Bucketing skellyboats

  • The skeleton fleet battles are so much fun xD

    I was solo slooping hunting skellyboats to unlock the canons :") im at 305 now xD

    I tried the fleet battles solo as a joke but i actually managed to finish 2 fleetbattles today! Circeling at high speed ramming and crashing and bucketing the sloops and completely destroying them with beautifull canon fire and explosions :")

    The 2 galleons came they are prety tough tjeez xD the first battle i survived them but in the second fleet battle they hammered me with rigging and anchor ball and thus i was dead in the middle of the ocean with two galleons circeling and i got completely destroyed O.o

    Both battles i sink once but returned to finish it but only got the captn loot the rest sunk during the battle..

    Nice loot counting sunken skellyboats im having fun sinking them is like payback ^^

    Did one in a brig with a bucket xD finally im starting to like them a little ^^

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  • @ruigtand-nl Well done. Definitely one of my favorite things to do as of late. Once I realized I could take out the fleet, I've been trying to hit it any time it's up. I usually use just one cannonball per ship and bucket the rest of the way. The skelleons can wreck you if you get into their cannon range but they don't maneuver like the skelly sloops do. They tend to give me a little more trouble since it's harder to keep my ship grinding against them. I leave the loot from all the other ships unless my ship is gone and I'm finishing the wave with the rowboat, then I'll collect the loot and leave it on the rowboat before I sail back with a new ship. It's so fun, so intense, and so satisfying when you finish. Definitely a legendary feat to accomplish.

    Also I changed one of my hotkeys to my bucket to speed things up. This may be different on the brig but I try to keep at least a couple holes so I can get more water per bucket. More than two if they are in the back half of the sloop. I've gone through entire battles without repairing any holes. Then as soon as the captain ship goes down, I abandon my sloop with 10 or 15 holes in it for the rowboat. That way I don't have to worry about megs, krakens, or skelly ships on my way back to the outpost.

  • @testakleze

    Now i really want to finish one without sinking but i was worried about the kraken to i thought it would probably attack when i moved to a outpost but i got lucky so far.. better take a rowboat back indeed :D

  • @ruigtand-nl
    Again welcome to club ;)
    I love to transfer our water to them ;)

  • O man we need free roaming fleets of skellysloops i lol so much they are crazy!!!

  • @Ruigtand-NL

    Great job! Wolf and I love these battles. Just too bad the do not occur more often and take a back seat to the skull fort schedule. One of our top things we like to do when we sail. Craziest it got for us was on a sloop fighting the skellie fleet having to sink three player ships at the same time, a galleon, brig, and sloop. We got all the big loot at the end and what they had collected or brought with them to the battle. Keep up the good fight against the boneheads!

  • @x-crowheart-x

    They are so far out it would be a lot of fun if de fleetbattle spawn on random places like the kraken between skullforts then the kraken can be more rare :")

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Bucketing skellyboats:


    They are so far out it would be a lot of fun if de fleetbattle spawn on random places like the kraken between skullforts then the kraken can be more rare :")

    I agree. Would be much better. End up a lot as it is now racing across the map to just have it disappear before you can get there or right as you arrive.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I know i rushed from ancient spire to deep into mordor to fight a vulcano fleet with a sauron galleon and i sunk once the vulcano won the battle i think O.o but yeah to get there i was hunted bij megan and pirates and stuff was not easy but glad i made it in time xD

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Im ar 311 now!! Gotta get those canons ^^

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