PvP/PvE Option

  • Hi there Sea of Thieves team,
    We all know that the game is designed in an open world were you can find and fight other players anytime no matter what. But what about go give an option or an opportunity to those players that are not willing to be chasing or to be chased at all times. Time to enjoy questing and explore the map.
    How many times you are questing and other players take your treasures, etc and all that time played is gone, hours of game play without reward and stops me to get attached to the game. What is the benefit of that if you don not even get a simple coin of it or a reward to upgrade your quests.
    What about giving an option to be PvE only, where you can enjoy the game too as the PvP gamers do .
    After all if this is a business why not giving that opportunity to your customers. I come across with so many people that do not have the time to play that much and anytime they get into the game they encounter this issue and just stop playing, or how many players quitting the game because of this and stop their subscription or not willing to pay full prize.
    Could you please listen to us? PvE and PvP option would satisfy everyone as you could get to choose what you want at all times.
    Thank you

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  • @z4mb3rino c'mon seriously. There is a search button....

  • Good LORD, these pop up way too often.

  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/54782/dear-pve-players-i-am-here-to-help-solution-time-is-here/34

  • Just my 2 cents for whatever it's worth.
    You know what. I would rather see the DZ as a PVE "ONLY" zone. To hell with the [mod edited], [mod edited], PIECE OF [mod edited], PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every [mod edited] time I try to make a build for pvp, it won't do jack [mod edited]. I can run from one end of the DZ to the other and these bullying piece of [mod edited] will still chase me down. Now I don't know about the rest of you [mod edited], but if someone is running away from, doesn't that indicate to LEAVE THEM THE [mod edited] ALONE!?
    The DZ is still and always be the best place for loot farming. Massive needs to increase the loot drop rates on exotics and classified gear outside of the DZ, but they won't do that. They would rather let the bullies reign free.

    edit:: sorry wrong game.

  • @z4mb3rino

  • @kall-sands said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Good LORD, these pop up way too often.

    Maybe because it is a concern in the community and players wanna see this changes plus content instead of merchandising only.

    @xgodkevin said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @z4mb3rino c'mon seriously. There is a search button....

    Yep but I could not find the Hurry up and do something about it because you are loosing players

    @ttargetpractice said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Just my 2 cents for whatever it's worth.
    You know what. I would rather see the DZ as a PVE "ONLY" zone. To hell with the [mod edited], [mod edited], PIECE OF [mod edited], PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every [mod edited] time I try to make a build for pvp, it won't do jack [mod edited]. I can run from one end of the DZ to the other and these bullying piece of [mod edited] will still chase me down. Now I don't know about the rest of you [mod edited], but if someone is running away from, doesn't that indicate to LEAVE THEM THE [mod edited] ALONE!?
    The DZ is still and always be the best place for loot farming. Massive needs to increase the loot drop rates on exotics and classified gear outside of the DZ, but they won't do that. They would rather let the bullies reign free.

    edit:: sorry wrong game.

    That does not affect you at all having PVE option for players. Typical "no changes" player that wanna see only a few players left in the game. But of course you think only pvp player support and pay to maintain the servers right.

  • @z4mb3rino said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Good LORD, these pop up way too often.

    Maybe because it is a concern in the community and players wanna see this changes plus content instead of merchandising only.

    Or maybe it's because people are getting too sensitive that they're a target for other players to engage. The game isn't supposed to be kill-on-sight, but that's a choice players have at their disposal. There's danger at every turn; there's storms, krakens, skeletons and whatever else Rare plans to throw at you, but none of it is as exciting or rewarding as facing off against aggressive players. If you want a no-risk adventure-style game, you're much better off playing something that doesn't have PVP elements in it. Either you lose everything or you hit the jackpot: THAT is the pirate's life, not just treading lightly and being scared of people.

  • I'm all for that, and have suggested the same.
    Let pvp'ers be joined with like minded people, and leave us PVE'ers to do our exploring, questing and fighting the odd npc.
    I agree it is frustrating to lose hours of work to some.... well you know what I mean.

  • @sledgezapper64
    PvE and PvP are symbiotic in this game. They don't work without each other.
    PvE would be very boring if it wasn't for the constant looming threat of other players, lurking just behind the horizon to prey on you. PvP would be boring without the thrill of gaining your opponents treasure, or the thrill of defending it from those greedy seadogs.

