Where is the shrouded ghost meg?

  • I finally found him in between Ruby’s fall and the lava outpost. Surprisingly nowhere near fog. I lost him though because the player I was playing with (who I probably should have given more of a break) was new and didn’t want to lose the treasure we had, so he soiled to an island. The reason we couldn’t find him again is because a different meg showed up after we passed by the island. I’m not sure if that’s a bug or just bad luck.

  • @umpalumpa06969

    in between Ruby’s fall and the lava outpost.

    You mean Morrows Peak? I have sailed each and every square cm of the map since the start of spoils and have yet to see it anywhere I will have to sail around there again when I am back to focusing on the hunt to 50 of it after the rest of my commendations are completed.

  • Nothing but a legend dear boy, dont waste your time chasing such nonsense! Next youre gonna tell me theres a box that spawns at random in the devil’s roar thats worth 25K at once, if only....

  • This is perfect, I think Rare intended for it to basically be that one creature the crazy local sailor has been hunting for his whole life, which took his left butt cheek or something. xD

    The Shrouded Ghost is a perfect SoT version of all those mythical creatures in all types of pirate fiction, books, movies, games, etc.

  • I also have no clue. My latest theory involves three spotted pigs, eighty-nine bananas, a gunpowder barrel and a bucket of puke. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • @genuine-heather said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    I also have no clue. My latest theory involves three spotted pigs, eighty-nine bananas, a gunpowder barrel and a bucket of puke. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Sounds about right to me ... lol :)

  • I personally like how mysterious this one is and how even the moderators and deckhands are mostly remaining silent or clueless on it - regardless if they have any inside information or not. I often see crews on the Xbox app specifically saying they are going meg hunting, and it reminds me of the hunt for Moby Dicck or The Goonies. Things like this have that nostalgic feeling behind them that players love. We need a little more of these types of quests.

    Currently, the only two I am aware of that are like this are the ghost meg and the mysterious treasure box worth 25k gold. I have yet to see either, but it's cool to know they are out there.

  • Ever so elusive Shrouded Ghost, where can you be? I tried going to the same area for the meg hunt during the 'Hungering Deep' campaign and made as much noise as I could, even used the drum that was supplied during the 'Hungering Deep'. I was there long enough to even have the fog roll in (it has been rumored that the fog might have something to do with the ghost), but this did not improve the hunt.

    I think the 'Shrouded Ghost' is hanging out with Elvis Presley and Jimmy Hoffa.

  • It’s in the devils roar. I wasn’t in fog either. It’s all white with neon pink eyes and fins

  • The ghost medallion only spawns in fog, and is very rare but rewarding of the megs.

  • So I'm just putting this out there. I dont think the ghost exists. I play every day. I just put down a voyage and sail around all day till I go to bed and I've not seen it ever. Go through the fog every chance I get and I only come across the ancient terror or one of the others lol.

  • Today, I was sailing with friends.We were in a thick fog when a music started. No skeletons ships, no kraken, no others megs. Nothing. My friends and I thought that was the ghost but can't see any sign of it. This is really strange. I'm still thinking that was the ghost but really not sure.

  • @mutalatedcorpse the ghost definently exists, and if you don’t believe me just look it up on Reddit. Also, why would Rare include this commendation if it never existed? I just think that it is completely random and the odds for it to spawn are like 1%

  • @boboterminator7 you took my post way to seriously mate lol

  • @mutalatedcorpse oh my bad just got a little triggered because I found it and then got attacked by a galleon and sunk so never got to kill it

  • Ive been look for this shrouded ghost for about a month and still not seen it starting to give up on this game.

  • @boboterminator7 said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @mutalatedcorpse the ghost definently exists, and if you don’t believe me just look it up on Reddit. Also, why would Rare include this commendation if it never existed? I just think that it is completely random and the odds for it to spawn are like 1%

    i dunno. the same reason there is a commendation for killing 50 of them?

  • The ghost meg is a myth.

  • So tireddddd of searching for this meg! Been on this game since it came out and never even seen it! WHYYYYYY

  • @project-reds said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    I finally found one then my game crashed a few days ago still annoyed by that.. haven’t seen it since I was near the fog when I saw it the first time

    This would be a mega rage moment for me which would probably shave a few years off my life expectancy.

  • @spiraguismo
    my friend and i were sailing through a storm when we encountered one. it makes sense come to think of it 'shrouded' under a storm it makes for an interesting challenge. we nearly took it out but the storm moved on and he despawned to a nornal meg. we are now hunting every storm for another chance encounter.

  • Arrr I seen one not more than a month ago. It was a bright and sunny day and me and my first mate were trying to two-man a galleon down near Sharkbait Cove when The Shrouded Ghost caught us unawares. We put up a good fight, but due to our mad idea to be on a galleon, it became to much to handle and sank our bones to Davy Jones

  • Stop searching...


    If you want it you may dont get it.
    If you are lazy and do no shortcuts, but every detour you can think of you will maybe find him.

  • Been playing since day dot and still haven't come across the Ghost arrr... :(

    Can Rare just have a Shrouded Ghost monthly event where the chances are boosted x5 so its still rare but people can realistically find it.

  • Many believe it’s a myth that it exists but I’ve seen it.....in my dream it’s real but it has a .3 precent chance of spawning in the fog and anywhere else it has a .0 percent chance but if your unlucky you will get jumped by the kraken and need to sail out of the fog sorry to bum you commadation hunters out

  • I’ve actually just killed one yesterday but I found it around ashen reaches

  • Same i have not found it a single time is there some tips i don't know?

  • Hi there,

    As this thread is over a year old I have locked it. If you would like help with this, please create a new thread on this subject.


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