Ways to improve Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends)

  • @captain-beattie
    I don't want any gameplay advantage or time limited stuff be pirate legend only. Apart from that, we need more stuff!

  • @andreas5524 i agree totaly. What im suggesting is a new voyage type for legends similar to athenas but with new underground puzzle caves with a huge loot chest when you finish. You can buy and drop it if ur legend. If you're on the crew and not PL : you can still do it 😊

  • These volcanoes are not challenging at all. I've only sunk twice since the update came out and that was day 1. Actually now I'm challenging myself and doing the quest while the volcano is erupting. It's awesome dodging huge meteors lol. You need a solid crew, a galleon and a good surplus of planks my friend. Keep 1 or 2 down below at all times. Jump on rocks to avoid those pesky geysers. Keep an eye on the sky for flying rocks to avoid them! Remember, everything is doubled value from the regular world so it has to be a bit challenging because the risk is definitely worth the reward

  • @captain-beattie sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @stundorn Athenas quests are just a mashup of the same 3 types of voyages. This would add a new voyage type that everyone could enjoy. Just obtainable to purchase and drop down once you're a Pirate Legend like the Athenas. I'd say at this point, 99% of PL's want a new voyage type. If you don't care about becoming pirate legend or content beyond it, then whats the point of doing any voyage at all other than stacking Gold? There's only a finite amount of cosmetics to buy. It would add a new adventure that people could embark on and it would give people more reason to grind to PL.

    The cause is i have fun playing it.
    "That everyone could enjoy, once you are PL"
    Does it include new gamemechanics?
    As I have to say there are two threads I am involved , one about Athena Forts, so I may confuse some things here.
    New adventures are good, but why limited to PL?
    And tbh , but nobody wants to grind really.
    What people do because of it we all know, now they are complaining about content, sorry if some exaggerated about it.
    As I said, it is only about cosmetics and titles.
    Most can't deal with it it seems, they want exclusive content/ gamemechanics you only have access to if you grind.
    I still don't see the point why not everybody can enjoy it.

  • @captain-beattie sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @andreas5524 i agree totaly. What im suggesting is a new voyage type for legends similar to athenas but with new underground puzzle caves with a huge loot chest when you finish. You can buy and drop it if ur legend. If you're on the crew and not PL : you can still do it 😊

    i wouldnt ragequit or complain about it too much, maybe it's already planned to do smth like this, but like Andreas said.

    @andreas5524 sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    I don't want any gameplay advantage or time limited stuff be pirate legend only. Apart from that, we need more stuff!

    better than me, on the point and exactly what i mean.

  • @stundorn
    Giving some sort of incentive to reach pirate legend, would give me, and others like me, a reason to reach it. It's an accomplishment.
    Athenas was supposed to be the next step but it's just the same thing. As I don't care to continue doing the same thing, I don't care about ever reaching pirate legend.
    Athenas are only for pirate legends, should they be open for everyone?
    Maybe we trade. The Skeleton Lords have released the Athenas for all and a new voyage is only for Pirate Legends and their crews.

  • @andreas5524 said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    I don't want any gameplay advantage or time limited stuff be pirate legend only. Apart from that, we need more stuff!

    Agreed. Nothing that makes it unbalanced, but new PL voyages that give us new and interesting things to do besides the merchant, OOS and GH is what most legends have been hoping for 🤞

  • @captain-beattie

    "Agreed. Nothing that makes it unbalanced, but new PL voyages that give us new and interesting things to do besides the merchant, OOS and GH is what everyone* has* been hoping for"


  • @d-jaguar sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    Giving some sort of incentive to reach pirate legend, would give me, and others like me, a reason to reach it. It's an accomplishment.
    Athenas was supposed to be the next step but it's just the same thing. As I don't care to continue doing the same thing, I don't care about ever reaching pirate legend.
    Athenas are only for pirate legends, should they be open for everyone?
    Maybe we trade. The Skeleton Lords have released the Athenas for all and a new voyage is only for Pirate Legends and their crews.

