I don't love the weapon changes.

  • Listen, I know this is a sensitive topic, and instead of trying to stir up a heated thread -- this is just my humble opinion as someone who has played the game from the very beginning and never complained about anything.

    First of all, I'll get this out first. I understand the double gun issue, and I'm all for killing it off. The game shouldn't have an instant death, short of a direct cannonball shot, and maybe a blunderbuss to the back.

    However, I think we can all agree that majority of the people who complained about the double gun issue are Xbox, or newer players. Rare gave them an out. Now they can play with only Xbox players. Part of the reason many of us were drawn to this game is because we could play the way we wanted. This update changes that.

    The sniper is ruined. It doesn't make any sense to change the speed in which you can draw, or scope. Many of us have used the sniper since day one. Why change it? The only change needed was the ability to instantly change to a second gun. This bothers me more than anything. This was as embedded in my way of gameplay as much as using a sword.

    Also, the animation between guns is silly. You can't even draw a gun fast enough to shoot a gunpowder skelly chasing now.

    Instead of trying to completely level the battlefield for Xbox players, why not add more customization for everyone? Allow new players to join servers with only newer players so they can learn. Force us to use a gun + sword even.

    But please Rare, stop making changes to the fundamentals of the game based on feedback from one side. Many of us have played the game from the beginning. We never complained about how much of a joke pirate legend is now, or alliances, or having to collect chickens, snakes, and pigs.

  • 45
  • Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

  • @the-human-dan Personally, I love the changes that were made. Specifically what I love is that they have now emphasized more sword play, I have always envisioned pirates as swashbuckling pirates. I love that they nerfed hip firing EoR, it is a sniper rifle, not a shot gun. As for the delay added before firing, I am ok with it, it really is not a big delay. However, if they found another way to remove double gun without it, I would be ok. To be honest, I advocated forcing you to have a cutlass and only have the second slot for which ever gun you wanted to carry.

    The changes made will take time to get used to, but now each weapons purpose for being there is better designed.

  • @nofears-fun Yes, they have emphasized sword play... While simultaneously dumbing it down. The irony is that you could always move with the sword as fast as you do now - most players just didn't know how (you'd block while moving and while doing both, you'd tap attack).

  • @nofears-fun

    Pleas explain the purpose of the EoR to me?

    The Video that RARE uploaded during the update day said the following:

    The EoR can now be better use for long rage ship to ship combat. Its funny how that works when the rendering distance of the game actually affects how that works quite a bit given the fact that at certain distances you can't even see players or powder kegs in a crows nest? Have you ever used a scope and I dont mean a modern day one I mean an old time sailing one it sure had more reach than the one we use on the sea...

    The delay to movement its terrible a large part of the community hates it. I dont want double shooting to come back but I dont want to feel like a fat man who cant lift a gun after I have sprinted.

    Spaming sword slash as fast as humanly possible does not feel great either.

    But hey if you are happy good for you.

  • @ticklepantzz said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Have you ever used a scope and I dont mean a modern day one I mean an old time sailing one it sure had more reach than the one we use on the sea...

    Excuse me? Are you implying you have personal experience with authentic, “old time sailing” optics? Like the kind real pirates might have used on their muskets in the Golden Age of Piracy? Think carefully before answering.

  • @genuine-heather Excused you are. Antique shops exist and so do history classes in uni where you can see them you can also buy / see very accurate replicas of old time sailor scopes. Im sorry to tell you there is not render distance in real life you can still see at quite a distance much more that the rendering distance that rare allows you to see.

    Before you try to disprove my point consider this, the fact that the rendering distance in the game is not that far at all basically almost negates the EoR also now since the bullet drop has changed why not use a pistol?

  • @ticklepantzz said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @genuine-heather Excused you are. Antique shops exist and so do history classes in uni where you can see them you can also buy / see very accurate replicas of old time sailor scopes. Im sorry to tell you there is not render distance in real life you can still see at quite a distance much more that the rendering distance that rare allows you to see.

    Before you try to disprove my point consider this, the fact that the rendering distance in the came is not that far at all basically almost negates the EoR also now since the bullet drop has changed why not use a pistol?

