
  • Sorry not quite sure if this is the right forum for this but here goes...
    So we were (still are as I write this) doing a DR Athena's and someone joins through the looking for group feature and then after we take down a skeleton ship, he blows up our ship with our own gunpowder. We respawn and lock him in the brig, but he knows we are very close to completing the most valuable voyage in the game - so not only are we down a crew member as he is content with staying, but I also have to give him the satisfaction he wants by selling our loot when the time comes. What can be done?
    With the current system in place, people like him win - he destroyed our ship and all of our resources, we had to sail all the way back and reclaim our treasure, we are now indefinitely down a potential player on a 4 man ship, and he still gets what he wanted. By all accounts, he gets the last laugh. I have to listen to him play shanties over and over again, he gets my treasure without doing any work, and made life much harder on us only to benefit just as much as we do.

    I have no idea what the correct solution is, but can we do something about this?

    PS. I'd love to share his Gtag of I'm allowed to so y'all can avoid him if that feature actually works and y'all won't have to suffer our same fate.

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  • If you have a ally they can spawnkill him in the brig this sometimes helps them quit..

    Puking on them for fun is also nice :)

  • The first thing you should always do, is report the offending player. It's not an immediate solution to your problems, but it might help prevent the player from ruining future players experiences going forward.

    But aside from that, there really isn't an active solution. You can't vote to kick, and the brig still gives full rewards.

    So, it's up to you and your crew to decide what's more valuable; Your gold, or the last laugh.
    I thankfully haven't come across trolls of this caliber in a while, but if I ever did again, I'd be far, far happier tossing every last gold piece into the ocean, than let a griefer or a troll earn a single coin of it. Most trolls expect that no one would ever just give up treasure, and so they're perfectly happy waitin' until they get their payday.

    But, it's still in your power to deny them.

  • @tundra-793 I don't think I could make the executive decision to deny my crew so much rep and money that they more than I need it myself.
    It's just brutally unfair and there needs to be another system that allows for the removal of crew mates like this. I understand why the current system is in place, but in situations like this, they get the last laugh regardless - we quit and don't finish means we wasted an hour and a half of his time...but also our time.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I didn't video it but I'm sure everyone present would testify. I didn't think to record it. I'll surely report him though.
    It just...hurts, like on a spiritual level, that he gets away with this and gets all this gold and rep.

  • @reconspoon I really understand how you feel brother. But, you can always make more gold.
    A better kick feature has been suggested countless times before, we'll have to see if the developers ever make somethin' of it.

    But for the time bein', you do have the choice; Bite the bullet, and let the troll get his gold. Or toss it all.

    I mean, if you wanna get real creative…

    Get a rowboat, put all but the least valuable pieces of loot in it, have a crewmate sail it well out of sight. Hide it behind an island or rock.
    Un-brig the troll, and let him watch as you dump as much loot as you can spare. Knowing that he's not gonna get paid might get him to quit sooner.

    And if he does, you can just invite me and I'll help y'all offload the hard earned loot.
    Kiddin'. Kinda.

  • Aw man where do I start I mean putting somebody in the brig for some time should kick them as a penalty or have a kick toggle say you wanna just teach them a lesson just click vote to brig then have another option vote to brig with option to kick for behavior as like a report I would love to see that we get stupid people as ransoms

  • You cant share his Gamertag on the forums, but you can report toxic players to Rare.

    Sadly there is no option to kick people in this game for some bizarre reason. So you either sell the loot knowing hes cashing in too, or you just hop servers to not give him the satisfaction. If it were me I would just sail toward the loot and quit without telling him so he wastes his time waiting in the brig for nothing. There will always be more loot.

  • @reconspoon

    1. Brig him.

    2. Fill water to just above head height on the lower deck. They now have to jump to stay alive and not drown.

    3. They will eventually get bored of jumping and just stay dead on the ferry of the damned. If they do keep jumping, do not go to the lower deck, just ignore them.

    4. You then have to go silent on in game text and voice chat, giving the offender nothing to feed from. Only the most determined trolls will stay in your game if you don’t give them attention.

    If none of the above works, then it’s not worth three of you losing out just to deprive one troll. The troll should mean nothing to you, so who cares if they get free loot and disappear from your world forever, there is no point in hurting yourself just to hurt them.

    The most obvious question is why are you torturing yourself? Just play closed crew and find people you trust.

  • @seedy-platypus said in Griefers:


    The most obvious question is why are you torturing yourself? Just play closed crew and find people you trust.

    Thats kind of a catch 22 isn't it? How do you find people to trust if you don't first trust them enough to play with them? Trolls exist in private crews too if you're using xbox LFG or discord. Not as common sure, but it still happens.