    Exactly this is why I dont rush this game and PL happens by the way playing it like i want to play it and not like i have to play it because other than that i miss content.
    To have horizontal progression and meaning PL or A10 is only about cosmetics and titles and nothing else, nothing gamechanging, nothing really new is a key feature and core design decision of this game.
    People constantly want to change that and still dont get it.
    If players play for progression and cosmetics and titles arent enough, sorry wrong game imho.
    And i am sure alot of others, but not active in the forums are very happy this game is exactly like it is and nothing else.
    If this becomes serious about progression and locks me off of something what is not only cosmetics or title, but content to play what is exclusive to those who grinded i'm instantly out.
    This is a true game for everyone.
    I need not grind to hit endgame or the moment "where the game begins".
    This is what less people gets imho.
    This game you can play and partake and are equal strong (beside experience and playerskill) from the first Minute, no matter how long you played, there is nothing and absolutely nothing gamechanging to reach. And it schould exactly like this. This is the best feature ever made for a true game.
    What you want is working torwards something, you want incentives others than playing for the matter itself, you need rewards what make you special and give a meaning other than a title and an outfit, but this meaning is also to segregate yourself from others, to say look i can this, i have access to that and you dont, i am worth it and you first need to put the effort in before you deserve it. This is meritocracy and nothing about gaming.
    I dont like that attitude and i dont need that sort of incentive.
    I know i am nearly alone here, but it's important to me Rare stick to this philosophy. I dont want this game becomes what almost all games became before, just a grindfest. People just grind, exploit, dont really play and interact, but only efficency counts, but this game also lives from being not efficient and doing stuff for fun and because you can, because it only means what you want it to mean. There is no dictation. There is freedom instead.
    If i want to i can play this game and never ever do a quest. I wont miss anything. I can go the way i only do messages in a bottle and try to steal loot. I miss nothing but cosmetics then and i can even make it to PL without any quest, i can be a pure pirate.
    And many people are captured by this: you have to work for it to earn it
    or if you dont put the effort in you dont deserve it or if it is nothing exclusive it isnt worth anything.
    People want to show off how b****s, hardcore or whatever they are.
    Look i have accomplished this i can have that and you dont.
    Fine for cloth, cosmetics and titles, i agree, no problem here.
    But not ok for exclusive content, power ups or whatever.
    Horizontal progression!
    Beside that i am for more conent (for everybody) for more exclusive PL cloth or ship cosmetics. You can add Athena 100 if you want, as long as it is only about cosmetics and titles.

    Edit: question aside: when you hit the new Endlevel and have done all you ask for more incentives? So endless progression? or quit, because there is no incentive to work for anymore?
    What about me then, i will never reach it, do i then dont have the right to play content, because i am not passionate enough, have not put enough effort in?
    Because i am a noob and they are the pro's who deserve it and i should go play candy crush, because this is for casuals and SoT is for serious gaming?
    No, i dont like this approach, but this is exactly where it leads to.
    You all dont play you all work and keep meritocracy philosophy in gaming because you are so brainwashed about this you have unlearned to play games for the matter itself. It's only about i reached it, i have done it quicker, now i deserved it and others not. I accomplished and you dont.
    This is not gaming, this is compensating and a questionable approach on games.
    But many games are designed to cater this.
    SoT is not, but has the cosmetics and a horizontal progression system.
    Horizontal means gameplay related there is nothing, no meaning, no power, no exclusive access, but only fluff you progress for.
    And most players cannot deal with this, because they want to feel superior, because they played more or faster.
    It's also not that many hardcore gamers are better, they only grind more and put tons of hours into gaming, get perks and whatnot make them stronger.
    In a game of chess, they maybe loose even if they would play for years, but i dont think they would play for the matter itself, they only play stuff that keeps them rewarding like a slot machine.
    Rare please never fall for their arguments.
    Keep SoT a real game about playing for the matter itself!!!

  • @d-jaguar said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @stundorn as I am not a pirate legend and have no interest in achieving it right now, this type of change would give me a reason to become a pirate legend. It is not exclusive. It is providing incentive to complete the voyages.

