So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game

  • @algaram Exept they don’t...

  • @haydensolo Rare gave it away to them they didnt earn anything only thing left is to just go and be as toxic as possible though. Bug pve players constantly "grief" others with spawn kills and bad combat systems just be one of those players that make others not like this game it seems

  • Tough crowd!

  • @ghostpaw Don’t worry I’m sure we can find you a shiny sticker somewhere ;) :P

    I got mine and am repping it like a boss!

  • @blatantwalk4260 Your 100% correct so i have been pl and athenas 10 for a while now but i still go about and do my thing dig up chest collect skulls, for the comms, but now there really is 100% no reason to do this now, so i am going to sink ships and laugh while there treasure sinks

  • Wow i Preferred go for commendations than doing athena, but now im nearly done with em all??? Really?
    Get back old commendations with a new titel?! Maybe ?!!

  • I mean im talking every dirty tactic in the book and im going of every white sail I see and all with an offer alliance flag so I can keeo hunting down anyone dumb enough to accept

  • @algaram @BlatantWalk4260 Wait what? Your going to pirate people in a pirate game???? HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL! XD

  • Rare has made it clear, they don't care about the hardcore players that were grinding to get Legend fast , Athena 10, and then all the commendations. They listened to all the casual players that couldn't put in the hours of play to become Legend and Athena 10, and made alliances, so they could literally do half the work to get the same legend xp and the Athena chests. Then the casuals were still crying about the amount of items needed to get the commendations, so Rare AGAIN changes everything for the casual players who were like "Why is it 1000 chests, I can't possibly get that in a weekend"... Rare has made it clear they are making this game for kids and casuals, all of the rest of us are constantly screwed over.

  • Well im hunting caduals non stop and throwing thier loot in the red sea

  • @knifelife wont be no pirating imma make sure anything they have sinks

  • This is one of the most petty posts I think I've ever seen here, and I think we're just feeding a temper tantrum at this point. I understand being upset, but wishing for the death of a flagship product from the studio and committing to griefing every player you see is just beyond me.

  • @drunkpunk138 We get it, you are a casual player that likes things just given to you.

  • @rotax99 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    @drunkpunk138 We get it, you are a casual player that likes things just given to you.

    Fine job making assumptions, but you couldn't be more off the mark. I simply don't base my ego off of virtual trophies, nor do I jump to such extremes when design decisions in a video game are made.

  • @blatantwalk4260 Well have fun sinking alot then. If your sailing is as bad as your post should be an easy task.

  • @drunkpunk138 The word is Presumption, and I don't base my ego off of virtual trophies either. I was Pirate Legend in April, and had my Athena 10 before the Mermaid event came out, all I had left to grind on was the commendations. Now seeing everybody with the same titles and not even half of the playing time attributed to them to get it, is a garbage move by Rare.

  • @rotax99 exactly that's why the only thing to do left in this game is to pvp and just keep hunting down ships until there are none left on the server, if anyone else has a better idea of what to do when you are PL, Athena 10 3.8mil in gold and almost every item purchased in the game please PLEASE tell me that's why we are salty because we like this game and even if just grinding accommodations was all there was to do its what we did , BUT now that that's gone what do you want me to do, just quit ???? or LETS HAVE SOME FUN and sink ships and just pvp all night and day the same amount of time i put in grinding to where i am now. and obisly im not going to waste my time looking for there treasure. let the s**t sink :)

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    Well im hunting caduals non stop and throwing thier loot in the red sea

    Yeah if there’s any reason to implement a vote to kick system, well this would be one.

  • @musicmee Thanks mate, I see how it's working now.

  • @rotax99 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    @drunkpunk138 The word is Presumption

    actually, Presumption usually has a modicum of proof/fact as a basis, an assumption, on the other hand, is usually based on little to no proof or facts.

  • @doctorviolet3 im sure youll be as easy as the other casuals

  • @haydensolo you can't vote kick a pirate of the server for being a pirate HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • @algaram That’s not the fact, if he’s doing this to his crew mates, that’s a problem...

  • @drunkpunk138 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    This is one of the most petty posts I think I've ever seen here, and I think we're just feeding a temper tantrum at this point. I understand being upset, but wishing for the death of a flagship product from the studio and committing to griefing every player you see is just beyond me.

    This is their second thread in like a week that's basically boiled down to "I'm right, you're wrong. You're all casual scrubs and I'm a well versed veteran of the seas" the last thread degenerated into everyone being called stupid by the OP..

    Your tantrum remark is on the nose.

  • This thread is a mess of fighting, locking it down.

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