Offline mode please!

  • Sup,

    I am a solo player and have very few friends that play video games and non that play SoT. The disadvantages of solo'ing versus teams is obvious and tiring and a little frustrating. Literally every attempt I've made at clearing a skull fort has been interrupted and ended because another group of 2 or more has come with hostility. Sometimes I enjoy a challenge, but when I just want to chill after a long day and pve without stress it's almost impossible. Because I live in Australia 47/50 attempts to team up results in me having 250-400 ping and it's not much fun. I would love to sea a single player/private lobby option. Perhaps you could create a ranking system for the players that enjoying teaming up and playing competitively for that side of the game to be more attractive. I believe the majority of fps'ers thoroughly enjoy ranking systems in pvp.

    Regardless, I am not the only one who shares the desire for pve only servers or offline mode.

    I have seen a few other posts of a similar nature. One of them was closed and completely filled with comments opposing the idea... I feel that there are some that just want there to be others in the game purely for pray. ie die hard groups that find enjoyment in going "gallion vs the server" type thing... I say give them and us solo noobs level playing field and make 2 branches of servers.. 1 for competitive/pvp and 1 for pve.


  • 36
  • Not happening.
    Rare made this clear on day 1 already, it's a PvPvE game, PvE and PvP are not mutually exclusive concepts in the SoT experience.

  • @crazed-corsair
    One of the KEY ingredients to a GREAT game is balance. The current state of pvp in SoT is imbalanced. I urge the developers to address this. It would be much appreciated. This game could be a GREAT game.

    I assume it wouldn't be hard to implement. Why, up until now, has it not been implemented? Perhaps another open discussion with the SoT player base to discuss potential balances or alternatives to/for the pvp experience is called for. [mod edit]

  • The game is very balanced right now.

    Most of my friends that I play with live in Australia and they don't have any issues. Maybe it's your ISP?

  • @crazed-corsair said in Offline mode please!:

    Not happening.
    Rare made this clear on day 1 already, it's a PvPvE game, PvE and PvP are not mutually exclusive concepts in the SoT experience.

    And there would be no NPC (skelly) ships on the seas.. or that there PvP would be all about crew skill, not what kind of ammo they have onboard and such..
    I reckon it's best to let Rare themselves to decide what they want to add or change instead of posting their decisions for them, as we have no idea what they are up to.
    We've already seen that they've changed their minds about stuff since launch.

  • @outrageous-v1

    One of your posts has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules

    Asking For Upvotes
    Topics and posts should be created to foster discussion. Asking for upvotes or posts in order to boost reputation or topic counts is not permitted. A warning will be issued, the post deleted or the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @outrageous-v1 The key to Sea of Thieves however, is the ever present danger from other players. It's simply part of the very core of the game.

    Playing solo is meant to be hard, as is trying to overcome the greatest challenges the game offers, like Skull Forts, on your own.

    But you still have plenty of good options for finding new people to play with, as teamwork is another part of the core of SoT. You're always free to use these forums to find new friends, there's also the Reddit and probably several Discords. That's on top of the Xbox LFG option and just going for random matchmaking.

  • @outrageous-v1 You are not the first one with this idea. This has been discussed to death since before the game was released. There are many issues with what you suggest. Refer to the numerous mega threads about this idea to understand the different viewpoints. There is more at stake than your ability to set sail and chill out on a private sea.

  • @outrageous-v1 No, I want to sink you.

  • Being a game where almost everything is calculated and rendered serverside I'd say its impossible. It's like asking for an offline version of World of Warcraft.

  • I understand where the demand comes from, but i think it just changes the game to a whole other game.
    A practice area would be nice, but that would be boring really quick i suppose.

    Since this topic is still getting addressed alot, maybe Rare should give a statement about this. It is true their vision about some subjects is changed, i don't think it is on this one tho..

    [offtopic] @Hynieth i had a offline version of WoW to practice boss tactics :p [/offtopic]

    • Make some new friends
    • Play with them
    • Have fun

    This is not a offline game.

  • @hynieth said in Offline mode please!:

    Being a game where almost everything is calculated and rendered serverside I'd say its impossible. It's like asking for an offline version of World of Warcraft.