    Exactly. More people would be enticed to make it to pirate legend and continue to play once they do if these quests were a thing🖒

  • @stundorn you say wrong game for people who play for progression. Progression was there when the game released. Pirate legend already had athena voyages. If more voyages were there at release for pirate legends only, we would not be having this conversation. If there was never any level progression, and there was was no pirate legend, we would not be having this conversation either.

    The worst of it, we used to defend this game saying it is still growing( adding more voyage types, etc.). We have the three big releases, and what they promised at release is not in game at all.

    Blame goes to Rare for not delivering to the promise. You should not get upset at those who want the game to have what they were told would be in the game.

    We have different playstyles with this game. It is ok to be different, but don't think your playstyle is the only one that matters.
    For instance, I don't like the idea of fishing and crafting. I think we will just see many people complain about being killed when doing either due to griefing pirates. But others want it. Why not let them have it? I don't have to fish or craft. If we need either, the game will just let us attack others and take it anyway.

  • @d-jaguar sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @stundorn you say wrong game for people who play for progression. Progression was there when the game released. Pirate legend already had athena voyages. If more voyages were there at release for pirate legends only, we would not be having this conversation. If there was never any level progression, and there was was no pirate legend, we would not be having this conversation either.

    The worst of it, we used to defend this game saying it is still growing( adding more voyage types, etc.). We have the three big releases, and what they promised at release is not in game at all.

    Blame goes to Rare for not delivering to the promise. You should not get upset at those who want the game to have what they were told would be in the game.

    We have different playstyles with this game. It is ok to be different, but don't think your playstyle is the only one that matters.
    For instance, I don't like the idea of fishing and crafting. I think we will just see many people complain about being killed when doing either due to griefing pirates. But others want it. Why not let them have it? I don't have to fish or craft. If we need either, the game will just let us attack others and take it anyway.

    i said it is about horizontal progression and that horizon is flat and "meaningless" regarding any power or gamemechanics.

    Can you please tell me what was promised about progression?
    I really dont know. LAst year someone told me about SoT and i said oh looks cool, i maybe try, but 70 bucks is to much.
    I was invited into Alpha and the only thing i needed to know was horizontal progression and its only about cosmetics and nothing gamechanging. So i preordered and since then i'm happy the game is like it is.
    Idk what was promised, i only kow they allways talked that it is only about horizontal progression.
    And now players constantly ask for vertical progression.
    I dont play vertical progression online games anymore, because they all have no good gamplay other than you want to exploit the game, be efficient, work, grind, do repetetive stuff.
    SoT is also repetetive, but you dont need to exxagerate about that and you can aproach that game very different, because progression is horizontal, like optional, its an option to progress, nothing neccessary and thats why i love it. And i want them to stick to this.
    That was the promise i got from the devs.

  • @stundorn Promises are made to be broken by corporate people. This game started and is till running with a basic vertical gameplay. You can’t buy better missions without it. Yes you can reach the max in all factions without upgrading by doing mission in a bottle but that’s it. What does it matter to you if Rare does give exclusive content to the Legends? Does it affect your gameplay in anyway shape or form? Are you going to quit because the game no longer works for you because you cant do it?

  • @inboundbomb sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @stundorn Promises are made to be broken by corporate people. This game started and is till running with a basic vertical gameplay. You can’t buy better missions without it. Yes you can reach the max in all factions without upgrading by doing mission in a bottle but that’s it. What does it matter to you if Rare does give exclusive content to the Legends? Does it affect your gameplay in anyway shape or form? Are you going to quit because the game no longer works for you because you cant do it?

    Until now the promise of horizontal progression only is not broken. So i'm fine here.

    Can you please make one example for any vertical gameplay?
    there is absolutely nothing. Athena is just a bundle of quests, i can do it with one quest after another and its absoluteley the same and thats good!
    The offering of Athena Levels is only cosmetics.
    the Hideout is only a cosmetic, nothing gamechanging, not exclusive playble conent, just exclusive environment with only cosmetic functions.

