Amd Driver Crash/WattMan Crash

  • Hello,

    I am experiencing a lot of crashes lately, the game freezes/crashes and shows me that something is wrong with my driver (outdated) or because of AMD's Wattman. I got an i5 4590 Processor, 16 GB of Ram and a R9 280x, with the latest graphic drivers installed (19.4.3) and my Windows 10 is also up to date. At the beginning I had my graphic settings on rare and had constantly 60 fps. When it started to freeze I went down with the settings, now on the lowest. The freezes still occur. I read a lot about in forums and ppl having the same or similiar graphic cards with the same problems. The only thing I read, was updating the graphic card driver, win10 and turning off shadow cache in the global settings. All done, but still the same problems. In other games, which need surely better specs than this game (anno 1800 e.g) run perfectly fine for hours. I am really looking forward for your help!

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  • @derdudi444 have you submitted a bug report for this? If you can get it 5/5 times with the same steps totally throw that report in. For PC crashes getting your dxdiag file and config files from the game folder can help them figure out what is going on!

  • i think i can help you.
    Had the same problem and i get really angry.

    You had to turn the Light-Setting in game to the lowest. Dont know how it is named in english. The last one in Graphic-Settings (under Water-Settings). "Cursed" i think is the lowest in english.
    Do this and this error is history. Im 100% sure.

  • @derdudi444

    I have the same problem as you. I played for like 40 hours without experiencing any kind of crashes, it worked just perfectly well in rare quality with a constant 60 fps. And now I have this crash problem everytime. I don't know what happend. Was I lucky for like 40 hours ?

    I did so much stuff to try to correct this yesterday (for like 8 hours) and it changed absolutely nothing. I'll try to do what MrMalfor did and post a feedback to see if it changed something.

    To say the truth, I tried so many things that I'm beginning to think that the problem comes from the latest updates. So much people have this right now ! I hope we'll find something to help us.

  • @mrmalfor

    Ok, I just tried your solution and it didn't worked MrMalfor :(

  • @uisle sagte in Amd Driver Crash/WattMan Crash:

    @derdudi444 have you submitted a bug report for this? If you can get it 5/5 times with the same steps totally throw that report in. For PC crashes getting your dxdiag file and config files from the game folder can help them figure out what is going on!

    I will do this now, hopefully they can help me. But it's really annoying, I can't play the game alone, when I live constantly in fear about loosing all my stuff :D

    @MrMalfor Like I said in my post, I have all my settings on the lowest and it still crashes.

  • @derdudi444
    ok i wrote it before, but deleted it:
    The last one (perhaps THIS is the really solution) is that you go in your radeon settings. Then on GAMES, then GLOBAL SETTINGS, then turn off SHADER CACHE.
    Next Point is to go to GLOBALE OVERDRIVE, accept the text window. Then a setting menu will show, but not change. Only accept the text window.

    This is the last help.
    This three steps (change light quality to cursed, and turn off Shader Cache, and accept the global overdrive text window) stops the crash for me for ever.

    Hope it will help for you to.

    P.S: The last thing is to change the driver to an previous version.

  • but im really sure that the reason is the light setting.
    I played the insider and forgot to change the light setting from rare to cursed (like i did in the main build), and wonder why the wattman crash came. Then i changed it to cursed and no crash since then.

  • @mrmalfor

    I thank you for your help ! I just tried what you said with my GeForce GTX 880M and turning avery graphic details to the lowest but, sadly, it didn't worked :(. The thing is that the problem is common to several people but solutions seems diffrent for everybody, that's really strange.

    @DerDUDI444 Did you tried it ? I hope it's working for you.

    I submitted a bug report for this. I'll let you know every informations i'll gather, mates.

  • @MrMalfor Yep, I already turned the shadow cache off, too. Maybe I should roll back to a previous version, but I really don't know to which.
    @Ayano-Mitsushi I mean, its more stable than before, but it still occurs. Besides that I really enjoy the graphics, but not on the lowest. At least medium graphics should be possible. I'll keep you guys posted too, when I'll get an answer from the support!