  • I would park somewhere safe, inside thieves haven, or behind old faithful. Then just get everyone afk spinning next to the brig. Go prepare dinner or wash the car, or watch some blackadder or walking dead. Agree to meet back in 20 minutes. The troll should leave if u don't feed it. If the troll is still there, tell them that no one gets the loot. Show it the treasure map, then cancel the voyage. Hop servers and block the troll. I'd rather lose the loot than help them.

  • The only way to deal with this sort of troll is to not feed it and get back to the fun gameplay as soon as possible.

    When you identify it's a real troll and not a bad player or accident:

    • Immediately get everyone to mute the troll.

    • Brig them.

    • Mark their name down and block them on Xbox Live.

    • Hand in loot and change ships ASAP. They are not worth wasting your time.

    • Do it all calmly and without emotion and the troll won't even have anything to feed off.

    • optional: If they are really really bad, I'd name them and shame them in the discord Looking For Crew. Nothing insulting or emotional just a statement of what they did and that you might want to avoid them. Do not turn it into a conversation though, just a quick note in the chat. You're not technically meant to do this, but your fellow pirates would appreciate knowing. As long as you don't spam the chat and get in the way of them finding a crew.

  • Put all of your loot in a row boat and have 1 guy stay with it. Tell him you are going to sink the loot and sail to the red sea.
    Pretty sure that if he thinks the athena chest and all loot has been sank he will leave.

  • Give all the loot away to someone else. Or scuttle the ship with all the loot on board. Like others have said, I'd rather lose the loot than feed the troll.

  • We all have experienced these kinds of trolls (lessons learned).
    You decided the risks-options to apply to your play by going with a 4 player ship.
    It’s all about the risks you diced to apply to each play under current crew management options
    Maybe next time a high skilled player will join and be added to your friends list (squad)

    • Report the troll
    • Bank your gold/rep and keep moving towards your game goals
    • Don’t waste your time and soul on these toxic "players"
  • I kind of wish the mute function became nullified for those locked in the brig. That way students could have a captive audience to practice thesis presentations on. Either the troll leaves, or the student gets an opportunity to refine their presentation skills. Either way, it's a win.

  • @iduskk Luckily for me I have my sister and five close RL friends I pirate with so open crew is never an option (nor a requirement).

    The brig system is outdated and needs reworking, it was set up when it was only open crews and from my small experience it's been nothing but trolls and griefers wanting to ruin my game by blowing the ship up, dumping the treasure, taking the control of the wheel/sails/capstan or inviting an additional "Friend" to brig me in my own ship.

    My fix would be this.

    • When you first login it should ask first Open Crew or Closed Crew
    • After that setting it then asks Join Crew or Create Crew this way you can host a ship or join one as a crew member. When you create a crew you are made Captain (signified by the little anchor we already have by a username in the crew listing) by default, if you join a crew you are simply a Crewmate.
    • Choose your ship.
    • As Captain you have the ability to kick a person from the crew, cannot be voted into the brig (but can still vote) and some other features I would add beyond just administrative purposes (which I'll leave for another post/thread).
    • Crewmates are still able to vote to brig other Crewmates.
    • Brigged Crewmates do not receive any rewards for being in the brig, no gold, no reputation or commendation progress upon completion. It's meant to be a punishment to those who upset the balance within the crew.

    I know some may abuse this, corrupt pirate captains who kick good-intention driven crewmates but bad people are going to be bad people no matter what you do. This set up allows the pirates with good intentions to have control on their ship and the power to do something about would-be griefers. In a game about pirates, it seems silly there are no captains to keep the crew in check and deal with would-be traitors and uphold the code.

    (^Made for this post)

  • To me the solution to stop crewmembers from griefing is simple. Make it so if you are in the brig for a consecutive period of time (say 5 minutes) without being voted out you get kicked from the server.

  • I would have put up the reapers flag, told the crew to stay put and try to load another boat into the same server, look for the reapers and sail the boat to pick up our loot. The trick here now is once the loot is aboard, don't get everyone to load into the new boat with you until you are far away from the first ship, because after your crew has loaded in with you, your captive is now freed and can chase you.

  • @slave2thesave said in Griefers:

    I would have put up the reapers flag, told the crew to stay put and try to load another boat into the same server, look for the reapers and sail the boat to pick up our loot. The trick here now is once the loot is aboard, don't get everyone to load into the new boat with you until you are far away from the first ship, because after your crew has loaded in with you, your captive is now freed and can chase you.

    Yea, this works, but you could server hop for 45 minutes and still not find your ship.

  • This is situation which there is no real answer.

    You could give someone the ability to kick players, but all that will happen is people will be booted from the ship and a game just before the turn in the treasure.
    I'd be more annoyed if I'd helped a crew for hours only to be kicked off by them right at the end.

    You could server hop but what's the chances of your crew getting on the same instance as you are currently on?

    I've seen suggestions of waste the trolls time, however these people have usually gone afk so you're not wasting their time anyway. Their sitting down watching TV or playing another game while their player stands there spinning around

    The only way to combat this is to not cash in and leave the game.