    What does it matter if they develop exclusive playable content?
    Well i can tell you, i cannot partake or when i can, my friend can't.
    Or a new friend coming to the game cannot.
    Why need this separation or "meaning"?
    The only answer is meritocracy speech: i earned it, i put so much hours into it grinding, i deserve it, because i accomplished that.
    And with that it also means: And you don't!
    They all dont get its only about cosmetics and nothing gamechanging, therefore they complain. They are used to get rewarded with gamechanging things and exclusive content in other games. Ways to make people addicted and such. Cant stop playing, i need to hit level XY to get access to Z to be able to...
    This is not true for SoT, therefore SoT is a game when other Games tend to be slotmachines only.
    Itwould affect my gameplay for sure. No PL when they are in exclusive regions or doing exclusive stuff like alrelady mentiones forts behind nebula curtains only access for PL's for example.
    And why?
    I will instantly quit if gamechanging content or playable content is locked behind any sort of progression, yes. Why? Just a principle. Then it is not gaming anymore, its working what so many people talk about. I have other games without progression i can play online and be allways able to partake in all that is offered and have no powergaps etc...

  • @stundorn
    Example one, two and three:

    Reaching level 1-50 on all trades. Without leveling up YOU cannot receive better missions. Clothes are locked behind this vertical progression, items and livery’s are locked behind this progression.

    Your statement on pure horizontal progression is false. Anything you do to earn or pay for is vertical due to it is not given to you right at the start. I’m also sorry that you would leave a wonderful game due to your inability to accept if Rare decides to do a PL content. Games should have some vertical progress in some shape or form to appease all groups of players.

  • 10 minutes is too infrequent

  • @inboundbomb said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    Example one, two and three:

    Reaching level 1-50 on all trades. Without leveling up YOU cannot receive better missions. Clothes are locked behind this vertical progression, items and livery’s are locked behind this progression.

    Your statement on pure horizontal progression is false. Anything you do to earn or pay for is vertical due to it is not given to you right at the start. I’m also sorry that you would leave a wonderful game due to your inability to accept if Rare decides to do a PL content. Games should have some vertical progress in some shape or form to appease all groups of players.

    This is exactly what I mean. Further progression past athena 10, or at least some new voyage types to keep the game new and interesting for veteran players who have been playing daily since launch, and have maxed out. My crew and I create our own adventures on the seas and have a great time doing it : but as of late they've started to slowly stop playing because there's only so many times you can run the same factions voyages over and over. The skull forts have been honed down to a quick 10 minute blast for us, and we usualy finish the skelly ships now without breaking a sweat.

    We smashed through the Devils Roar and Cargo run commendations within a few nights (even though the region continues to challenge and infuriate us).

    Further progression past Pirate Legend Athena 10 is what we would like to see, with new kinds of voyages to undertake. Even if the only thing we acheive from it are new cosmetics and titles : it will still be a new adventure for us to undertake and new ways we can have fun out on the seas.

    Pets (parrots, monkeys, dogs, cats). New types of ship customisations (cannons, wheels, masts and bows, ship names) Mini games on board your ship and in taverns. Fishing/cooking. New Legend Voyages and factions. New regular factions for everyone else besides the three. A potion shop above the OOS tents. These are the sorts of things the daily player community (not the casual player base) have been asking for since launch. Fill the bi-weekly updates with these sorts of things rather than lots of bilge rat adventures.

    My friends and i have over 600 doubloons each, so with every new bilge rat adventure we buy all the cosmetics and get our money back after finishing the commendations within a couple of nights (That being said - we're looking forward to the festival of the damned!) But we have nothing to spend the doubloons on as we're all Athena 10 Legends. Lets see lots of small content that makes the game feel fuller, more personalised with the ships and characters and pets, and presents further progression with new factions past athena that consist of something different to the same 3 factions over and over.

    Like i said before : a Legandary puzzle cave with a huge loot room at the end. Goonies style 😎 This would be so much fun.

  • @Captain-Beattie so let's become a Pirate hunter in the ranks of "The Marine"!!!
    I posted a feedback/suggestion about a new endgame career that maybe can give you some interest to reach LEGEND/MARINE state.
    Take a look @ it here on forum and let me know what you think about it ;)

  • @captain-beattie sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @inboundbomb said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    Example one, two and three:

    Reaching level 1-50 on all trades. Without leveling up YOU cannot receive better missions. Clothes are locked behind this vertical progression, items and livery’s are locked behind this progression.