    The server only handles data and code execution, rendering is entirely a client-side process, or else people wouldn't need high end graphic cards to play on mythical settings.

    In fact I suspect there is a lot less things happening server side than you think, as if one is hit by the dreaded LOD terrain bug or if the terrain does not load properly it is actually possible to fall through the terrain and loose items your holding below the map.

  • I would love for an eventual structure towards single player/offline capability.

    Perhaps even solo/privately built and set up servers you can connect your friends to.

    It'll be a shame to just not be able to play this game one day when however far into the future the servers are shut down

  • Maybe skip the skull forts when you are alone? I mean these were added specifically to encourage pvp I'm pretty sure.

    Also a single player version of this game sounds massively boring.

  • @denverdecoy If I remember correctly, Rare said something along the lines that forts were to promote coop gameplay... not pvp

  • @clarionz said in Offline mode please!:

    @denverdecoy If I remember correctly, Rare said something along the lines that forts were to promote coop gameplay... not pvp

    Nope. The forts are a funnel, much like outposts, to lead to a variety of player interactions (friendly or not). They made it clear they fully expect players will fight with or against one another and even betray one another for the loot. Almost every promo video and interview article from the dev team about the forts mentioned there would be fighting between crews as a result.

  • @outrageous-v1

    Whether the game is a "GREAT" game or not is purely subjective.

    A 1 vs 3-4 scenario as you've described is not unbalanced but is a massive advantage.

    As one of the crews who actively seeks to #bemorepirate I can tell you there's nothing more frustrating than chasing a sloop who sails into the wind and does circles around rocks covering their ladders all the time. Especially the ones who run and have no loot.

    My advice to you is you attempt the above, though it might bother you running around for half an hour the odds that the galleon is just going to give up is pretty high unless you've done something to make them mad. I assume you'd rather do this than sinking and losing your treasure as well.

    As for
    "I assume it wouldn't be hard to implement. Why, up until now, has it not been implemented?"

    There are hundreds of factors at play in game balance, do not assume any changes in a games development to be easy to implement. The developers have done an amazing job.

  • @outrageous-v1

    Having played Sea of Thieves for a long time and experienced each of the dlc and the Bilge Rat Adventures, one thing I have noticed is the effect that introducing new mechanics and content has on the behaviour of crews you meet.

    Now this doesn't apply to everyone of course, but with things like the Thrones, the Hungering Deep, FS, alliances etc the seas felt friendlier and then with cursed cannonballs and now the Shrouded Spoils, as well as the announcement of Arena, the seas are less friendly. I also heard Joe mention that the next update/addition might also be leaning towards the friendlier side.

    I enjoy the fact that there is this variety, that even though it feels less friendly at the moment, there are still crews out there who will ally with you, leave you their ships so you can invite fleet members and so on, knowing that in the future behaviour might swing the other way.

    Not only do game mechanics make a difference, but the choices we make on the seas also contribute to everyone else's experiences, if we all feel endangered by other crews then we're going to sail more defensively and not approach other ships as willingly. It's a delicate balance to maintain.

    I wouldn't want to see any ranking system and I would expect that tools like this might well come to Arena when it's available.

  • I'm a beta player who pops into the forums every now and then to see if there's a PvE/offline way to play this, and whether the fighting between the people who are sick of being hounded, and the players who are having fun doing the hounding, has stopped.

    @goedecke-michel said in Offline mode please!:

    @outrageous-v1 No, I want to sink you.

    It's pretty disappointing to see that this is where the game is still.

    Just reminding you we exist, and unlike the poor players who didn't think about the forced PvP nightmare and simply quit, you don't have our money yet :)

  • @knuxor Offline or not, your chances of dying by environmental threats are far greater than the probability you will die by other players. Why are you bothered less by a skeleton ship, megaladon, or the Kraken killing and sinking you than another player? The result is the same. Or do you want to turn that off as well?

  • @ghostpaw

    Classic. This place is still exactly the same.

  • Im not fan of this idea. never! because the game is about encounters and not knowing what encouter it would be. BUT to play along with your request.

    Well if u want offline mode...
    NO Skelly ships in the server
    NO Skull forts in the server.

