[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - The Sea of Thieves Vol.1 Collection (Exclusive Cover version) giveaway!

  • Ahoy pirates,

    Here we are with Win Wednesday giveaway just for you, our favoured Forum lubbers!

    We're giving out two copies of our colourful Sea of Thieves Vol.1 Collection (Exclusive Cover version) comic book!

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    To enter, reply to this thread telling us what's your most favourite and most feared Cursed Cannonball out there.

    We'll pick the two lucky winners randomly tomorrow at 4pm BST.

    May Lady Luck smile on you!

  • 90
  • That perfectly timed Grogball that hits as I climb aboard a ship, making all of my victims puke right before they die.

    Sometimes they puke on me :'(

  • @old-salt-gorg My favourite cursed cannonball would be the jigball as its hilarious to see all the skeles dancing Thriller style haha. My most feared is probably anchor ball as it stops your ship dead and can be easily boarded.

  • Favourite is the anchor ball. I hate battles where you are just going in circles.

    Least favourite has got to be the weary ball. Nothing worse than watching your ship fill with water while you are taking a nap. xD

  • My favorite is the Jig Ball and my most feared is the one that locks the wheel (I forget the name) cause I'm usually the one steering the ship.

  • @old-salt-gorg

    Most favourite

    The Jigball on the skellies is my favourite :D

    Most feared

    The Anchorball is the one I fear the most 👀

  • The legendary Jigball is my clear favorite!

    Beware the Grogball!!!

  • My favourite is definitely the anchor ball. Locking an enemy's ship in place and sail into a position in which their cannonballs cannot hit back, but yours can.

    My most feared is probably the ballast ball, which makes sinking to Davy Jones' locker a lot faster.

  • my favourite has to be the anchorball to stop them pesky sloops escaping and most feared is the jiggball too many times i've been dancing while a pirate just jumps onboard and blunderbuss to my face while i can't do a thing about it

  • The scariest cannonball ever.. definitely has to be the anchor ball. If you’ve got one of these and you’re sporting a sloopdeedoop, all galleons beware. It makes you nearly unstoppable against the ship with the heaviest anchor. Now, the funniest in my opinion would be the grog ball. Shooting an anchor ball at a ship, paired with a grog ball makes for loads of fun and laughter as the enemies drunkenly try to raise their anchor.

  • My favorite Cursed Cannonball would be the Anchor Ball. Stopping a speeding Brigantine dead in its tracks with a sloop is the most rewarding feeling. My most feared Cursed Cannonball is the Ballast Ball. You sink so much faster and easier once you’re hit by one of those.

  • My favorite is the anchor ball. I am way to often in the situation, that I want to be friendly but the other ship starts firing so we have to fire back. And after 3 minutes they notice that they didn't caught us off guard and are loosing so they try to sail away. And I don't like people who left a fight unfinished :)
    My most feared one is the sleeping ball. I hate it to see my oponents firing holes in my sloop while I can't do anything.

  • @old-salt-gorg Cannonball I hate the most? The Grogball! Arghh one of them hittin' me deck makes me crew be sick all over the place! Then we get hit by a load of cannonballs!

    Me favourite cannonball be the anchorball! Argh Argh Argh Seein' the Scurvy Pirates ship sailing off while they be on an island be great!

  • My favorite cannonball is by far the Peace ball. I adore anchoring my enemies and discharging tons of cannon balls into a ship that can't fire back...its so mean.

    My most feared is the Ballast ball. Now you have to maintain both decks of a Galleon for fear of being sunk immediately.

  • My most favourite cursed cannonball would be the Peaceball, nothing is more enjoyable than launching that from a sloop to a galleon and watch as I force friendship down their throats!

    The cursed cannonball I fear most is that dreaded Venom ball, like someone famous, once said (probably) "Where there is venom, there are snakes." And to quote another famous philosopher "I hate snakes!" -Indian Jones

  • Favourite: The Dancing-Ball, because I like the way the skeletons are dancing

    Feared: The Anchor-Ball (especially when on a galleon

  • Although I don’t think it is the best ball, my favorite attack since you granted us access to them was when I almost instantaneously sank a galleon that was trying to sink my sloop and steal my loot! I was alone on it and the only cursed ball I had was a ballast ball so I shot the galleon with it. They must have had every hole in their second level open because just a couple of seconds after it hit them they sunk! It was GREAT! Very satisfying lol. I guess my most feared ball is the anchor ball because an anchored ship is a sunk ship when in a battle. Thank y’all for allowing us access. They have truly changed the way that the game is played and gone miles towards leveling the playing field in battles between different sized ships.

