RED ALERT: Sword Combat has become even worse now as of this new patch!

  • Just see the video 1 video 2 instead.

    RARE! I beg of you to revert sword combat changes!

    Throw away blocking, drawbacks or swashbuckling into the trash because you can infinitely swing without a delay now!!!

    Lets look at this chronologically

    Slowed down effects when swinging removed

    This made it so that you can be constantly moving at full pace while swinging. This did not take account of blocking which slows you down, but has you stand still when blocking. The man swinging at someone blocking is at an advantage and can run around and jump around the person who is blocking (who is Forced to stand still).

    Missed swing Delay added

    This swing delay only happened if you completely missed anything, even the environment gave you a full combo. However, this gave away to an annoyance of switching to banana not being consistent or clear.

    Switching to anything while swinging

    This made it so that you now can consistently pull out any thing while swinging... wanna know what this does?

    You can Cancel any drawback or Delay by switching back and forth, resulting in you constantly sword swinging and stun locking

    First change made Blocking and swashbuckling very mindless.
    Second change made things inconsistent
    but now, throw away blocking, drawbacks or swashbuckling into the trash because you can infinitely swing without a delay!!!

    Il repeat

    Throw away blocking, drawbacks or swashbuckling into the trash because you can infinitely swing without a delay!!!

    Revert the changes.

    +Only make the 2nd and third swings slow your movement down
    +Make it possible to stunlock mid-air opponents
    +Charge attack is now the same as [Block+Charge attack]

    Sword swing Delay
    Sword switch canceling

    The only reason sword was difficult was because it didnt CATCH opponents who were in mid-air WHILE ALSO being slowed down for swinging. Just let the sword catch mid-air opponents, and make the first sword attack forgiving, but constant swinging punishing...

  • 37
  • Revert the changes.

    +Only make the 2nd and third swings slow your movement down
    +Make it possible to stunlock mid-air opponents
    +Charge attack is now the same as [Block+Charge attack]
    Just let the sword catch mid-air opponents, and make the first sword attack forgiving, but constant swinging punishing

    There is no point in complaining about the sword if your solution is so weak it actually adds nothing.

    The only thing that is decent there is having charge attack have less movement penalty, which ties into something you touched upon but didn't address as a possible addition which was:

    This did not take account of blocking which slows you down, but has you stand still when blocking. The man swinging at someone blocking is at an advantage and can run around and jump around the person who is blocking (who is Forced to stand still).

    Basically the problem isn't how attacking works, but rather how blocking isn't effective.

    You have several ways of going about it.

    1. Add different melee weapons with different properties

    Adding variety to melee combat could counteract the power of the cutlass by creating tools that are designed to counter it, for example let's say they add a rapier. A rapier wouldn't have the same swiping strikes as a cutlass, boasting a mediocre area of effectiveness, being mostly a good weapon to strike at a good distance and for spacing but the highlight of the rapier is the power of the parry that replaces the standard cutlass blocking. Any singular melee attack succesfuly "blocked" with a rapier is parried instead stopping the combo and triggering a brief stagger animation that slows the affected player down, which would open up for the rapier special held down attack that is a flurry of strikes in quick sucession.

    That is just one example, other weapons may forego blocking altogether for a defensive buff while held that prevents staggering or stuns, or a powerful blade that has an impenetrable defense, list goes on.

    1. Rework blocking

    If the cutlass turns to be the only weapon we have, then blocking needs changes. Not only does the ark of defense that will trigger a succesful block needs to be increased but also perhaps adding rewards for blocking a strike at the right time to trigger a parry to stop a combo of attacks. Blocking also needs to have it's movement penalty removed, this should also buff the quickstep, but if attacking is so strong, defense needs to be improved to counteract this.

    1. The boring way out

    Revert everything back to how it was and pretend it was better due to some pseudo techniques only absolute delusional people think had any depth when in fact it was as spammy and aimless as it is now, only guns dominated more until they were nerfed and the sword tweaked.

  • Simple fix here, revert everything that has been done to the sword, and i mean everything, make it work as it did before the update that made it go full speed while swinging.

    You don't have to add a swing delay, you don't have to make it stop swinging if you hit a wall, just make it work as it did before, magically all the issues with the sword in pvp will go away.

  • @urihamrayne You make good points, but you have to admit as to what the new changes has done to combat in general.