    Both are put in for a PvP incentive. NO pvp NO skell ship/forts. What is the risk of taking these when there is NO one to counter u?

    Than we continue:
    NO rep
    NO gold
    NO buy cosmetics.

    Unfair if u can become a legend with NO risks. We had all to do it while being chased sink or sink someone else to defend.

    We had to earn our money the hard way to show off some prowness with cosmetics.

    So IF there be a PvE or Offline mode it needs to be stripped of all rewards. And be like a practice mode where there is nothing to gain except experience.

    My opinion on the matter

  • @weakdexx

    I remember 'The Forest' having 'veganmode' with no enemies, you could access via console code and it then became official peaceful mode - Sea of Thieves being so beautiful it'd be a great way to relax just sailing around the seas without the environmental threats such as skellies etc, just searching for treasure.

    I agree it's probably not very likely to happen as the focus is on building the main game and Arena and Sea of Thieves being very much a Shared World Adventure Game but who knows?

  • @knuxor said in Offline mode please!:


    Classic. This place is still exactly the same.

    Alright, you were able to get your condescension and disdain in for the day. Now do you feel like joining the conversation or do you just plan to take halfhearted potshots at others? I asked a question because I am trying to understand your position better.

  • @tundra-793 thank you, was about to write something similar!

  • @denverdecoy said in Offline mode please!:

    Maybe skip the skull forts when you are alone? I mean these were added specifically to encourage pvp I'm pretty sure.

    Also a single player version of this game sounds massively boring.

    If i play by myself i just do merchants for the PL commendations and like you say, never do skullforts or encounter skellieships.
    It's not harder than that.

    And like everyone else say: Start networking, its not hard...all players i regulary game with is thx to LFG and random joins.

    And i usually have 200-300 in ping when i play on late nights because that's when the "overseas" servers are active but it dosen't affect me at all really.

    Staaaart networking maaaan!

  • @katttruewalker I agree, I totally think the game needs to be PvP but a chill mode with significantly less rewards that just allows you to explore would be cool. Not trying to make the game easier, just allowing people to play the game a different way- however, minus the rewards that come with the risk ;)

    Actually, its funny- people always say there should be no PvE mode when it comes to getting loot, yet are all-too-eager to make a 6 ship fleet on the Discord and farm 24/7 with no risk to set a record or spam Athenas voyages. If that isnt rewards without the risk I don't know what is!

    But really, the problem comes down to the water. The game is networked so that the water and ship mechanics are handled server-side and streamed to your computer, but without the algorithm controlling the water the whole game falls apart. They would be wasting resources to create PvE servers for single ships because it has to have a server session to work correctly.

  • The central part of SOT is the constant threat from other players. I think it's very important to maintain that threat as it is the main aspect of a true open world game. Let's keep this Rare jewel of a game as it is!

  • @crazed-corsair said in Offline mode please!:

    Not happening.
    Rare made this clear on day 1 already, it's a PvPvE game, PvE and PvP are not mutually exclusive concepts in the SoT experience.

    Except they ARE launching the Arena soon. =P

  • @knuxor I'm fallible. Usually I have valuable things on board myself when I go into battle. My PVE to PVP ratio is 70:30. I don't force it, but I don't always avoid it either. I am not hunting. But when you don't keep your distance, we will meet.
    So a fight against me is still a fair thing. You might lose everything - or win everything. Quid pro quo.

  • V-Hombre (I cant mention your name apparently :/) Though presumably there will be some PvE in the arena, it just pits players together in closer quarters than normal. The difference is that people in the arena are less likely to run from a fight! :P

  • @txcrnr

    Semantics aside, it's a separate mode that caters significantly to PvP play. You can't use the argument that PvP and PvE are baked in and inseparable when Arena IS separating it. (Or at least tilting it fairly far to the side.)

    That being said, personally I couldn't care less. I'm fine with the mode we have. The argument used just seemed like a double standard, and I gotta stick up for my PvE cousins just as much as my PvP in-laws.

  • Re. Arena: I am sure some PVE players will be able to get the treasure while the PVP players are fighting each other :)

  • @v-hombre Right, but I think the argument anyways is that the PvE should not exist without the PvP element anyways. Seems like you agree to an extent, though

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