What beast should they add next

  • Let me know what beast you think they should add next

  • 47
  • @midcourseflunky Ahoy matey!

    For me it would have to be Captain Flameheart as a multi user epic battle, failing that I would love to see a giant crab style enemy.

    What would you like to see?

  • Skeleton Lords, especially Cpt. Flameheart.
    Also especially Crab and a real Kraken, not 7 boring tentacles.

  • @musicmee sagte in What beast should they add next:

    @midcourseflunky Ahoy matey!

    For me it would have to be Captain Flameheart as a multi user epic battle, failing that I would love to see a giant crab style enemy.

    What would you like to see?

    I think we getting both Skeleton Lords and a giant Crab and maybe a redesigned Kraken(with body!?)!

    My guess is we have every Week another Boss Battle in FS!

  • Skeleton chickens that peck you to death. Kill them or capture them for the money.

  • A massive beetle or spider, or pretty much any sort of annoying bug that really messes with the rhythm and flow of the game.


    I jest, I jest.

  • The deadly Crab!!!

  • For me it would be a Green Sea dragon that could fly.

    It would be a tribute to the Griffin Pirate stories by Sheila K McCullagh that I read as a young boy 40 years ago.

  • @cpt-savagebeard

    I would love to see that or Giant Scorpians like Jason and the Argonauts. But I don’t think they are possible due to AI pathing.

  • *We don't need anything cuz CARGO RUNS aka Pigs 2.0 is all the fun you'll ever need!! Merch easy grind yea!!!

  • @zodemere does the statement get more powerful and true the more you say it? or are you sponsored per mention?

  • @midcourseflunky said

    What beast should they add next?

    Roast Beast.

  • @zodemere said in What beast should they add next:

    *We don't need anything cuz CARGO RUNS aka Pigs 2.0 is all the fun you'll ever need!! Merch easy grind yea!!!

    Are you allergic to genuine positivity?

  • @triheadedmonkey said in What beast should they add next:

    @zodemere does the statement get more powerful and true the more you say it? or are you sponsored per mention?

    Most of me friends left SOT 3 weeks ago so i told them when F*S dlc hits to come back but who knew we'd have theese awesome CARGO RUNS which i'm sure will lock my friends into playing again!!

  • For me it's the Sea Serpent.

  • My wishes for upcoming AI threats and (hopes for sure)!

    So we have 3 Sea Battle AI-Threats:

    -Skeleton Ships

    My wishes for the Future for Sea Battle AI-Threats

    -A Giant Whale(Moby D*ck) in a Polar Sea Theme
    -Sea Snake (Serpent)
    -Cthulu would be cool in an Huge Battle

    And I think we need an Sea to Land Battle AI-Threat

    -The Best Idea would be Giant Crab that is on an Island and throwing Rocks at your Ship

    And then we need a Sea to Air Battle:

    -A flying Chinese green Dragon that can set your ship in flames, the best Region for that The Sea of the Five Winds (mentioned in the Art Book)

    Then I wish a only Land Battle:

    -The Skeleton Lords in Dungeons
    -A Giant Scorpion in a Arabian Sea Theme( Like Sinbad as Example)

    But I think this Ideas are part of thousands of Brainstormings in the Rare Studio :)


    • Full body Kraken
    • Giant Crab Boss
    • Poseidon Boss
    • Fighting the Ferryman
    • Captain Flameheart
    • Giant Bird Boss
    • Giant Skeleton Boss
    • Giant Snake Boss
  • @becausescience1
    Love the YouTube show...... but why does everything have to be huge? I know it’s your wish list and trying not to single you out but what about the Flood? Small creature with a huge destructive force in masses. Probably the game couldn’t handle it. Oh well. 😔

  • Aren’t there any smaller mythical creatures or real life creatures that would terrify us on an attack of mass proportion?


  • @midcourseflunky non mythical creatures honestly, anything hostile or passive to make the sea feel more alive. Such as dolphins, whales, baracuda even frogs on the islands with inland water would go a long way.... Maybe 1 of the frogs could have a chicken gizzard as a easter egg! (Diddy Kong Racing) never unlocked that character....

  • @midcourseflunky leviathan, and skeleton lords. But who knows rare could make up some of their ideas that could be a sea monster

  • @inboundbomb I love it too! And I don't know, things just look more interesting when they are bigger.

  • @zodemere Dude, what’s your problem? Across multiple posts all you have done is complain, complain, complain, giving nothing back that is positive or helpful to the community. Sometimes you claim that you are a faithful player, but what it sounds like is that your just a real big salty-boi.

    CONNTENTZILLA is yuge, gigantic eyes, fangs coming ouutta the mouth, pointy ears, a body of flames, yuge claws with knive like finger nails, a roar that would scare hurcules, and a lion's mane!! CONTEN6TZILLA THE BEAST! ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!

  • @zodemere Again with this mate. It just isn’t funny. ( its huge with an h by the way)

  • Salt water crocodile. mentioned once before. Land and water threat just chillin on the shores waiting for ye ol pirates.

  • Sea Serpent hands down. Integral part of nautical lore during the Age of Sail and Golden Age of Piracy.

  • tbh I do not want any NEW creatures until they made the kraken a real kraken XD

  • Ahoy!
    I would like to see Siren's, not just a Mermaid type maybe even rogue pirates that lure you in.
    Anyways, as you arrive it/they will start to destory the ship both in water and from land. I dunno, throw rocks from land, hand destroy in water.
    After thy encounter, all crew mates would play a shanty that would slide a rock on a small island that reveals a shaft filled with riches or spoils.
    Im curious to see what the community is interested in AI/boss enemies.
    Happy sailing.

  • 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

  • Tbh, any new creature they add is just gonna be boring after the first couple encounters. What I think would make it more interesting is to add a new event where we get commodations for slaying the beasts that already exists, probably add another beast at the same time. This event could be stretched for a longer period than 2 weeks, while there are other events active aswell. This way we get a reason to stop and fight the beasts and not just run away cuz its waste of time.

    Or maybe in the future add the hunter guild 💪


  • @midcourseflunky a giant serpent that jumps up and down from the sea.

  • @captain-dzax
    No new beasts please until existing ones are actually worth fighting...

31 out of 47