Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?

  • Do you know if two persons take the gate for the legendary place in the same time but from different outposts (in the same server) they will find themselves there?

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  • @pere-williams Ahoy matey!

    Yes, they are linked... there is only one hideout per server... just like the Ferry of the Damned.

    So you are always bound to bump into more Legends if you stay long enough!

  • @musicmee said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    @pere-williams Ahoy matey!

    Yes, they are linked... there is only one hideout per server... just like the Ferry of the Damned.

    So you are always bound to bump into more Legends if you stay long enough!

    Are you sure about that. As I understand it the Legend hideout was made as a Private instance for your crew and your crew only. I Have never seen another Legend enter my hideout unless he was in my crew and belive me i waited a good while.

  • @enf0rcer 100% Sure :D

    Many a time I have bumped into other crews from other islands... couldn't be surer :D

    All the outposts link to the same hideout on a server.

  • @enf0rcer said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    @musicmee said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    @pere-williams Ahoy matey!

    Yes, they are linked... there is only one hideout per server... just like the Ferry of the Damned.

    So you are always bound to bump into more Legends if you stay long enough!

    Are you sure about that. As I understand it the Legend hideout was made as a Private instance for your crew and your crew only. I Have never seen another Legend enter my hideout unless he was in my crew and belive me i waited a good while.

    One day I was chilling there and two Pirates came. It scared me but that was so funny. So I can confirm it's not limited to your crew! :)

  • Why has then this has not made clear this is the social space? They specificaly said you were to gain access to your hideout were you could spawn in with your ship and plan an adventure. This was all stated in the marketing for the captainacy update. When did they decide to change this? This is way more broken then i thought. This has spark many conversation over a social space why was this not corrected in the forums? Also why is it then, when i open up the passage way only members of my crew can enter this makes absolutely zero sense?

  • It stands to reason to be the same location, hence the black screen load in and out of the hideout.
    Otherwise, after opening the entrance, it would be like any other island's cave. No wait time.

  • @enf0rcer

    To be fair I like it to be a social space because it's a tavern and not really something personnal (at the moment). That way I can still make unexpected encounters as I like them.

    Also why is it then, when i open up the passage way only members of my crew can enter this makes absolutely zero sense?

    Oh well, since I became PL before Hungering Deep I always wanted to bring other crews in it. Looks like the devs weren't even aware of that if you watched the last stream.

  • @skulliah Ok then this is just plian sad. So what happened here is the devs failed so bad they managed to achieve the exact oppsite of the intended goal. Wow, I can now understand the argument of "a beautiful failure of a game". It would be nice to know exactly what some of the intents were cause i could give more accurate and better feedback instead of having to speculate. I always thought The FOTD was the social space, so is it for the non-legends. If it is it needs alot of work too. And what benfit is the Pirate out supposed to have? Cause being just for legends makes it pointless.

  • The legend hideout is somewhere in the vicinity of the below rock formation

    alt text

    I somehow glitched through the ship when i was in the hideout and ended up in the water directly beneath it.

  • I've run into and killed other pirates in the hideout. Btw, spawn killing at the waterfall could be an issue. Anyway... One time I opened a hideout after another crew opened the same hideout and went inside and did not see anyone else. So, the hideout may not be server based. Then again, maybe they left before I could arrive, not sure. It's probably worth testing out with 2 friendly legendary crews.

  • @slave2thesave

    That's odd, as the Ferry of the Damned is at that same location, beneath those rocks.
    Maybe the secret hideout is below the ferry? I say that because you can dive deep there and see the ferry lights.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said

    That's odd, as the Ferry of the Damned is at that same location, beneath those rocks.
    Maybe the secret hideout is below the ferry? I say that because you can dive deep there and see the ferry lights.

    @personalc0ffee said

    The Ferry is below the Legend Hideout.

    This is based on what?
    If you actually take five bananas and dive as far as you can then use your telescope you'll see red & green, the candle lights of the ferry and Davey Jones.
    The hideout would have more yellow/orange toned lights covering a larger area.

  • @Admiral-RRRSole & @PersonalC0ffee it dropped me from the rocks into the water when i glitched through the boat in the legend hideout, i can remember roughly where it glitched out, i'll try record it next time im on and post it up here.

  • Here's a screen shot of the Ferry from above after diving down as far as I can and looking through telescope. I wasn't directly above it because I can't see the lights, so it may be true the bar is above it.

  • @slave2thesave said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    The legend hideout is somewhere in the vicinity of the below rock formation

    alt text

    I somehow glitched through the ship when i was in the hideout and ended up in the water directly beneath it.

    I wonder if the captaincy update they keep talking about will involve sailing the legendary ship out of the hide out and through that portal?

  • @enf0rcer I think this isn't the case. I went to get an athena voyage the other day and found myself being sword chopped in the back while buying. I managed to exit and turn around just in time to see another player there killing me. So either this person lurked in the Athena area until I arrived or popped up at the same time and took advantage of a free kill. Didn't really bother me, he got what? Satisfaction of killing another legend who was buying a voyage LOL? But it did prove to me that non crew legends are able to go there.

  • @phat-dastard said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    @enf0rcer I think this isn't the case. I went to get an athena voyage the other day and found myself being sword chopped in the back while buying. I managed to exit and turn around just in time to see another player there killing me. So either this person lurked in the Athena area until I arrived or popped up at the same time and took advantage of a free kill. Didn't really bother me, he got what? Satisfaction of killing another legend who was buying a voyage LOL? But it did prove to me that non crew legends are able to go there.

    Yep apparently this was always intended but due to a long standing bug which i was unaware of which prevented hideouts from coonecting properly which was fixed relitively recently in one of the earlier patches and the fact i could not open the entrance for a non crew member which lead me to belive it was private when in reality it was just plain broken.

  • If you look up in the hideout you can see open sky through cracks in the ceiling so the Hideaway has to be above water somewhere

  • @musicmee said in Only one legendary underfloor hideout for each server?:

    @pere-williams Ahoy matey!

    Yes, they are linked... there is only one hideout per server... just like the Ferry of the Damned.

    So you are always bound to bump into more Legends if you stay long enough!

    No kidding? Never had this happen. Very interesting :-)

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