    Your statement on pure horizontal progression is false. Anything you do to earn or pay for is vertical due to it is not given to you right at the start. I’m also sorry that you would leave a wonderful game due to your inability to accept if Rare decides to do a PL content. Games should have some vertical progress in some shape or form to appease all groups of players.

    This is exactly what I mean. Further progression past athena 10, or at least some new voyage types to keep the game new and interesting for veteran players who have been playing daily since launch, and have maxed out. My crew and I create our own adventures on the seas and have a great time doing it : but as of late they've started to slowly stop playing because there's only so many times you can run the same factions voyages over and over. The skull forts have been honed down to a quick 10 minute blast for us, and we usualy finish the skelly ships now without breaking a sweat.

    We smashed through the Devils Roar and Cargo run commendations within a few nights (even though the region continues to challenge and infuriate us).

    Further progression past Pirate Legend Athena 10 is what we would like to see, with new kinds of voyages to undertake. Even if the only thing we acheive from it are new cosmetics and titles : it will still be a new adventure for us to undertake and new ways we can have fun out on the seas.

    Pets (parrots, monkeys, dogs, cats). New types of ship customisations (cannons, wheels, masts and bows, ship names) Mini games on board your ship and in taverns. Fishing/cooking. New Legend Voyages and factions. New regular factions for everyone else besides the three. A potion shop above the OOS tents. These are the sorts of things the daily player community (not the casual player base) have been asking for since launch. Fill the bi-weekly updates with these sorts of things rather than lots of bilge rat adventures.

    My friends and i have over 600 doubloons each, so with every new bilge rat adventure we buy all the cosmetics and get our money back after finishing the commendations within a couple of nights (That being said - we're looking forward to the festival of the damned!) But we have nothing to spend the doubloons on as we're all Athena 10 Legends. Lets see lots of small content that makes the game feel fuller, more personalised with the ships and characters and pets, and presents further progression with new factions past athena that consist of something different to the same 3 factions over and over.

    Like i said before : a Legandary puzzle cave with a huge loot room at the end. Goonies style 😎 This would be so much fun.

    Very good example.
    Now let me explain something.
    Neither you nor i am the measure, it's in between.
    There we are, there we should stay to reach the average and therefore most people.
    They can double the content now and all what happens is you rush through it like nothing and again ask for more and i will never be able to accomplished that. In the end you quit because nobody can code content as fast as hardcore players rush through and i quit because i feel overloaded with tasks to do.
    What they have created takes already a huge amount of time to do.
    Have you exploited in sense of golden animals only and chest tapping?

    There is no solution, i just hope they don't cater to this sort of gaming, but stick to their initial philosophy.

  • New enemies, new voyage types. No more glorified fetch quests!

    I liked the legend of Zelda growing up, you started off unable to do very much but as time went on you picked up new equipment from different temples and bosses which allowed you to do different things that you couldn't previously do which opened the word up a bit more, step by step.
    Okay so no level advantages, everyone is on the same level as far as HP goes but maybe we could get voyages which reward us with equipment to assist with obscure tasks like harpoons for fighting sea monsters or latching onto other players ships? Maybe some kind of shark tooth necklace that gives the wearer the ability to hold their breath for longer under water provided they keep swimming forward and it ceases to work with a cool down time if they stop swimming or go backwards? Maybe a sea shell we can hold up to our ear giving us the ability to hear other crews talking to each other from vast distances away? A magical or cursed sword or ring that glows or rumbles when the kraken is near? Maybe a magic compass that points in the direction of secret treasure located in different secret hard to reach areas each week? Finders / Winners take all?
    What about a Navy faction to create a divide in the community? But also a unity? Pirates working with pirates, navy working with navy? Give alliances more meaning?