    Seperating the two is just not possible without destroying the game.

  • @nebenkuh
    Totally agree with you.

    The only issue I have is why would people buy a game that has been promoted by Rare and the players who have posted videos, as an open PvP world and now want a PvE server? I like the game as it is, there is an element of danger, are other players going to be friend or foe, etc. If you do not like PvP or being in a PvP environment, then I think you bought the wrong game, sorry.

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  • Think of it this way: rabbits don’t get safe zones from foxes. If you can’t handle the threat of thieves, especially a whole SEA OF THIEVES, you’re not playing the right game.

  • Here's an idea: Read more.

    Before you downloaded/installed this game, did you read the description? You certainly didn't even take the time to read these forums, before throwing another can into the sea of spam.

  • Guess it's time for the daily pve/pvp complaint. Short awnser, no we don't want to split the player base.

  • It’s like going to your friend’s poker party and getting mad because you don’t get a separate table where you can play by yourself. You’re choosing to be in a social environment where either luck or misfortune can take place. That’s just life in general, where you win or lose. Quoting one of my favorite Queens of the Stone Age songs: Every fortress falls, it is not the end. It ain’t if you fall, but how you rise that says who you really are.

  • It won't happen. I don't really enjoy the PvP in this game either. I think it's unbalanced and c**p. But it won't happen. You have to do what the rest of us do. If you are solo or duo, stay vigilant. Don't go to Islands or even leave your ship without going into the crows nest and looking around. While you are on the Island, keep to the edges if you are solo and keep your eyes open for ships. Every time you drop your anchor, raise the sail and instantly raise the anchor again so you can make a fast get away. Learn to master the wind and read sails. Learn to predict wind so you can anchor turn on a chaser and get away fast. These are a few important rules for this game if you don't want to fight. One of the most important to learn is, as frustrating as it is, you can easily make all the money you lost back. And that's all you lose, besides dignity. Gold. There is a nifty guide being created on how to play this game only PvE. Once I finish it, I'll post it here.

  • @edemardil
    You're teaching an old guy to suck eggs.
    I was sailing just about every day when I was 16.
    And I've learnt a thing or two in the years I've lived since.
    I was merely voicing my opinion.
    I realise this game is pvp. But for me, who prefers PVE, I think there still needs to be something done to better control the destructive malicious elements to pvp.
    At the moment it really can spoil the game experience as a predominantly solo sailor, to have people, just because they can, kill you on sight.
    I have met some people who were very nice, and we had fun doing all sorts of nonsense, but those people are few and far between.
    It's a good game, and has a lot of potential, but also needs something for long term player satisfaction. I'd rather fight NPC'S, than PVP characters who have no sense of fair play.
    Even amoungst real pirates there was a code of honour.
    These people, and you know who I mean, lack even that.

    Besides, wasn't the idea to remain objective and polite in this forum, allowing people to express their ideas without getting personal about them?

  • @sledgezapper64 Preferring PvE is not a reason to change the game’s mechanics. There’s a plethora of games with different categories, which, although they aren’t to everybody’s liking, appeal to a particular group of people instead of trying to please everyone. Altering the genre of a game based solely on the purpose that you have a hard time doing what the game says you’ll have a hard time doing is irrelevant to Rare’s interests.

  • Yeah I agree with you there really should be the option for people, even if I wouldn't personally use it. Now the price of posting about this is dealing with the dozen or so adolescents who can't understand how other people enjoy different things than them. Rest assured you are part of the majority asking for that.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Yeah I agree with you there really should be the option for people, even if I wouldn't personally use it. Now the price of posting about this is dealing with the dozen or so adolescents who can't understand how other people enjoy different things than them. Rest assured you are part of the majority asking for that.

    What majority? Is there a poll result of what people here have decided on, or are you speaking on behalf of yourself?

  • @kall-sands That is a false equivalency right there. You can not compare a video game that millions supposedly bought with a private game played by a few people in someone's house.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands That is a false equivalency right there. You can not compare a video game that millions supposedly bought with a private game played by a few people in someone's house.

    It’s perfectly equivelant. You know what you bought and why it appealed to you, and when you found out it was harder than it sounded you wanted something different.