    You didn’t actually answer my question, which is not unexpected since pirate muskets didnt bloody have scopes. Scopes weren’t used on weapons until the mid 19th century. Sheesh.

  • @genuine-heather Who ever told you I said I pirate musket? Have you read? I said a scope. A navigational scope the one in the game has the same render distance as the eye of reach.....

  • @ticklepantzz said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @genuine-heather Who ever told you I said I pirate musket? Have you read? I said a scope. A navigational scope the one in the game has the same render distance as the eye of reach.....

    No, it doesn’t. The telescope has greater range than the Eye of Reach. But that’s beside the point since this topic is specifically about game weapons. Now you’re backpedaling like that’s not what you really meant. Whatever.

  • @genuine-heather

    Lol it still has rendering issue where stuff dissapears just like the EoR in which case negates its use quite a bit but sure ;)

  • @ticklepantzz I'm trying to follow this argument. To point out that the EoR is now under-powered, you appealed to realism, saying that on real scoped weapons you could see much farther than the EoR allows. She pointed out that this can't be true, since scoped weapons weren't around back then. You replied that telescopes were. She countered that we weren't talking about telescopes. All of this seems like a pretty silly way to try to say: the EoR is supposed to be a long-range weapon, but low rendering distance makes it difficult to use as such. Edit: I am not blaming anyone for this rabbit trail, just saying it feels unproductive

    Does that feel like a good return to the point you were trying to make before the silly realism/scopes/telescopes rabbit trail?

  • @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?

  • @genuine-heather said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @ticklepantzz said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @genuine-heather Who ever told you I said I pirate musket? Have you read? I said a scope. A navigational scope the one in the game has the same render distance as the eye of reach.....

    No, it doesn’t. The telescope has greater range than the Eye of Reach. But that’s beside the point since this topic is specifically about game weapons. Now you’re backpedaling like that’s not what you really meant. Whatever.

    Technically, it has more zoom. What it does not really affect is render distance.

    Being more than a few ship-lengths from what you want to shoot means it does not render for you...be it powderkegs, or pirates -- it becomes invisible.

  • @vorondil1 Yeah well she went there the whole point was is that the rendering distance sort of negates any great impact it could have now that its been made useless in close combat but thanks for clearing it up haha :P

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


  • @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

  • @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

    Posting rubbish like "Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two" insulting rare employees is negative and boring.

    We get that up don't like the update or what's coming.

  • @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

    Posting rubbish like "Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two" insulting rare employees is negative and boring.

    We get that up don't like the update or what's coming.

    Fanboi it up bud. It is about crashing and never-ending black loading screens. There is no defending that issue, because this is literally the fourth time it has crept into the codebase...

    and FYI, I insulted absolutely no one.

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

    Posting rubbish like "Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two" insulting rare employees is negative and boring.

    We get that up don't like the update or what's coming.

    Fanboi it up bud. It is about crashing and never-ending black loading screens. There is no defending that issue, because this is literally the fourth time it has crept into the codebase...

    I've critique this game lots, but I don't insult the devs, grow up.

  • So just back on the OP quick - don’t know about insulting Xbox players or new players. The double gun was an exploit for sure. Having said that: op is correct that the easy fix was to delay switches between guns not to delay drawing the first gun. And dude also has a point about how it has made killing the never-ending trains of barrel skeletons a bigger pain than it already was.

  • @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

    Posting rubbish like "Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two" insulting rare employees is negative and boring.

    We get that up don't like the update or what's coming.

    Fanboi it up bud. It is about crashing and never-ending black loading screens. There is no defending that issue, because this is literally the fourth time it has crept into the codebase...

    I've critique this game lots, but I don't insult the devs, grow up.

    Not going to discuss this anymore, because this is pretty childish and petty, but if I insulted any one -- show me where.

  • @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @fluidsc said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @kiethblacklion said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    Rare should have just made 2 builds for this game, a PC build and an Xbox build that way the mechanics and controls could have been tweaked according to the preferences of the platform. Instead, Rare did the cross platform thing (I wonder how much Microsoft influenced that idea) and has been trying to accommodate too many styles of game play.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two?


