Boats floating off

  • Anyone else having issues with the boat floating to the sky happened twice yesterday
    First time half way through an athenas then dashboarded me

    2nd time just after a skull fort again dashboarded

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  • @chris-houlden It happened to me whilst I was fighting another ship on a galleon; basically what happened was my character was frozen for like 20 seconds whilst the ship seemingly floated into the air before reverting back to normal.

    It's just lag pretty much; if you think it's on your end then try to close some applications in the background, but if you think it's the game's fault then take it up with the tech support :)

  • @chris-houlden This occurred to me several times and is usually nothing but connection issues. It can be either from the servers or possibly on your end. The game usually continues normally after the ship flies for a few seconds.

  • The athena one where it happened the whole crew got dashboarded i couldnt say about the fort one because i rage quit lol im hardwired from fiberoptic broadband from router to console also my have been a server issue could be anything really

  • @personalc0ffee thought it was wanda tbh haha

3 out of 5