PC Price

  • I would like to kindly and humbly ask a question. Sea of Thieves looks like a gorgeous game and I had many intense moments while playing, pretty much always enjoying my time in Beta. The question is simple and I feel bad about asking company with such natural skill of keeping up with the community and making a great game, if there is possibility, that initial price of the PC version would drop in matter of time.
    I don´t have money for game I seem to have fallen love with and understand the need to make profit in order to... ehm... be succesful and making the game great.
    Since PC version is connected with Win Store (which... eh eh... whatever) I can´t imagine price drops like with games connected to different and more popular platforms.
    Thank you kindly for your answer and have a great wind for the sails you earthworms.

  • 32
  • @uniformcarp8468 its not going to get cheaper i mean its only 50 pound do like chores around the house or if your old enough get a job

  • @uniformcarp8468 you can get the game through an Xbox Game Pass subscription for $10 USD per month. It also comes with a 14-day free trial so you'll be able to play free for two weeks. If you're on PC you'll only be able to play 'Play Anywhere' titles, but it's a cheaper option until you can afford it. When you finally decide to purchase, you'll get a discount for having Game Pass.

  • @shadowstrider-7 Im not sure if the games pass works with PC, so im not how how Sea Of Thieves would fit into that with it being play anywhere.

    @UniformCarp8468 Microsoft do alot of sales and specials and they change out every week, i wouldnt expect one for a couple of months at launch. But i can all but guarantee in about 6 months probably less you will be able to pick it up for like £20-30. Maybe the xbox summer sale. :)

  • @knifelife it works. A friend of mine uses it for both his Xbox and PC. You can only play the 'Play Anywhere' titles on PC, though. That means there will be over 100 titles that you won't be able to enjoy.

  • @benplaysgames52 Its still cheaper then here in The Netherlands 70 euro. If i count 50 pound its 56 euro. Why the differents are so big? Do i miss something? I mean i pay for it but it seems weird there so different in other countries

  • @sloompie diffrent vat i suppose

  • It's not even on steam so you can't even count on steam sales.

    When was the last time XBL had a sale on new content?

  • It's not a PC game, it's an Xbox game with play anywhere functionality.

  • @uniformcarp8468

    Tbh I don't think Rare decides on the pricing. That's probably microsofts doing. Also, to charge about 65eur which it is where I live (Sweden) for a indie game is kinda over the top. even AAA games like GTA V was cheaper, I bought the pre order edition for about 35-40eur. I don't know how they can justify the pricing considering the platform they're launching it on. We can't even be sure that the servers will be good etc.

  • @drunkbellic This is not really an indie game as far as I am concerned. Rare is not an independent studio, they're under the hands of Microsoft.

  • @greenswede Yes, well indie or not I haven't heard of any other game that they've made and I think the price is a bit much since I have no idea what to expect, also I think the price tag is gonna scare off a lot of people and then it might kill the game almost instantly on launch.

    Overall I think the 65 euro price tag is overkill for any game (if not promised season pass or something of the sort) and it is only worth it for the xbox owners who also own a PC since they already pay way to much for every new game.

    I mean let's be honest, the gaming industry is going to s**t. All the companies are selling games way to expensive and then expecting us to pay even more to get all the content in the form of a DLC or micro-transactions or something like that. ex: The Sims 4 or Star Wars Battlefront II.
    How can we be sure that if we pay 65eur for this game they won't do the same thing just to get more money out of our pockets?

  • @drunkbellic you haven't heard of any other other game they've made? really? donkey kong? conker? banjo kazooie? Goldeneye 007? they've been making games for a long time.
    here's a list : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_games_developed_by_Rare

  • @spr1nk excuse me, I thought it was obvious that I meant recently and a PC game. It doesn't matter if you have made 1 million NES games or something like that. It won't make you good at making PC games. In fact it might make you worse and please don't make me explain why...

  • This is not a PC game, it is an Xbox game with play anywhere

  • @spykus wrong... it IS a pc (windows 10) game that is also on Xbox.

  • @zalavaaris Well, what you're saying isn't wrong BUT....
    The overall menudesign and controldesign of the game is build for a console.

  • @chilmus Some PC gamers are using a controller ;)

    For me it's a PC and Xbox One game

  • @drunkbellic

    i take it you havent played the public beta then?! and please do explain why making 1 million NES games might make you bad at making PC Games, I would love to know the arguement behind this 'theory'.

  • I wouldnt hold your breathe. Its interesting that most complaints for the price stem from pc players (honestly all prices across countries are a ridiculous, its an ongoing joke that whatever the cost in the USA they just swap the $ for £ in the UK) which clearly is a result of the fact this is a play anywhere title and not a specific pc game, you may hate it but its looking like itll be the standard with microsoft.

    Games are getting dearer yes, but so is the production value of games, thats not to say Ea and Ubi will not still throw out shoddy games grasping for easy money with the lootbox scandal with BF2 and they should 100% be called out for that "nonesense". Going to watch a film these days costs upwards of £20 for 2hrs. if you get more than 3hrs worth of joy out of the game youre already getting more value than a movie.

  • @coyote4711 I would say the fact that they TRIED to balance the long sight rifle by lowering mouse sensitivity for pc tells me they are out of touch with the pc gaming community. And have obviously never heard of a sniper setting on most gaming mice. Which is probably due to mostly focusing on console games. But that's just one thing.

    Edit: please don't think that this means that I DONT love this game because I do. I think the inclusion of an fov slider, frame rate cap, and 21:9 support means they obviously care about pc consumers and I really thank them for it. I'm just saying that without constant pc game development, they may miss or not think about something that a more seasoned pc developer might consider.

  • The Xbox is not needed to use Game Pass, for an activation or something ?
    You can just buy it and start using all "Play Anywhere" games on PC immediately ?

  • @thejolirouge yes

  • Did I see someone in this thread refer to RARE as an indie developer? I'm not sure I can comprehend that, it's a AAA title from a AAA title with a AAA price tag.

    The price difference is indeed set my microsoft, and then by each subsequent regional leadership based on all sorts of considerations(read: capitalistic pull) so there's nothing they can do about it, and they probably won't be able to run sales.

  • The price for PC is unusual, and I hope that the developer will not always price up.

  • As much as i like the concept of this great title, ive put in plenty of hours during beta, there is no way im spending $60 on this.

    Heres why: Ive been a gamer all my life, from Atari, comm 64, owned most RARE games, to now. I now know what I should be expecting for my buck.. A great thing about PC is when you want a new game you dont have to spend $60 for something you may not even put 100 hours into, instead you can find a charm on many of the other services including steam and get far more hours of entertainment for your buck. On the flip side, yes i have spent $60 on a PC game, and plan to do so for Far Cry (as i have in the past). The difference between the two $60 games is huge(from detail to combat complexity), there is literally only a handful of things to do on SoT, as great as it is =( .
    I figure the price is locked on the Pc version because they wanted to keep the MSRP to be fair for the console players, but damn, lower it for them too. Let me know when the price drops fingers crossed there will still be enough players by then

  • @face-0-o Currently actually there's a big sale with A LOT of brand new games discounted, SoT will probably be on sale in the near future for like 10-20$ off

  • Sadly the price if overhelming here in my country (Brazil) its like american citizen paying 250US$ for the game =(

  • I'll bet you can expect a sale on the game in November at minimum, during that last push for holiday sales.

  • @hayden-almeida

  • Thread has been locked as it is a necro'd thread.

27 out of 32