    Do you really have to post something that has no purpose, no subject, and no intent? I have no idea what you are questioning here. I bluntly said that they have problems managing the code they already manage, and the suggestion was made in this thread that they double that workload.

    Are you saying they are doing a bang-up job? Because a game update that reintroduces crashing and black-screen issues that have plagued this game FOUR TIMES now should never have been released. It should have been fixed before those types of issues hit. If those issues were undetected during testing then they either need a larger pool of pioneers, or they just need pioneers that play the game and take part in the test.

    Everything you post is negative and boring.

    No, you are incorrect there, but okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and what I just said was not negative or boring. It is the truth, not even based on "numbers" or things we can't see. People are black-screening and crashing in this game for the fourth time.

    Hopefully the update today fixed those issues...but that doesn't change the fact that with as frequent as it is occurring, it should have been picked up during testing and squashed before the update was released. You can consider that negative if you want, but the majority of us believe that releasing a game that crashes every 10 minutes is pretty negative.

    Posting rubbish like "Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two" insulting rare employees is negative and boring.

    We get that up don't like the update or what's coming.

    Fanboi it up bud. It is about crashing and never-ending black loading screens. There is no defending that issue, because this is literally the fourth time it has crept into the codebase...

    I've critique this game lots, but I don't insult the devs, grow up.

    Not going to discuss this anymore, because this is pretty childish and petty, but if I insulted any one -- show me where.

    Um, they can barely manage one codebase.. why would you consider suggesting two.

    Your the one acting childishly.

  • @snowfire Why would a company that prides themselves on cross play maintain 2 seperate code bases. Even if this was written perfectly maintaining 2 codebases is a daunting task. You need 2 teams to code every update. You need double the resources, increased work, increased costs for no additional benefit. Why would anyone want to manage 2 code bases never mind their current one is experiencing more and more stress with every update they add.

  • @the-human-dan said in I don't love the weapon changes.:


    However, I think we can all agree that majority of the people who complained about the double gun issue are Xbox, or newer players. Rare gave them an out. Now they can play with only Xbox players. Part of the reason many of us were drawn to this game is because we could play the way we wanted. This update changes that.

    No. No. That's not even remotely close to the truth and certainly not something "we can all agree" on. It was/is not a majority of Xbox and new players that recognized the double gun issue (and the state of the Eye Of Reach) were horribly messed up and should have been addressed quite a long time ago (before it blew up in popularity).
    I mean... not a "majority" unless the fact that the majority of this playerbase ARE Xbox players, lol, then, maybe, we could say it's a majority, but also pointless to do so. The percentage of PC players and Xbox players understanding these problems were certainly not skewed more-so for the Xbox community.
    Believe me, the developers and designers of this game follow the beat of their own drum. They're not being manipulated by any segment of the playerbase. And these combat changes were not only necessary, but extremely well done to fit within the overall design of this game.

    And being able to "play the way we want to" does not mean using obvious game exploits, nor leaving in a mistaken game imbalance of the Eye Of Reach being a better flintlock all the way around. It was a mistake - they meant for the Eye Of Reach to be much different than the flintlock pistol and they've now succeeded in that.

    Your opinions on the result may differ but you're factually incorrect in your initial premise, and your want for things to be left the way they were will go unfulfilled.

    If you have a better suggestion for how the different firearms can be balanced so as to not cause whatever problems you now have with the new system... go for it. However, do yourself a favour and don't be mistaken that the changes to the EoR and draw times will ever just be undone.

  • @imadeyoureadme said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @snowfire Why would a company that prides themselves on cross play maintain 2 seperate code bases. Even if this was written perfectly maintaining 2 codebases is a daunting task. You need 2 teams to code every update. You need double the resources, increased work, increased costs for no additional benefit. Why would anyone want to manage 2 code bases never mind their current one is experiencing more and more stress with every update they add.

    Ok first I never said nothing about 2 separate codes.
    Rare have never pride themselves on cross play, as far as I know it's their first time.

