretch especially when the first month has been the worst the servers have ever been.

    You need to increase the due date and make it public on your social media accounts. If I didn’t follow major streamers of this game I would have never even known about the reward. I’d consider increasing the deadline and letting your faithful know of it.

  • Feels like a punch to the face to the people that have been putting time into tall tales/hunters call prior to this announcement. I enjoy the PVE in this game, but have always considered myself a die hard pvper but I find it annoying I have to dedicate 3 hours a day (6-7 wins a day) for the next month just to get this cosmetic. Would be nice if you gave it to those that have the time to get the item early, but let us those that need more time to get it eventually (or put a higher skill cap behind the item if you ever introduced some real matchmaking)

  • @MoronicStraw please don´t do it like this. Many of us are crazy arena fans that are working our way towards this comendation. We know that we will not be able to win 240 arenas in 4 weeks but we would rather take longer to get this done and still be able to obtain this item. I think the deadline is way too short.

  • @alfamajkel yeah I want to afk farm for that cosmetic and have no reason to actually try to win. good joke

  • I’m smelling another golden legendary weapon skin. (Either Cutlass, Eye of Reach or Flintlock.)

  • @harlton-cheston no the reason why they do it like this is as follows:

    When Joe neate announced the overachiever sails that where going to be given out to the players that got one of the achievements at its value before their rebalance there was a huge falling out from people, they then changed it last minute to a deadline for people to be able to make it in a new way.

    This time they are just ahead of the curb and gave this info away before the actual rebalance happens.

  • @fast-bike94 nothing to do with no life, i am on 101 wins so have a month for 139 wins which i will make easily, you might say i have no-life but i would just share that i go to school (evening school), have a 32 hour a week job, a wife and we are working on getting kids... how much more of a life can i have ? Having friends ? Yeah that will be handled on the weekly trip to the local bar.

  • Just to put my 2 cents in. Some back of the napkin math:

    -. 4 days of continuous Play. Across 32-ish days Would be 3 hours a night if you never lose a single match. And if you have 0 wait time. (with 3 minute wait time it bumps it up to 3.375 hours a night.) That is 25% of your time from now until June 24th. My crew is relatively decent so my win//loss ratio is about 63/70 wins. Applying that bumps me to around 4 hours a night.

    It is achievable because it is just a time commitment. But this is quite the stretch to do. Given it's summer, people have vacation, and it is just a lot of hours.

    Comparing this feat to Over-achiever sails is not equivalent.

    People had almost a year to achieve
    Getting gold got easier and easier over the time (special events to help people get over the requirements)

    This time limited cosmetic would make sense if it didn't eat up 99% of a players total free time from now until June24th.

    I love this idea of a really hard to achieve cosmetic. I will have more than 240 wins before I'm done with arena. But the timeframe for it is a bit ridiculous in a perfect world with 100% win rate. I'd rather there be a 500 win hard to achieve cosmetic than nerfing the 240 down to 100 and then adding a time limit to some new cosmetic. (To be honest I'd rather there not be a nerf from 240 to 100... but meh)

    Double the time for achieving this so people can go on vacation, enjoy the gorgeous weather, and play 2 hours a night to win this cosmetic (100% win rate) + bonus time on the weekend. Or just make it a super high number of wins?

    The amount of time it will take assuming a perfect win rate vs my personal obligations irl breaks me (and probably many others) from even attempting this.

    Just the 2 cents of someone wanting more difficult PvP oriented cosmetics + Titles

  • I've spent the last month playing this game nearly non-stop, dusk til dawn. Proper no-life. I've gotten all my Tall Tales commendations done, I'm less than 2 levels away from 50 in Hunter's Call. But because I chose to leave the Arena grind for last I'm getting a little bit screwed over with this unknown cosmetic reward. I have every time limited cosmetic in the game and I don't intend to ruin that streak now. However, playing for 6 hours a day for an entire month is going to make me go a little bit crazy. 8 wins a day. EVERY. DAY.

    I wanted to save Arena for last because it's the most relaxing and fun thing to grind, I wanted a break from the grind. I wanted to take it at my own pace. But now I'm meant to choose between my perfect cosmetic record and my sanity? I'm not the only one either. Arena is going to be a very toxic place for the next month.

