Server hoppers!!!

  • Can we get a cooling off period between server starting as I am getting sick and tired of PC players hopping on to a server stealing from me and then logging out and jumping to another server. PLAY THE GAME LIKE ITS MENT TO BE PLAYED. I have seen them doing this on the recent players on xbox, it tells me when they are in the main menu and when they are sailing again.

  • 7
  • I don't disagree that server hopping is ridiculous and inane. I despise it in the exploitative measure it is. How many have risen past the average ranks by exploiting the ability to swap server without concern, hunt a skull fort and leave.

    It sucks.

    But I truly do not see an appropriate compromise.

    Players should be allowed to leave a server and go into another one. Many times I've been in a four man galleon with friends, 1 or more need to call it a night so I swap out to another galleon group that's already started, or change to another ship type (maybe a 3 man or solo sloop or whatever). I've been annoyed by players, or noticed upon spawn in that the horizon was full of antagonistic galleons, I've joined rando's to find myself enduring tiny screaming voices in my new found crew - only to leave to find a group a bit more relaxed, the list goes on.

    Point is, in my way I've server hopped too.

    Not to grief others, but rather to get set up in a more appreciable environment.

    Then there is always the weird disconnects and "Lazy Beard" errors I receive upon relog-in from a disconnect (for no obvious reason) *though it's been suggested to me that some hacks others may have incorporate time desync and explains that - but I am not certain I buy it)

    So yea.

    I agree server hopping as you describe is an issue I dislike. I can't see an obvious solve.

  • Personally I enjoy skull forts, and sometimes I just want to PvP, and do Skull Forts. I think this game needs more events. Some new event that happens between skullforts would be the preferred solution if you ask me.

    I would love to see a huge fleet that sails between certain outposts, that would be extremely hard for one galleon to sink before it arrives at it's destination.

    Sometimes I just want to explore, and do voyages, but if someone messes with me the game is always more interesting.

  • It's not just p.c players that do this.
    Console players hop too.
    I've joined a random crew, got on the mic & had a chat.. "no response" & I'm out looking for another game.

  • @gunnerdk There really is no solution because server hopping is a symptom and not the root of the problem. People don't like fetch quests or kicking babies who might not have candy and skull forts are the only other option.

  • I'm not going to force myself to do something I don't want to, So I'll keep hopping until I find what I am looking for.

  • I understand that everyone has a different style of playing the game, as we are all individuals.
    I myself like to play the game as it has been developed and designed to be played, with long missions and perilous journeys across a vest, deadly and surprising seas.
    I to had found myself switching servers (mainly because of griefing and getting slammed in the brig for no reason.)
    But once I found a good bunch of like minded pirates on the forums, we formed a Xbox club and the enjoyment of the game has increased. We are in this game for the long haul and not looking for the shortcut to the top.
    You wouldn't buy C.O.D and keep switching servers to level up you would play the game until the end of the round.
    Server hopping I my eyes is a lazy approach to playing the game and not as rewarding as doing long missions.
    ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE, now go find some buried treasure.

6 out of 7