Article #3 the pirate code

  • Article #3 is very, very obviously intended to mean "don't SWAT people who sink you".

  • @crusader-zorro im not complaining im sharing my personal interpertation of the article and how i play the game. I appreciate the free will of this game. If other agree with how i play and happen to start playing the same way are me then thay will make the sea of thieves a better place for all pirates

  • @brudda-swakley correct we are all allowed to interpret it differently but the problem we could run into is reporting people because of our own interpretations. That is the issue I have. You shouldn't promote reporting someone because they don't see it the way you do.

  • @tzeraph said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This is although gonna turn out to be a contested thread from the PvP and the PvE community. This have happened in most games where they decide to mix the two. Some want unlimited freedom to attack others everywhere and anytime, some want freedom to roam the seas doing trade. The blend is problematic.

    yet some will leave and some will stay and at the end it will balance the toxic player will leave soon and things will balance. seeing this already happen only a week in, a lot less every ship attack us and more people just doing what they were off to do unless you doing skull forts of course...

  • @tzeraph The way i see it, they rare sold this game to be open world no safe zones. They clearly said, nothing is yours until its returned.

    If they don't like that then they purchased the wrong product, that part of the game has never been miss sold. Was always nothings yours until its returned.

  • As others have mentioned, this is meant to keep disputes resolved in game rather than on forums and etc.

    Plus, when you're docked at port, you technically still are 'on the waves.' :D

  • @m0nstro i can agree the reporting part was a bit extreme sir ill edit it out.

  • @brudda-swakley

    My take on the article has been mentioned in this discussion already by other. but sure, i'll gladly explain since you ask.

    I think it was never ment to prevent pvp or in that matter unfair or griefing-like pvp. yeah griefing is annoying, spawnkilling aint fun. but that article doesnt restrict any of this or even forbid it.

    this article is about the community guidelines, its not a rule book how this game is to be played since the game is design to be incredible open on what you do and how you do it.
    this article aims at heated discussions and arguements.
    this article basically says: treat each other with respect and dont resort to toxic behavior via voicechat or the forums instead use what has been given to you and settle your dispute in game, however that might look. 'on the waves' is not to be taken literaly, even though you are on the waves most of the time, except when you are at an outpost or on an island, but it doesnt matter. 'on the waves' could be replaced by 'in game' but that wouldnt sound pirate enough for the matter.

    So, if you got a dispute with a player, let cannons, guns and cutlasses do the talking. its settled then. go on about your business and be a good sport about it.

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    @redshirt-r5 the free will in this game lets us as a community set the standard for how this codes are handle in actual game play. If the community as a whole respects the standard set by their fellow pirates this would allow for a better expirence for everyone. Also im good at the game so i have not problem fighting it out with who ever. Im just putting this out there because if more people thought likw this or like my idea then it make the see of thives more enjoy and challenging for everyone.

    Hey, I wish you luck. But my almost 30 years of playing online games, with all sorts of different people, lead me to believe that it isn't going to change much.

    Personally, I'm of the mindset of leaving players alone within the boundaries of an outpost. You don't attack me, I won't attack you. Does it work out like that? It happens very rarely. You make a cannon run against me while at an outpost? Well as I usually sail with clan mates, we don't let that go unanswered. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but we never let that offense go unanswered. Same as being attacked on land within the outpost. It does not go unanswered.

    The SoT community is composed of several different type of players. Many of them, not all of them, don't respect squat. They are out for their own jollies and they don't care about any player agreements as long as they don't get banned from the game. And sometimes they don't care if they get banned either as long as they get their jollies in.

    It hasn't changed in my time playing online, and I suspect it won't in yours either. Sadly.

  • @redshirt-r5 i definitely agree with the no attack goes unanswered and how have you been playing online games for 30 years i thought that home enternet came out when i was like 5 when windows 95 came out. Im not throwimg shade im just questioning my childhood lol. Im only 27. Is the 30 year thing literal or did i just not comprehend the internet around when i was younger

  • @brudda-swakley I think it only means at a outpost personally. Once I was just at a shop, my ship completly empty and was litterly just shopping. Come another crew and kills me for nothing.... WHY?!

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