    Previously, you swashbuckled and traded hits back and forth. Impatient pirates were punished while patient pirates were rewarded. Their change only fixes the nuisance that is the slowness which to its illusion was a big drawback because it couldnt chase/catch pirates.

    I am pointing at the issue that is WHY: It was an issue, not because it was slow, but because mid-air pirates dont get cought in the stunlock, their "Fix" was adding no slowdown so that pirates can just chase.

    And because there is no slowdown, that also in turn changed how blocking works and now, you are discussing to changing block.

    Those are too many changes that NEED to be made because of one other consequence. You could have avoided that if the focus was different, instead of completely changing the flow of sword combat.

    And is why it is better to revert it, because the previous sword combat was much more defined in more of its functions, while this one is ill-defined and only is made to relax the "frustration" of the slowdown.

  • @crafek

    the previous sword combat was much more defined in more of its functions

    It wasn't. Old sword combat didn't have any nuance that was achieved through it's natural machanics, most of the deeper parts of the sword combat were unintentional design that rare left there because they felt it was a good compromise due to the lack of variety we had for options.

    Now that sword was changed, reverting back is admitting rare has absolutely no idea where to go with melee, listening to people that want the boring way out is a terrible call for rare. it's better to listen to a person like me, that is always right, about things like this.

    Adding variety and improving upon the existing mechanics, like blocking, is not something that needs to happen just because sword got a buff, you made a huge mistake stating that, this was necessary way back before even the launch of SoT, I've been waiting for new melee weapons and intended mechanics ever since the alphas, but thus far we only got buffs and tweaks.

    Also don't forget this is not just a PvP game, the sword changes also affect PvE positively, you still get punished for playing poorly against it and the sword isn't always reliable, but the overall tweaks are an improvement.

  • @urihamrayne It was more defined because it was much less random in nature. Current sword combat is very flimsy and mindless and more inconsistent.

    I am showcasing that Rare DOES infact not have an idea on what to do with the sword combat because of the many consequences that happened because of the lack of Slowdown. Suddenly Blocking is very weak, and when they thought they had a minor mechanic to somewhat punish sword users but then also gave a solution to that, suddenly there is an exploit to restarting your swing combo much quicker. Pride shouldn't be an issue when it comes to game balance so it is OK to revert changes.

    Overall, they should be looking at what the changes has done to combat in general and [again] current sword combat is very flimsy and rewards flailing.

    The simple change that was removing the movement slowdown on sword swinging was HUGE. It rippled over to make Blocking weaker, gun users weaker and it did not fix the real issue as to why the slowdown was noticable in the first place.

  • Seriously, undo whatever you did with the sword and then LEAVE IT ALONE! Today (3/20) I sword lunged into an enemy PVPer and Immediately switched to my blunderbus and shot them from a very close distance and THEY STILL DIDN'T DIE! Afterwards, they hit me with a normal sword swing and stunned me (annoying) and finished me off with another swing before I could move.

    I really enjoyed the original sword mechanics before all of these changes were being made. It really seems like things keep getting worse with each combat update.

  • Ever since the sword swing delay was updated I've hated the cutlass and it used to be my favorite weapon. I realize the delay was supposed to punish you for a miss but all it does is make it impossible to recover when an enemy scores one hit. blocking is useless now that the movement penalty is gone. They should have fixed the double gun and left cutlass combat alone.

  • So, I agree the mechanics of the sword aren't perfect, but we shouldn't be asking them to go backwards to an arguably worse combat system. We should ask them to improve blocking first and foremost, and that should be the only change untill we see how that effects the meta. Side note, Joe neate has said multiple times that the combat changes are being done in phases. This allows them to get feedback on very specific changes. Expect the sword combat to improve, not revert to a system that didn't work before.

  • @crafek

    It was more defined because it was much less random in nature. Current sword combat is very flimsy and mindless and more inconsistent.

    Word salad. Way to say nothing by writting a bunch.

