PSA regarding the kraken tentacle wrap attack + loading screen suggestion

  • After sinking once on a brigantine to the kraken because my crew and I all got trapped below deck by the tentacle wrap and couldn't bail, I decided to do some testing. In our next encounter we tried greatly increasing our damage output (blunderbuss/pistol) and wailing on it but that did not seem to be effective. The tentacle either had a lot more health than before or this wasn't what we were supposed to do anymore.

    Eventually I noticed that when the tentacle wraps around your boat a tentacle head appears nearby. Shooting that with cannons is how we now achieve a speedy disengage. Others have also found this to be effective on the sea of thieves reddit, so I think this is probably the intended method.

    While I like the theme of this modified mechanic, it may take a while to catch on because pirates who knew the old kraken mechanics will probably first try their luck a few times with the wrapped tentacle and think it has a huge HP pool (like I did originally).

    Would it be a good idea to make a loading screen tip in the future that says something like:

    "The kraken has returned with more ways to fight. New strategies may help in surviving this plight."


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  • @golgari-hexmage Thank you for this! I have even made a post about this without replies. I thought we just wasn't doing enough damage to it or it was bugged. This also is a bit scary for people who get trapped under deck, it means the only thing they can do then is repair.

    Next kraken attack I will ignore the tentacle and shoot at the others. I think this is counter intuitive but hey if it works, it works.

  • Well, that explains why I couldn't get the tentacle off my Galleon the other night. Would be nice to have info like this in the patch notes when Rare changes the actual mechanics of the enemies.

  • I managed to end up with three tentacles using only the sword yesterday. It took, but I did. Maybe it was a bug in your game.

  • Been attacked twice while alone on a sloop, never wrapped a tentacle around my boat.

    When I first see the ink spread and hear Kraken music I make sure my boat is under optimal full sail and moving straight. This will ensure your boat keeps slogging through the ink as you deal damage.
    Switch to flintlock and musket, make sure all cannons are loaded. Focus on the closest tentacles. Play fast like your in a pvp fight. Make Karen play defensive. I believe if you do enough damage and keep it up, Kraken never has time to grab you, so move with purpose, get hard, bring the pain.
    Shoot every tentacle that comes up broadside with point blank cannonfire and always shoot that tentacle at the front and rear before it slaps your boat. You want every tentacle that pops up to take damage and drop back below the ink. If your repairing or bailing too much, your losing.
    Keep your head on a swivel, shoot, repair, bail, repeat. Reload ammo, wood, cannon all on the fly. Eventually you make it out of the ink pool, where you can decide if you want to circle around and try to kill it.

    Survived both encounters, last one solo after clearing a fort and fully loaded with SoT's finest booty. Really did not want to lose my boat. Haven't killed one, though.
    I raise a tankard to the Kraken, the games first boss.

    Btw, love the loading screen tip.

  • @barnabas-seadog

    Thanks! You definitely added some solid advice for folks still learning the encounter there. Funny enough, that is how my crew and I usually fight it (except right now we hard anchor just at the edge of the ink to make sure we finish the beast off before we leave (gotta get that commendation after all!)

    The reason I wrote this was to help other pirates not waste potentially valuable time when dealing with the plan B scenario, but I'm glad you added those tips for overall strategy.

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