    Please consider doing this similar to how you did Overachiever sails or otherwise increase the date for those of us who would rather not get burned out with your wonderful game.

  • @callmebackdraft listen man don't take offence I have done tall tales all five times and currently at 155 wins I think I'd qualify as no life

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @fast-bike94 nothing to do with no life, i am on 101 wins so have a month for 139 wins which i will make easily, you might say i have no-life but i would just share that i go to school (evening school), have a 32 hour a week job, a wife and we are working on getting kids... how much more of a life can i have ? Having friends ? Yeah that will be handled on the weekly trip to the local bar.

    It really depends on which ones you game with really.

  • @moronicstraw

    Are we intended to earn the original 240 before the update or earn the updated 100 prior to the update so upon updating we are credited the accommodation. Please clarify.

  • Not particularly happy about this. I've been taking my time with arena to play tall tales with my crew. If I knew this was comming I would have just focused on arena..

    This will be the first cosmetic I miss out on just because I haven't grinded out arena as much as I would have had I known this was comming. If I wanted this cosmetic I'd need to win at least 6 games a day. That's pretty unreasonable.

    This should have been handled like the overachiever sails, where you needed to achieve the newly balanced value, rather than the original value.

  • Maybe I still don't know how I feel about this, but I'm gonna give it a go.

    For context, I have put several hundred hours into this game because I absolutely love it and I love creating memories and experiences with my friends. I have been on at 8am PST for every single content release there has ever been because my friends and I have a blast playing this game and we are excited to have something new to work for each time.

    As developers, you've had it kinda rough; cries of "no content" for over a year while you've created one of the most visually-stunning sandbox video games ever. I can't imagine how hard that is to take constructively, and yet you have. Every step of the way, you've listened to players and I don't think I've ever seen developers implement so many of the things the fans wanted in such a short period of time. Honest to god, I feel like I've been a part of the creation of this wonderful thing we all love.

    Yadda yadda yadda, right? So, here's the controversial meat of my comment...

    After some thought, I don't think I want this commendation to be lowered to 100. You mention that the commendation is difficult, and that lowering the number of wins required makes it easier. I think this is both inaccurate and a bad idea for we, the players, as well as you, the developers.

    I believe the perceived difficulty of this commendation is a symptom of the absolute onslaught of AFKers, griefing crewmates, and leavers. In my opinion, this game has a fairly low skill ceiling. It's accessible for a lot of people. I would venture a guess that people are more often losing matches because of those three issues I named than for lack of skill, ability, or understanding. If you get a full crew in this mode and they can communicate half-way successfully, you've basically won before the match starts.

    I play with a group of about 10-20 other people, many of whom have been playing the game since launch or beta. We're very coordinated, and we like to think we're very good at strategizing and using the mechanics of this game efficiently. We go virtually unchallenged in Arena. I'm of the opinion that it's not because people are bad at the game. I honestly think it's because so many of the teams I run into in Arena either don't have a full crew or have a crewmate that is actively working against them. Every single match of the 30 or so I have played is missing people from one or more of the ships. Hell, most of the time the matches are missing 1 or 2 entire ships!

    I understand how those people must feel: "I'm never going to get to 240 wins with only two people on my crew every other match." That tells me that the commendation is less about skill and more about luck and putting in the man hours while hoping to get a good crew. Which is fine, but luck and time-spent are not skills; they are the result of dedication. Lowering the number from 240 to 100 doesn't make it easier, it makes it faster. This is bad for two reasons:

    1. They still aren't going to have fun getting to 100 wins and it's still going to feel like forever. They're feeling hopeless, not because it's difficult or because they aren't skilled; they're feeling hopeless because there is no system in place to punish the AFKers, leavers, and griefers who are ruining their matches. Please, give the players tools to improve the quality of their experience. Don't make things "easier" because of those problems. Your players are still going to be miserable getting to 100 wins because the actual experience hasn't improved; they just have to be miserable for less time.

    2. IT'S CONTENT. STOP MAKING IT GO BY FASTER THAN IT NEEDS TO. You guys work so hard making this game and all the wonderful things in it to force yourselves to rush more things out the door. Rather than reducing the amount of time people spent being miserable in Arena matches, implement things that make that experience more positive more often!

