Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • You guys didnt fix the single weapon glitch? I just got it again...

  • First:
    congratulations for the game and good job with patch

    any improvement on the servers?
    the ping was 200 in average. Are the azure below the expected?

    • during a normal game several times the characters teleport back
    • during pvp. The ping here of 200 went to 500 becoming unplayable or very frustrating.
  • @wociscz You can find the latest on the link below :D

  • Why is the update 19gb?

  • Good show! Can't wait to test is out!

  • @jaysan003 sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    Big overhaul and getting things done. Thanks!

    Regarding your announcement involving deathcost, i was wondering if the Ferry maybe could become a more social place if there was more to do. For those between-heaven&hell-types amongst ourselves. If so, maybe the Ferry could be getting more levels to explore that could have some minigames of some sort? Just an idea. 😁

    Keep up the good work!

    I would love the idea of a minigame to respawn. Instead if just paying gold xou vould choose between playing a simple and fun minigame or pay x gold to respawn asap.

  • Good start guys! However there's some bugs that are neither fixed nor stated as known issues. Does that mean that these have not been reported? I ask because it takes a good day to upload the videos of each of them and was hoping to see them here

  • @lumpaywk You seem to be completely ignoring the perspective that I might not be the one doing the "jumping". I could be defending, from a ship are trying to get what they didnt work to get, and can easily come back every 2 mins with a fresh ship while depleting our supplies completely obliterating the accomplishment of our sinking them... Your argument is very narrowminded I feel.

  • @khaleesibot cheers

  • @khaleesibot Can we get a build number in the release notes, please? Win10 is not easy to get a straight answer out of and a build number would help confirm which release we're on. Mine currently says SoT is build 2.75.880.2 which doesn't line up with the release version you have here: 1.0.1

    Or a version (like the 1.0.1) in the title screen would be very useful. Thanks!

  • @khaleesibot I haven't seen this acknowledged anywhere, but I'd really like to know if the cyanbeard error is known about and being worked on. It seems to be an issue with using ipv6, which I have no way to turn off. The game kicks me a couple times per day and gives me a cyanbeard error.

  • @nis4232 sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    The whole game needing to be reinstalled for an update is a problem with the Unreal Engine that the game runs on, not anything SoT does. This is true for games like PUBG, Fortnite, aHiT, and of course SoT.

    Things missing in this update that need some sort of attention:

    • Ships respawning too close to where they were sank. If you make this a PvP only scenario, make it so it cannot be abused (scuttling before getting sunk, terrain getting the "kill" despite a PVP encounter happening, etc)
    • Sinking an enemy ship needs to drop their supplies as barrels or something if the above bullet cannot be done. It takes planks, bananas, and cannonballs to defeat someone. It can be done before they use theirs and they'll simply keep coming back until i'm all out of them. If i can use their unused supplies then i don't get punished for winning 4 times in a row.
    • Private crews. Need the ability to create a crew that people cannot be matchmade into. Imagine needing to restart the game every time another one of your friends comes online/goes offline..

    I agree with that. we started with 3 ppl on a boat, when a 4th friend came online. He had to wait until we finished ozr quest to join us. Thats quite annoying.
    And its kinda funny to have 8 cannons but only 4 ppl to run the ship. A 5th or 6th person wont hurt that much.

  • Great job on patching for bug fixes relatively quickly. A few of my friends and myself are experiencing "rubber-banding," or getting stuck in place very briefly while moving around, when a lot of people are close to an area. Is this known about? Is there a fix for that in this patch? Thank you.

  • @shrek-t-t said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @tuukkatl i shoot a pc player point blank with blunderbus 3 times and they hit me once i blow up a gunpowder barrel a pc players is carrying im 20 feet away i die he dont. I get 1 shot by pc players all the time, and galleon vs galleon i have sails perfectly enemy ship thats pulling away had 1 sail to left 1 to right 1 flat should work like a parachute but dont

    I'm pretty sure it is about something else. There is no way pc players have more hp or faster ships :D I mean, could he have been eating bananas while you were shooting at him. Was the guy you shot in water with the barrel and were you on your ship or dry land ? You get one shot by pc players because they probably are very good at shooting, I'm sure there a plenty of Xbox players capable of doing the same thing.

  • Cant find the right place to report that my in game pirate hair color changed from Red too Black, I want my red haired pirate back please.

  • good update only gripe is full re download that going take me 10hours
    i hope all future updates can be patched

  • @kgmshylian said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot Unfortunately I don't see an important part addressed here. There is still no change in ships respawning after sunk (in PVP) too close? I hoped we would see distance added to that this patch. I hope we will see distance added in the next patch. Having to kill the same persistant ship each 4-5 mins is getting really annoying real fast.. while they get their rescources renewed, you stand your ground and have no way to replenish as fast as they get their stuff back each spawn. Unrewarding to those who defended their place already. This was an important issue and short term fix would have been to make them spawn farther away, or into one of the other 2 Seas even.

    Edit: edited, because @Pir4te-Roberts pointed it out that this was purely a patch containing various fixes and no content tweaking.

    and I think something need to be added to battle ships and get rewards (XP and GOLD) for kills and sink boats, something simple like every tripulant lose 300-500 gold if they boat is sinked and after sink the boat you can get a chest with this gold from where the boat was sinked.
    Plus one more important think is add more delay on respawns, or create os "battle ship" mode, when you start a battle with other ship you have a maximum lifes, and if you die X times you cannot respawn anymore, I like travel with the little boat and one more friend, we raided many times a galleon and killed all crew many times but there is no point of that as they respawn and respwen again and again.