    The only reason current sword combat rewards constant attacks is because the only viable counterplay is underpowered and does not do what it is intended to do effectively, which is counter the standard cutlass combo. The movement penalty removal allows for circle strafing and jump attacking to be less punishable by blocking, simply reverting the change makes it go back to how combat was but old combat was not good either, it's trading a piece of garbage for a cup of sewage. Improving upon the new mechanics by adding proper intended counterplay and variety is better than a reversal, it will be better in the long run if we get new melee weapons as well. Up until this point my suggestions end up being implemented in the game one way or another proving how much I'm always right, so it's not wether or not I'll convince you that my solution is better, it's just a matter of time until it's in the game so just get used to the idea.

  • @urihamrayne my thoughts exactly friend :-) it's good to discuss where improvements should be made, not really useful talking about how good it used to be. We should focus on what's good about the changes and what could be improved on.

  • A missed swing should not be penalized by a delay that's essentially reload animation.

    Penalize an attacking player by staggering them after their opponent successfully blocks. This would make for a lunge (unblockable stab) the best opener but has a charge up tell that would make an enemy dodge rather than block.

    Have two players swinging at the same time connect swords and do a bit of damage each and stagger both a little bit instead of rewarding one player for 0.03ms faster key press and stun locking them to death in a combo.

    You can make swordplay interesting and strategic without making it slow. The current "new" system is the worst yet.

  • @urihamrayne Try not to ignore the entire context by undermining what I have to say...

    My point is, previous combat adhered to a more swashbuckling combat. All they needed to do is improve/fix on that style. But the removal of slowdown has rippled over many aspects that now also need change, and by that time the entire sword will have changed.

    Yet this new combat still has many of the issues of the previous, with the added new issues and balancing woes.

    When really they could have just fixed a few key issues. That is why Im calling for a revert, because they dont seem to have actually looked at it properly, and I am not convinced they are looking at current one properly either.

  • @m1sterpunch

    Have two players swinging at the same time connect swords and do a bit of damage each and stagger both a little bit instead of rewarding one player for 0.03ms faster key press and stun locking them to death in a combo.

    That is a cute idea I haven't considered before, good call.

  • I'm a big proponent of the revert idea, as I am 1 of those crazy believers in the nuance of the formerly-great melee combat - with it, we had a counter-attack/riposte via a perfectly balanced quickdraw. Intentionally designed or not, it was great to have. So was being able to do a running sword slash that allowed you to circle the enemy and navigate around their block for a brief time - this could make you almost feel as though you were dancing. The stun-lock didn't exist either, so the defensive combat was far more fluid and balanced too. Now it's just all about the offense. We lost all of that, and for what? So we could more effectively chase gunners? No - if you were chasing gunners with your sword, that were running away instead of just drawing your gun and shooting them in the back, then you were doing it wrong.

    With today's update the offense got even stronger, because at any point during the swing, you can draw your gun and shoot your now-stunned target. With a sword and flintlock, you can swing three times, quick-switch off the last swing as they bounce, draw the gun, shoot, and kill them - all in a matter of about 5 seconds.

  • @galactic-geek

    The stun-lock didn't exist [for blocking]

    I know I am conceited, but I'm an honest jerk.

    I do like the addition of this new "quick-switch", if only there were some mechanic in this game that added a delay to switching to a gun...

  • @urihamrayne I was referring to the stun-lock on block... My bad for not clarifying. BTW, what do you have against me? You're so mean and passive-aggressive with your posts in this thread!

  • @galactic-geek Because you still drill on about some non-existent depth in that fantasy land of yours where sword combat was good, which never was. I already explained what's wrong with that but you choose to live there anyway, you do you. I have the right to be a jerk, the dan backslide avatar is not just a fashion statement.

    And also stun lock on blocking is not a thing, still works as it did before, only more hits go through blocking because it is slower than attacking and vulnerable to basic circle strafing and netcode interpolation abuse.

  • @urihamrayne Disagreeing with me doesn't give you the right to be rude. As for the stun lock on block, I was still able to move, jump, turn, and sword dodge while blocking prior to the DGE fix. I can't do any of that anymore.

  • @galactic-geek

    Disagreeing with me doesn't give you the right to be rude.

    I claim that as a birthright, it doesn't need a terrible argument from you. I will need some video evidence of what you are claiming though, it's a good opportunity to prove me wrong, which I've been eager to happen for a long time, new year new me.

    oh and I should comment that its rich that you of all people are complaining about a "quick-switch" when one of the "techniques" you miss so much from the great game that was SoT pre DGE was the quick-draw. Sure different things, but it tickled my funny bone.