    You're keeping Arena miserable for the majority of the playerbase (who are also almost certainly not on this forum to provide their feedback) and rewarding (with the bonus cosmetic) those of us who aren't having any problems beacuse of our sweaty obsessiveness with vidya games.

    I'm married and I'm in school. I can't justify the shift in priorities I would have to make to grind 110 more wins before June 24th. I've got classes and finals going on at the moment and so the bonus cosmetic isn't really feasible for me, and that's ok. I don't need every item in the game. But think of what this solution says to the average player: Rather than fix the problems with Arena's matchmaking and/or implementing a robust reporting punishment/reward system, we're going to make this frustrating experience somewhat shorter for you while rewarding all of the people who haven't had that problem and have been steamrolling over you for the last month. Oof.

    Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe this isn't a big deal. But honestly, I think at best: this is a bandaid on a broken leg; and at worst: this is a slap in the face to the people who are struggling to have fun in Arena.

  • @moronicstraw

    Make it 200.

    I’m around 165 wins and I’m enjoying the journey. 100 wins is not much of a monumental feat. I’d rather this not be too easy and see these rare legendary weapon skins brandished by everyone in July.

    Re-balance your re-balance!

  • I have a month!? I want that cosmetic weapon ill do my best and will pray to the ancients that i will be victorious!

  • What about pirates that won 240 arena's games before may 24 ? =p

  • @zyuwnage написал в Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    What about pirates that won 240 arena's games before may 24 ? =p

    Read post)

    • "Therefore, in our next update after June 24th, any Legend who has reached Grade 5 by then will receive a special cosmetic weapon."
  • @nefrit-od I know. It was a "joke".

  • @pocketomi

    That's a great point and something I hadn't even considered. There are going to be a lot of people grinding for wins before the 24th and tensions are going to be high because of the tight window. I think you're right that it will increase toxicity in that time.

  • So just to clarify do we need to reach the old target of 240 wins by the 24th or do we need to reach the new target of 100 in order to get the unique cosmetic? I ask because the over achiever sails only required you to reach the new reduced levels in one of the listed commendations/achievements.

  • @lt-swag-johnson

    We are releasing the re-balance in an update soon, but we are allowing players until the night of 24th June to get to 240 wins for the unique weapon cosmetic.

  • @ladypirategirl

    We will release images of the weapon before the 24th of June. We want something unique that stands out from other weapons.

  • @moronicstraw

    You need to extend this date. 80+ hours of game time in just 1 month! Why do you keep doing this to us! This will likely be the first cosmetic in the game I will not achieve! Are you trying to tick your core players off? Get the decisions right at launch! The slippery slope!

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    We are releasing the re-balance in an update soon, but we are allowing players until the night of 24th July to get to 240 wins for the unique weapon cosmetic.

    Thank you for the response, @MoronicStraw. This is going to be a tough one to complete within that time.

  • @moronicstraw we need the full 240? why when the overachiever sails only required you to hit the reduced total?

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    We are releasing the re-balance in an update soon, but we are allowing players until the night of 24th July to get to 240 wins for the unique weapon cosmetic.

    Why not just making the weapon available at 240 for everyone all the time? I get that some people already reached that point, but some just have an hour to play and could/can never reach that goal before July 24th.

    It's just the risk of certain challanges getting updates, I don't get why it would upset people who grinded for something that others have it a little easier. The argument ''my title has less value'' is already a common thing in SoT, look at the PL title. I've seen legend players who play like they just started the game.

    Imo the weapon should always be obtainable, people who have less time than others can otherwise never get things like the overachiever sails or that weapon.

  • @slayer-one1 said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @moronicstraw we need the full 240? why when the overachiever sails only required you to hit the reduced total?

    That was probably because the deadline was so soon. It was a shame for the real overachievers, reaching the maximum amount for the original achievement only to find out that others can get it for a reduced amount.

    This time they clearly state a deadline (which just got extended) to reach the original number of wins.

  • @moronicstraw So is this confirmation that you're now giving us TWO months instead of ONE? Or is this a typo?

  • @moronicstraw How will we tell that we've reached the 240 win milestone after the rebalance?

86 out of 243