  • @kall-sands said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Think of it this way: rabbits don’t get safe zones from foxes. If you can’t handle the threat of thieves, especially a whole SEA OF THIEVES, you’re not playing the right game.

    This kind of mentality is making people think "f**k this game full of elitist a******s."
    And rabits do seek refuge, nature boy.

    "Your not playing the game right" is what my nephew screams when his sister does something he doesnt like... what I'm saying is that statement makes people sound like children.

  • @kall-sands Every time this gets brought up I see more and more names in support and new names joining in supporting it. Yet the same dozen or so children show up to flame the poster and claim they are the majority while chanting variations on git gud bru. It's laughable but a little sad too.

  • @mcstabbypants
    I'll just mention World of Warcraft as one prime example of a game that differentiates between PVE and PVP servers, and as one of the top selling games, even to this day, hasn't suffered from it

    Even on the PVE servers, there are arenas and areas where the bloodthirsty types of this world can still have a chance to beat each others heads in.
    It hasnt split the player base, it is loved by all, no matter what their preference. And I see it in no way affecting this game as, the PVP types would all be together killing each other, and the others, who prefer to take the time to admire the world and appreciate the time and effort it took to make it, can do their exploring and questing.
    And I agree with what you're saying .

    Also: PVP without proper controls/penalties ends up with those who run and shoot fastest winning and spoiling the game for others. Personally I suck at PVP. But I've already made the experience in this game with people who work exactly as I've described, run fast shoot faster - for me that reduces a good game to something more primal, when it could be so much more.

  • @sudsybullet3d said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands said in PvP/PvE Option:

    Think of it this way: rabbits don’t get safe zones from foxes. If you can’t handle the threat of thieves, especially a whole SEA OF THIEVES, you’re not playing the right game.

    This kind of mentality is making people think "f**k this game full of elitist a******s."
    And rabits do seek refuge, nature boy.

    "Your not playing the game right" is what my nephew screams when his sister does something he doesnt like... what I'm saying is that statement makes people sound like children.

    They seek shelter, but that doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed. I also didn’t say anyone was playing wrong, I said if it’s not what you prefer then find something else.

  • @kall-sands No you can't equate a game developed by dozens of people to a game played by a small group. Not to mention if you really want to compare poker to SoT you're making the opposite point. Poker allows for people to play for whatever stakes they like money, favors, jelly beans, tooth picks, chocolate coins, jewelry, clothes and even just for the laughs. L**O Poker has almost infinite variations in comparison to SoT.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands Every time this gets brought up I see more and more names in support and new names joining in supporting it. Yet the same dozen or so children show up to flame the poster and claim they are the majority while chanting variations on git gud bru. It's laughable but a little sad too.

    A few names in a few places. That doesn’t mean a majority just because you see people that bring it up. Unless there’s some irrefutable evidence that more people want it than not, there’s no “majority.”

  • @sledgezapper64 I agree it's similar with ARK you have a ton of servers to choose from with all sorts of options that game is super successful.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @sledgezapper64 I agree it's similar with ARK you have a ton of servers to choose from with all sorts of options that game is super successful.

    I LOVE that game,...

  • @kall-sands Meh facts don't require your belief or acknowledgment to be facts.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands No you can't equate a game developed by dozens of people to a game played by a small group. Not to mention if you really want to compare poker to SoT you're making the opposite point. Poker allows for people to play for whatever stakes they like money, favors, jelly beans, tooth picks, chocolate coins, jewelry, clothes and even just for the laughs. L**O Poker has almost infinite variations in comparison to SoT.

    The point I’m making is that in this particular hypothetical circumstance you’re playing a version of a game where you aren’t happy with how the rest of the group plays it.

  • @mcstabbypants said in PvP/PvE Option:

    @kall-sands Meh facts don't require your belief or acknowledgment to be facts.

    Beliefs aren’t enough to go off of to base your claims. This is why I stay out of politics for the most part, because people are more inclined to form opinions based off ideals and not reality.

  • I will stand by my previous statement that Rare made no bones about this being an open PvP world. The YouTube videos people posted showed this. I do feel this game needs an influx of PvE content to give people things to do than just attack each other. PvE severs only...no that is not a solution.

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