    They don't need to work on two codes.

  • @imadeyoureadme Either way they use to pride themselves I think is the better term because they finally caved in.... as we all know

  • @the-human-dan Well, I'm a PC player and have taken issue with the accuracy of hip-firing a sniper since... well, I first brought it up on the forums 9 months ago. The same can be said of the double-gun instakill. They were always problems. Each weapon was intended to have its place. The EoR was not intended to be used as a CQB weapon - that's why they changed it.

    This isn't a twitch shooter, it's a pirate game based on a particular time period. Considering the time period, we've got it easy when it comes to reloading.

    As far as GP skellies, I've not had this issue. If you are close enough for it to be a problem, then you are too close, IMO. Rethink the timing and drop into a straight run before you choose to spin and fire.

  • @bran-the-ent

    With respect, the game has been this way for a very long time. I think it's a little too late to come in and say "the game is not supposed to be this way."

    These are drastic weapon changes, not a simple delay between guns to prevent double tapping. Please, let's not go into the realism factor... this is a video game, one that I really love, and I'm having a hard time enjoying the game with the changes.

    I didn't post this with the intentions of starting an argument. I've been playing from release, and this is the first update I'm actually upset about.

    I just want my voice to be heard, that's all.

  • @the-human-dan Hey man Im in the same boat to be honest.

    This is probably (well was) my favorite game of all time. I play daily since it came out and participated in beta on a diff account. But changing all of combat after over 1 year... especially the delays to movement and the bloom on the EoR is horrible.

    I just use the realism factor because its what all the people who seem to be happy with the slow combat say when you tell them its not fluid.

    In any case I agree with you and im pretty upset about it as well. For now im not even playing it it just really frustrates me how broken it all feels and I cant bring my self to enjoy it. So until it is fixed or until i can come to grips with how non fluid it has become the game is shelved for now.

    Im sorry dude :/ we are in the same boat here. all aboard?

  • @ticklepantzz Same man, and it's nice to hear from someone else in the community with the same opinion. I feel most of the Facebook communities are riddled with Xbox players who love the update. Just about every single PC player I know absolutely hates this update. It's not even the double tapping, it's just the drastic changes they made to things that have been in place for a year.

    I played on a sloop to test the new update. We had a galleon full of fellow PC players pull up. We got wrecked. Why? Because you can't even pull the sniper out and hip fire fast enough to do anything. You can't shoot the guy guarding the ladder fast enough because the sniper draws too slow.

    Even the other crew of PC players admitted they hated the update and felt our pain. This update is pure garbage and candidly, I probably won't be playing again if the old weapon functionality isn't restored.

    With such a small player base of PC gamers, I can't believe this is what Rare came up with, considering they also let Xbox players run off to their own "safe place" servers.

  • @galactic-geek said in I don't love the weapon changes.:

    @nofears-fun Yes, they have emphasized sword play... While simultaneously dumbing it down. The irony is that you could always move with the sword as fast as you do now - most players just didn't know how (you'd block while moving and while doing both, you'd tap attack).

    I think some of their intentions were well intended it just missed the mark a little. I think they will make adjustments over time to correct the problems created.

    I think this will actually take place because the devs actually play their own game; this is very good situation.

  • @the-human-dan

    To be honest I would not blame all the xbox community because I am the only PC player on my crew and they are all amazing at PVP and they can't stand it either.

    I think the root of the issue here is we break it down was the idiot dudes using macros on pc or even quick switching between two guns that caused the whole rage from the community and I dont blame them.

    There was nothing more annoying than me getting on a boat seeing 20 bullets fly by as I tried to board a boat half missed but one was bound to hit you. You know what I mean? So yeah its gone and im super happy about it but I think RARE decided to add some stuff in there sneakily because none of the movement changes were mentionned in the update.

    I mean I find it hard to justify them not knowing they were adding this in.

    In any case I feel your pain and a lot of my friends are dropping the game also till its sorted. I mean even watching the streams man you look at the game play and it looks like a game from the 90's with clunky mechanics.

    Anyway lets hope it gets sorted

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