  • @ohrstrom said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk You seem to be completely ignoring the perspective that I might not be the one doing the "jumping". I could be defending, from a ship are trying to get what they didnt work to get, and can easily come back every 2 mins with a fresh ship while depleting our supplies completely obliterating the accomplishment of our sinking them... Your argument is very narrowminded I feel.

    even as close as they are you have time to sail away when they spawn. so if your being attacked its not an issue. if you cant outrun a ship that far away you have bigger issues.

  • @lumpaywk You can outrun sure but thats all you can do, you cant continue what you were doing because they will always just be moments away.

    I still stand firm that some sort of delay should be implemented. Id rather be forced to "start anew" in one way or another when sunk, than have ships coming back after 2 mins, when I was supposed to have "won".


  • @bamagijoe13-0 You can fix that single weapon bug by killing yourself (Drown) when you respawn it's fixed.


  • @ohrstrom To counter that problem of sinking a ship and the attacker getting free fresh supplies the sunk ship should let the cannon balls etc... float just like the chests (Barrels)

    If you manage to sink a ship 10 cannon balls 5 banana's and 5 wood planks should float to the surface helping replenish your stock which levels the playing field if they decide to come back with a fresh ship. Still gimps you a little since they get 20 seconds to grab an additional 20 cannon balls etc... before sailing back but gives you something to protect yourself with.

  • So can I update it right now? To do so do I need to uninstall and reinstall on PC?

  • Now don't get me wrong, the fixes are good... but 20 GB???

  • @el-jay2010 if you have the game via xbox game pass - you are now stuck till they fix it - if you update your game disappear from gamepass subscription and that it is for now. This error last for 5hours now...

  • Hi guys, sorry for my bad english, but i can't find the update!?
    I have the GamePass Test Version and the Game crashed today cause of a Video Driver Error. All drivers have been updated and are up to date. Now i can't play the Game because of the 0x803F8001 error. Can't find a 20 GB Update in Microsoft Store or Xbox App... Don't know, what to do...
    EDIT: Doesn't matter, i have deinstalled the game and now i can't download it. I have only the choice to buy it. 14-Day-Gamepass, played 2 days... Alright!
    Microsoft Store is a pain in the ***... The overview in this forum is catastrophic.

  • 20 Go !

    Please ! This is all the game we redownload again ?!
    We don't have all a damn fibre or fast connexion... please start thinking about no "big city players !"

    This will take 2 or 3 days for downloading that and only if i'm doing nothing on my PC and only if he running 24/24 - 7/7 !
    No stream, no play, no TV, No Smartphone, nothing...

    Did you refund my gamepass ? Obviously No !
    So now i'm f****d for the 10 day left on my trial, or i should wait do nothing for the 2 or 3 next day for use the last time on my gamepass... thanks !

    I know it's not you'r fault, but it's not mine too ! And no i will not change my home for a better internet.

    So please never do that again ! Or well, the game will continue without me...

    Peace & Prospértity : Elgoroht

  • @wociscz I do not. I bought pre-ordered it digitally.

  • Update sounds awesome, im really loving the game so far however after downloading this 18gb on the xbox one x, when i select the game i get a notice saying 'do you own this game or app?'and asks me to sign in when i already am. Have tried hard reset and other things but no luck, it may be a problem with using the game with a 14 day trial xbox game pass -(but am definitely considering buying the full game.) i look forward to this issue being sorted so i can sail again if you have any idea of an ETA for a fix that would be spot on

  • Would be nice to see enemy nameplates being shown from a distance until you're right next to them, the number of times that I have been able to see players which I normally wouldn't have been able to see, fail to sneak up on my ship because their nameplate shows from miles away, even when they're underwater.

    Also, the Aimbot that Skeleton Gunners have needs to be changed, at the moment they never miss unless you do some dodgy movements, give them a hit chance so it's possible for them to miss or hit for less damage. Right now if you get in the way of 2-3 gunners together it's an instant death which is ridiculous.

    Missions need to scale rewards to the player's current rep level, doing high-level missions just to get a 100g chest every time which gives no reputation either makes leveling any further harder for no reason.

    Add as well as give equipment attributes. At the moment there is literally no reason to buy anything in the game apart from rep levels and voyages since there's nothing else to gain apart from looking better, an example of this would be a reinforced front barge for a ship upgrade for people who have a play style of ramming other ships or a reinforced hull which could be countered with more powerful cannons, Character clothing/Armor to protect vs sharks or sword more etc.. there is so much that could be done to improve and mix up gameplay which isn't beging explored at the moment which every game reviewer of the game as caught on, it's a shame since this has a decent foundation overall.

    Lastly, Guilds/Clans would a good idea for people who have larger friend groups than 4 people, would be nice to be able to have a crew of more than 4 working on the bigger ship. Considering there are 8 Cannons, it's a bit silly to not be able to have up to that many people manning them.

  • @el-jay2010 so i think you are ok to update... the problem has only gamepass players.

  • @assassin-x-jack it is, this feature would make it to where a ship wouldn't want to go back to a fort 7 times every time they respawn which is very annoying

  • @khaleesibot So if we are on PC do we have to uninstall and reinstall the game?

  • @khaleesibot yesh 19 gb

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