  • My most favorite cursed ball has to be the anchorball. Hitting that perfect spot making that incoming vessel grind to a halt to be obliterated by our broadside is heavenly.

    My most feared has to be the peaceball. You may take away my cannons, but you shall never take OUR FREEDOM!

  • @old-salt-gorg My Favourite is the Peace ball as it stops other ships firing at you. Most feared is the sleepy night night ball for the same reason mentioned earlier. Its frustrating watching your ship sink as you are caught napping,

  • My favorite one , The Grog one... I love see them vomit before their death !

  • Flying past an enemy and hitting that perfect Anchorball, only to be destroyed by their Limpball as you run to fix your ship...

  • So many to choose from but my favorite has to be the jigball! Dancing at inopportune times has lead to much laughter and cursing. Additionally dancing with Skellies was a great during the cursed crews bilge rat adventure.

    Most feared? Hmm...I'd have to say a well timed ballast ball. It can turn a dire situation into something completely unsalvageable.

  • Favorite and most hated are the same, and that is the Ballast Ball.

    For me it is mostly useless against a sloop or a Brig, but devastating to a Galleon since most people do not prioritize mid-deck repairs. Great to use, but not so much to receive.

    My crew was doing one of the Skeleton Ship encounters on a Galleon when a brig rolled in on the last wave and hit us with a Ballast Ball, we were sunk in less than 5 seconds with the mid-deck holes :)

  • Favorite cannonball has to be JigBall. Making those skellies dance in unison is some gut busting, laughing on deck until you cry stuff. Love it.

    Most feared is the WearyBall. Being forced to sleep while allowing someone do their will is not very fun at all. A close second would be the JigBall when you are hit with it for same reason as WearyBall.

  • Favorite is the anchor ball! and most feared...the anchor ball! LOL If your anchor is dropped in a fight you are more than likely doomed! :P

  • My favourite cursed cannonball? The Peaceball I think. Is someone annoying me with cannons? I will make the peace.

  • Favourite is the peaceball to prevent any cursed balls flying my way. Least favourite is the peaceball that prevent my shooting cursed balls their way!

  • @old-salt-gorg jigball is my favorite, making people helpless in the most entertaining way before they die and the anchorball is the one I fear the most, because once your boat is stopped your sunk.

  • Favorite is the grogball - love the green vomit

    I fear the anchorball

  • Gotta be the sleep ball for me, the other day my brig crew was hit by one just as one of the enemy was boarding and he basically killed each of us in our sleep xD

  • I fear that Anchor Ball! I would pride myself in being able to hear people coming to the ship to drop the anchor but now I have to be the first to get the shot off at the enemy ship.

  • Gather ‘round, me hearties, and let me tell ye of the most feared Cursed Cannonball in the Sea of Thieves... the Ballastball!

    Aye, ye may be wonderin’ to yer selves “but cap’n Blam, it’s worse to be stuck pukin’ yer innards out, or stuck blissfully dancin’ a jig as yer ship goes under!” That may be true, but listen close, me buckos. For many a moon now, the rule among pirates has been to leave holes blown in yer mid-deck alone, and when firin’ to always aim for the bottom deck, for that’s where the water rushes in regardless of how full the hull be already. Many a time have I heard “‘tis only a mid-deck hit! Save yer planks!” Now, Pirates can’t be so careless.

    Imagine runnin’ in a galleon, and gettin’ yer mid-deck turned into Swiss cheese. Yer certain the other crew can hear your laughter and jeers of “where did these landlubbers learn to aim?” But yer thoughts of easy victory turn to apprehension, as purple smoke billows from one of the cannon, then to horror, as yer ship sets lower and lower in the sea, and water starts rushing in through the mid-deck holes. Now, yer laughter turns to cries and screams, as their onslaught begins anew in your lowest deck, and in seconds yer silenced, slipping beneath the waves, sunk by yer hubris as much as cannon-fire.

    But me favorite curse, that be the tricky one. Methinks the Anchorball. ‘Tis a boon to both hunter and prey; ye can use it to stop yer quarry from escapin’ Yer wrath, or use it to ensure you live to pirate another day.

14 out of 90