    I would either sail away and drop my loot in the sea so they can't return and get it. Or give the loot away. Sail to ships saying you are giving loot to people cos you are rich and dont need the gold. Dont let the troll know your doing it because of them.

  • @stroro said in Griefers:

    This is situation which there is no real answer.

    You could give someone the ability to kick players, but all that will happen is people will be booted from the ship and a game just before the turn in the treasure.
    I'd be more annoyed if I'd helped a crew for hours only to be kicked off by them right at the end.

    I mentioned this in my post above.

    I know some may abuse this, corrupt pirate captains who kick good-intention driven crewmates but bad people are going to be bad people no matter what you do. This set up allows the pirates with good intentions to have control on their ship and the power to do something about would-be griefers. In a game about pirates, it seems silly there are no captains to keep the crew in check and deal with would-be traitors and uphold the code.

    There are always going to be bad people, that's how life is. But if the community is what people say it is then the good will vastly outnumber the bad.

  • @seedy-platypus you can say find a trusting crew but not everybody have someone to play with at all times of the day when they want to

  • There needs to be a max time for being in the brig. After the max time is completed they're kicked from the game. Same goes for the ferry. If people are going to rubberband their controller for 4 hours in the ferry or brig to get loot there needs to be a fix.

  • Yeah, situations like these are the reason I don't like to play open crew or LFG. Unfortunately, there really isn't much you can do to the scallywag in the brig, but if you truly don't want to see the rascal get ANY reward, you could brighten up someone else's day.

    Find a nearby Sloop, let them know you have a jerk on board and you would like to give them all of your treasure, including the Athena's. Most people like free treasure, so you shouldn't have any issue with them agreeing to some kind of term. Of course, if you put up the alliance, then the jerk gets rewarded as well. He ruined your day, but at least you can make someone else feel better!

    Side note, if the sloop agrees and the rotten lowlife in the brig could always just back out on your word to the sloop. Kinda sleazy, but hey...Pirates life?

  • @m1st4-d0nt-pl4y

    That’s why the looking for group feature is so useful, I have always managed to find somebody to play with at any time of day.

  • @acesgriffin why even pay him for acting dumb and not doing anything I would rather kick him before I allow him any fruits of the labor you feel me

  • @seedy-platypus you can say that but I’ve gotten people who literally try to demand you to do things it’ll start out cool I don’t take orders from nobody because I know what I need to do our ships run everyday by rotations if on move the spot fills immediately far as if I get off the wheel and pull a sail somebody will immediately take wheel if we get holes less than 2 then only 1 go 2 bail 1 on wheel some people wanna play roles and wanna just stick to a script when it’s a free roam thing not assigned positions even though it could help would you want to blame one for not raising the sails in time when you can do it

  • @hazerblade why go through all that when you can just have a kick vote or just punish

  • @m1st4-d0nt-pl4y because kick vote, much like the brig, can be abused. You would hope no one would abuse it, but here we are were people can be put in the brig for not having a mic or for speaking a different language.

    Kick vote can be even MORE devastating, as 3 teammates could kick the 4th random, despite the 4th being very good, just because they want one of their other friends to get loot/reputation. All the hard work that 4th did, all the time spent with the team doing everything for the crew was pointless because the team wanted their friend to reap the rewards of the randoms work.

    Two sides to the coin, unfortunately.

  • Griefing (especially in your own crew) is against the pirate code and can be reported on the website.

    Just use the link and report the person. Don't let these people get to you, just make it quick turn in quit and rejoin the game with the part of the crew that does work and continue playing. If you're annoyed for long stretches of time (for example taking long to turn in etc) they win because that's what they want.
    Rare takes reports seriously and while one report might not get a person banned if everyone does it people like this have nowhere to hide. Also blacklist people to prevent them from joining you in the future.

  • Ahoy!
    Wow, clearly I'm not the only pirate that sails among mutiny! I didn't expect such a conversation, but it's great! You guys have given some great advice, but from my position days later with a cool head, the best advice was indeed to simply sell the loot, report the player, and part ways. While there should certainly be better ways of dealing with this in the future, the reality is there isn't right now, so I will be avoiding open crew, or at the very least, I will not partake on long, high risk voyages on open crews anymore.

    While I do have quite a few amazing pirates who I play with regularly, there are times when we aren't all on and I would like to play with others. It really is a shame that members of this otherwise awesome community would grief like this - if you are an enemy crew, go right ahead, sneak aboard my ship and drop our gunpowder or form an alliance with us and then betray us at the last minute - this is a pirate game after all. However, even pirates didn't tolerate mutiny from their own crew and I hope that some new and fair system is brought in to remedy the current plight.

  • @m1st4-d0nt-pl4y

    Structured sentences and punctuation are really useful, especially if you want other people to understand you clearly.

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