  • @urihamrayne Ahoy Matey,

    As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

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  • @urihamrayne Footage is not possible, as I can no longer play the older version to make a recording.

    As for the quickdraw, it was balanced - mind you, I'm not talking about the DGE shenanigans, but rather a method I used with sword and gun. With the sword equipped, all you had to do was block. While still holding the block, simply switch to your gun. It would immediately draw and ADS, but not fire. It was useful because it could only be done from defense, and if you were blocking a 3-hit combo, you could immediately switch and then fire upon the opponent as they bounced off of your block with a minimal chance of missing. It effectively rewarded you for a successful defense, and because it was only 1 shot, it was balanced because it was never even likely to kill them unless they were already hurt by some other means (flintlock only did 50%, EoR only did 80%, and the blunderbuss would only do partial damage due to the knockback) - it only softened them up for further attacks from you or your crew. It was also useful for when you were trying to retreat from your opponent.

  • @crafek I actually really like it tbh

  • @ajm123 said in RED ALERT: Sword Combat has become even worse now as of this new patch!:

    @crafek I actually really like it tbh

    What is it that you like about it?

  • @crafek I saw someone fighting terrible pirates, not sure what this proves. I could make video of easy kills too.

  • @galactic-geek

    I can no longer play the older version to make a recording.

    You can show the stunlock with the new system, there are probably videos from last year that can show how people moved while blocking (or not), your part is showing me how it works on the new. If this is actually a thing it would be interesting to consider wether or not it has value being in the game, if anything I'll try to figure it out on my own if you are onto something or just on wonderland juice.

  • @urihamrayne You can test it yourself by asking an allied crew member to attack you (for science!). While blocking an attack, simply try to do any of the aforementioned inputs - jump, turn, sword dodge, etc. The only thing I have been able to get to work is shooting my opponent, but that's not off a successful block and requires that the gun already be drawn, loaded, and likely aimed.
    I have also tested these things while getting hit, and aside from the aforementioned return fire, the only other thing you can seemingly do while getting hit and taking damage is the sword dodge. While this is good in theory since it gives you an escape, the fact that the manuever requires that you block 1st means that you end up stun-locked if you inadvertantly block your opponent's next attack. It seems even weirder that such a defensive move can't even be done while defending. It's not intuitive at all!

    Regarding the stun-lock itself, I've had mixed results. I always get stun-locked while on defense, but if I'm on the offense, I can often still move even when hit, much like the videos show, where at other times I would be stopped in my tracks. I question whether it's a numbers advantage (more crew with more attacks) or even a distance thing - perhaps the closer you are when you successfully attack, the more solid the hit, and therefore the greater the stun effect? I dunno... This requires further testing.

  • Each patch, people say it's worst than before.

  • @pwarier said in RED ALERT: Sword Combat has become even worse now as of this new patch!:

    Each patch, people say it's worst than before.

    That's because when regarding sword combat, it actually is. If you disagree, then by all means, I invite you to explain why it isn't.

  • @galactic-geek

    You can test it yourself

    I'll do my best. The question is wether or not this is good for the game.

  • @Crafek
    I like your proposed changes they could really work.
    But in addition I'd slightly buff the block too.

    • let blocking players move as slow as the 2nd and 3rd combo swinging player. no blocked stun.
    • widen the blocking segment in front of the pirate a slight bit and also extend it upwards and downwards. no mor jumping over blocks
    • prolong the after-combo-delay of the attacker by the third of a second for each hit of the combo meeting a block. so one second longer if all 3 hits are blocked

    Are you serious? Please learn to respect your fellow people. You're not entitled to be right, quite the opposite with that immature attitude.

  • @captdreadsea3rd My proposed changes is basically reverted sword combat :P

    You could block+swing to make the first hit not slow you down
    and block+charge to make no slowdown while charging

    Instead of having a "Block first before gaining the extra benefit", just make it normal so that everyone can discover the same benefits without having to combine 2 buttons for a seeming exploit. The real issue I still see even with current combat is Mid-Air stunlocking not actually stunlocking. That is something that would have fixed the previous sword combat, and would have assured its role more consistently if stunlocking mid-air opponents would be the case.

    And @UrihamRayne , you are just arrogant. You dont have to make it about other people or yourself.

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  • @galactic-geek I don't seem to die as much

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