  • @cmm-solo All of these ideas are great 🖒🖒 Well played Lad 😎

  • @ciotta said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    @Captain-Beattie so let's become a Pirate hunter in the ranks of "The Marine"!!!
    I posted a feedback/suggestion about a new endgame career that maybe can give you some interest to reach LEGEND/MARINE state.
    Take a look @ it here on forum and let me know what you think about it ;)

    Not a bad idea! Im hoping for a Royal Navy update sometime in the future with AI British Royal navy forts guarded by soldiers, and Navy Gallions that sail around the seas at random attacking pirates 😎

  • @captain-beattie New region is actually brain dead easy. You just have to stop playing scared.

    Other than that yes, new stuff is always nice especially if it’s meant for PLs.

  • @captain-beattie Since you guys are Athena level 10, you might support my Forum post. Check it out! Comment!


  • The best way to improve this game is to do an audit of all of the voyages and add more depth to them so that they aren't so repetitive. Add new variations that appear every few levels so that a new gameplay element is introduced regularly to reduce the grindy nature of the current implementation.

    Pirate Legend should definitely have some unique content to further add some variety and to add a reason to even bother with attaining it, but they need to tackle the issue with the existing voyage system first. Doing this would automatically improve the Legend voyages, since they are lazily comprised of the regular voyages already.

    I don't know if Rare is even up to this task, and I suspect that they've moved most of their staff on to another project.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    The best way to improve this game is to do an audit of all of the voyages and add more depth to them so that they aren't so repetitive. Add new variations that appear every few levels so that a new gameplay element is introduced regularly to reduce the grindy nature of the current implementation.

    Pirate Legend should definitely have some unique content to further add some variety and to add a reason to even bother with attaining it, but they need to tackle the issue with the existing voyage system first. Doing this would automatically improve the Legend voyages, since they are lazily comprised of the regular voyages already.

    I don't know if Rare is even up to this task, and I suspect that they've moved most of their staff on to another project.

    I doubt rare ever had staff dedicated to this alone, but Im hoping they have plans to do this in an upcoming or future update.

    I hit Athena 10 tonight, and ive done all but 2 commendations, as well as most of the acheivments so theres not a great deal left for me to do besides sail around, stack gold & mess with other players.

    Im hoping they listen to the pirate legends like ourselves who have been calling out for new content for a while now.

    we need new voyages to do. We need new cosmetics and journeys that set us apart from casual and bi-weekly players who aren't PLA10, or have no intention of getting to that level. To us, hitting that level has been a grind of the same 3 voyage types on repeat for 7 months and we need something different to keep us interested. We love this game, and we want to keep supporting and playing it daily - so please help us by giving us something new to do other than bilge rat adventures that we finish in a couple of days! 🤞🤞🤞

  • @captain-beattie sagte in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):
    We need new cosmetics and journeys that set us apart from casual and bi-weekly players who aren't PLA10, or have no intention of getting to that level. To us, hitting that level has been a grind of the same 3 voyage types on repeat for 7 months and we need something different to keep us interested. We love this game, and we want to keep supporting and playing it daily - so please help us by giving us something new to do other than bilge rat adventures that we finish in a couple of days!** 🤞🤞🤞

    Yes to cosmetics, no to new voyage type if it's gamechanging new feature it should be available to all.

  • @stundorn every bilge rat adventure, and every new dlc that has come out so far has been 'available to all'. Athena 10 Legends who play the game every day need new acheivments and voyage types to play towards. Its like someone doing everything there is to do in a game, then the developers saying "well, since youve dedicated your time and effort into playing the game daily, and completing every acheivement - we're going to do nothing to set you apart from the regular player that picks up the controller for half an hour a week."

    There are literally 50x more cosmetic options available for 'everyone else'. Legends have 1 set of clothing and 2 ship skins. We deserve more than that! And more things to do past Athena 10. Athenas ARE available to all, you just need a PL to drop them for you. They need a new Legendary quest thats not just a mashup of the same 3 voyages. They would be available to everyone - you'd just need a Legend to drop them for you.

  • They can double the content now and all what happens is you rush through it like nothing and again ask for more and i will never be able to accomplished that. In the end you quit because nobody can code content as fast as hardcore players rush through and i quit because i feel overloaded with tasks to do.
    What they have created takes already a huge amount of time to do.
    Have you exploited in sense of golden animals only and chest tapping?