  • @derdudi444 Thank you mate :) ! And yeah I understand, it's quite disgusting when the game used to work with rare rendering quality without any problems or crashes, to finally see it explode without any kind of good explanation and solution. I hope we'll find something soon !

  • Ok, I post for some feedbacks after the last update. I hoped it changed a thing but it didn't, and my bug report was classified as solved without any explanation. I updated it to say that nothing changed with the update, but it was classified as solved without any kind of message this time. Hm... Thanks for the help.

    As I have the feeling that the assistance will not help me, I pushed my tests further.
    I've seen that the automatic overcloacking of graphic cards caused by video driver could be at the source, also with strange battery alimentation problems. SO, I tried to flash my BIOS to his last update (hoping that it will upgrade the VBIOS of my graphic card), undercloacked the GPU of my graphic card strongly (from 2500 MHZ to 2000 MHZ, was unable to lower it more), and I even installed a fonctional battery on my laptop (Yes, I really want to resolve this ****).

    I launched the game with the worst settings and took the sea. I was able to pick up a chest before it crashed as before, after 15 minutes of play. This is the longest session I was able to do since the problem began to happened.

    Even if I know that 90% of computers problems are situated between the pc and the seat, I'm positively conviced that the problem comes from them. Or was I lucky for more than 40 hours, with my rare quality settings and 0 crashes ? Jeez, I should play lottery more.

    I, personnaly, have no clues left. I you guys have other ideas that I forgot, you're welcome. I just want to find a solution, and I'm getting tired to have to search for hours for solutions on forums, to run a game that worked perfectly well before.

  • @derdudi444 Did your problems found a solution with that last update and the bugs fixes ? :)

  • No, they didn't. I mean, the crashes aren't happening everytime anymore, but I am still unable to play it on higher settings. Like you said, it is weird that it worked before and now it don't.
    Maybe your CPU or GPU are getting too hot, causing the crashes?

  • @derdudi444 I don't think so, I did OCCT stress test to see if there is a problem and I saw nothing... Maybe it's something more bizarre than that. Computers...

  • My crashes vary overtime as well. All of a sudden, this night, I'm getting them left and right all the time. Consistantly. I log in, sail to an island, crash within the first minutes on the island.

    Before however, I would only crash regularly at two places. Shipwreck Bay, and to a lesser degree Morrow Outpost. Shipwreck Bay, every single time, during the dawn/dusk. Same with Morrow. If I could drop my loot off and leave the island before a day/night transition I was usually fine.

    Aside from these two places, if I was lucky, I'd be able to avoid crashes elsewhere. But tonight the crashes are just off the hook. I've lost so much loot to these crashes. I'm about to try the shader cache and setting the graphic settings lower... but I'm going to be honest. When I pay good money for a GFX card and good money for a fun game... I somewhat expect them to be able to function at something better than "potato" without me needing above average technical skill. It's one thing if I was trying to add 120 mods to Skyrim, but another when the game is out-of-box vanilla.

    But has anyone gotten any response from Rare or from AMD yet? Who's even to blame? Did AMD fudge up a boatload of GFX cards, or is Rare just being sloppy with their lighting and can't be bothered to code their game to stop asking GFX cards to do weird unnatural things?

    UPDATE: So disabling the shader cache and setting all graphics to "cursed" seems to have fixed the crash. However, I can still be out in open ocean averaging 120-130 FPS when out of nowhere there will be a massive spike, the sound will glitch into static for a few ticks, and the FPS will plummet to 10-20 before recovering almost instantly. In the past if I had those spikes they'd either recover, or last a few microseconds too long and crash the driver. Since I'm on PC, I can use win+G to pull up the Xbox app game overlay which includes monitoring of my CPU and GPU. These spikes correspond with a very irregular 99% spike in both CPU and GPU simultaneously, even if they average about 30% load for my CPU and 60% for my GPU.

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