    There is no solution, i just hope they don't cater to this sort of gaming, but stick to their initial philosophy.

    I wouldn't call 7 months "rushing through it". I only hit athena 10 tonight.

    It's understandable that its taken a huge amount of time to do it, and i raise my tankard to rare for what they've done. It was an immense task to code it all and design it.

    Part of their initial philosophy was "Pirate legend is just the begining". 7 months on and its still the endgame. All myself and the majority of PLA10 players are asking for is a new voyage type to keep us playing towards something. Not a new region. Not new gameplay mechanics. Not anything that gives us in game advantages over other players. Just a new faction to level up that has something different for us to do.

  • I agree to cosmetics for PL and Athena levels. There should be more, and btw. they are ugly, i dont care except for the hats, because i collect hats in the game :)
    So yes, their should be more options to show you are PL or Ax.

    But i dont know why the heel there need to be some exclusive mechanics like new sort of voyages to PL A10 only.
    If its all for all its also for PL A10 :)

    whatever :)

    i hope all having fun - i do :))

  • @stundorn i agree, the PL ghost gear looks cool because of the Glow, but the overall theme of it is pretty ugly - Then again Pirates wern't known for being the best looking bunch ;)

    We just want a new voyage type and A new rank to hit beyond gold hoarders, order of souls and merchant alliance. Something Past Athena 10 for us to strive towards.

    You said it perfectly - and There within lies the problem. A lot of my PLA10 friends have stopped having fun, so my crew numbers have started dropping. We've made our own adventures out on the sea and had a great time doing it - But there's only so many times you can do the same things again and again.

    The only fun they're having is in PVP, sinking ships and ruining other players days and thats just starting to make us feel kinda bad. Especially When you destroy a gallion, take all their loot, and kill them 4 times over - only then to realise they're 10 year old kids grinding for pirate legend and their loot acheives nothing for us other than gold we have nothing to spend on, where to them its a level on their reputations. (This being said we still have fun doing it lol).

  • @captain-beattie You say you are Athena 10's and yet can't handle Volcanoes then turn around and say the game needs things for "hardcore" players.

    While there needs to be more to do in the game, I am not sure Athena 10 players are the one's Rare should be listening too. Rare has all but killed off PVP in this game and most Athena 10 players are PVE people.

    I am PL A2, i refuse to farm Athena levels, too boring for me. I have only turned in Athena chests I have stolen. It's time we put the Thieves back into Sea of Thieves instead of pushing them away.

  • @trickrtreat01 following advice from other players on here, we realised the volcanoes are easy when you go in a 3 man gallion and just have someone repairing the ship. You can just park at islands and repair during eruptions as you dont take much bottom deck damage ;) sloops and brigs are considerably more fragile during roar voyages.

  • New enemy types would be good too. Instead of skelly's on islands all the time, maybe cannibalistic tribes that shoot poison darts at you to knock you unconscious then drag you back to cook you. Maybe as your about to get roasted a crew might swoop in and save you? Or maybe your crew decide to abandon you to your fate? Maybe if you wear a certain combination of clothing they might mistake you for one of their gods and follow you around dancing and singing? Maybe give you treasure? Or strange resources?
    Taking inspiration from star wars and pirates of the Caribbean here...

  • @cmm-solo said in Ways to imrove Sea of Thieves (Legitimate Feedback from a crew of Athena 10 Legends):

    New enemy types would be good too. Instead of skelly's on islands all the time, maybe cannibalistic tribes that shoot poison darts at you to knock you unconscious then drag you back to cook you. Maybe as your about to get roasted a crew might swoop in and save you? Or maybe your crew decide to abandon you to your fate? Maybe if you wear a certain combination of clothing they might mistake you for one of their gods and follow you around dancing and singing? Maybe give you treasure? Or strange resources?
    Taking inspiration from star wars and pirates of the Caribbean here...

    Thats an awesome idea!!

    "The seapost traders have heard whispers of ancient Tribes on some islands around the seas! They're rising up to stop pirates from pilaging their homes!"

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